Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3698: The power of terror

"Boy, you are too arrogant!"

The black shadow hidden in the monstrous ghost mist was completely furious and let out a stern roar.

Countless resentment ghosts and fierce souls rushed out from different places in the Moon Yin Valley, rushing toward this side.

Moon Yin Valley is a ghost valley that nourishes all ghosts.

During the long years, a large number of ghosts have accumulated, and at this moment, almost all of them are dispatched to kill Lin Fei.

"Li Gui upper body!"

The dark shadow roared.


More than a dozen cyan ghosts, transformed into cyan rays, rushed into his body, and merged into one.

After fusing a dozen cyan ghosts, the aura exuded by that dark shadow climbed rapidly and became even more terrifying.


That dark shadow finally walked out of the monstrous ghost fog.

It turned out to be an old man in sackcloth with a pale face and a pair of ghost pupils.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The old man in Mai rushed towards Lin Fei like a zombie, and the aura he exuded was at least ten times stronger than before.

Where his figure passes, the space is smashed.


A pair of cold-hearted ghost claws quickly grabbed Lin Fei.

The laws of the monstrous ghosts turned into dark chains, blocking the sky.

There are also black rune rules, like a group of deep-sea fish, submerging Lin Fei.

Lin Fei stood still.

At this moment, a figure was passing through the Moon Yin Valley at an astonishing speed.

This figure is Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei's body came outside of the Moon Yin Valley, his divine consciousness, slightly perceiving, was to know things clearly, strode into the Moon Yin Valley, and walked in.

Lin Fei cultivated into a complete Tai last Zhoutian induction chapter, and the power of the physical body reached an incredible strength.

At this moment, Lin Fei made no secret of his physical strength, pouring out.


In the Moon Yin Valley, there seemed to be a tyrannosaurus from the ancient barbaric era. The ground was trampled and swayed and cracked continuously. Large cracks in the ground that were thousands of meters wide remained behind Lin Fei.

As long as Lin Fei passed by, it would be completely unrecognizable and completely destroyed.


The old man in Mai could not help but roared.

"Are you scared."

Lin Fei looked at the old man in sackcloth with a playful smile.

"Boy, I will kill you first!"

The old man in Mai Yi was murderous, and he was so angry that he could see it.

In the Moon Yin Valley, seeing all kinds of terrifying attacks, Lin Fei's body was about to blast away, but Lin Fei was standing still, his expression calm.

"This kid, isn't he afraid of death?

Or, what's weird? "

Seeing this, the Mai Yi old man couldn't help feeling a little strange.

"Boy, don't pretend to be fools. In the face of absolute strength, whatever tricks you play is useless!"

The Mai Yi old man shouted sharply.

"This sentence, you are right!

In the face of absolute strength, it is useless to pretend to be a ghost. "

Suddenly, another Lin Fei came from a distance, unhurriedly.

Lin Fei's body is here!

Seeing this, the Mai Yi old man couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

"It turns out that you are just a clone!"

The old man in Mai looked at Lin Fei's clone with complicated eyes.

A clone also possesses such a powerful strength, then, isn't it even more powerful when the body comes.

call out!

Lin Fei's clone, unfolding his figure, instantly returned to the body, combining the two into one.


A terrifying coercion powerful enough to alarm the heavens and worlds was released from Lin Fei's body, spreading out in all directions.


With this coercion, wherever he went, all the grieving ghosts and spirits, no matter how strong or weak they were, were blown to pieces in an instant.

Including those ghost mists and ghosts surging over the sky, all ghosts were wiped out and wiped out.

Looking around, the entire Moon Yin Valley, as if the ice and snow encountered strong sunlight, all ghosts, black fog, laws of ghosts, and power of ghosts all began to melt quickly.

Thus, in the Moon Yin Valley, the sky began to become clear and sunny, with bright light.

Even the golden sunlight began to shine on this land.

It was originally a ghostly land, but in a blink of an eye, it turned into a sacred pure land!

Lin Fei didn't do anything at all, but just released his own physical coercion, and forcibly purified this small and famous forbidden land in the boundless chaotic sea, Moon Yin Valley.

This method is simply appalling.

"Stop, what are you doing!

You want to destroy my treasure! "

Seeing this, the Mai Yi old man couldn't help but his eyes were cracked, and he screamed.

This eighteen ghost superbirth place is his base camp for cultivation.

Over the years, I don't know how many powerful people from the outside world broke into the Moon Yin Valley and died here.

Moon Yin Valley accumulated a large amount of ghost energy, resenting ghosts and fierce souls, which was of great benefit to his cultivation, allowing him to break through to the half-step master god.

Therefore, Moon Yin Valley is too important for this old man in Mai.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Above the old man's body, there was a sudden raging burning, billowing black flames, and instantly the space was burnt to pieces.

The overwhelming darkness of ghosts was released magnanimously, and the whole world was as black as ink, with no end in sight.

The Moon Valley, which had been clear and clear just now, once again became lifeless, like a kingdom of death.

"Boy, I want you to die!"

The Mai Yi old man roared sharply, completely transforming into a cyan ghost with a height of hundreds of thousands of feet.


The tall green ghost came to Lin Fei to kill.

The earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking, and the weather changes.

"Old guy, go to hell."

Lin Fei was very calm from beginning to end.


Lin Fei's move was very simple, just a fist pushed forward flatly.

No tricks, secrets, or techniques were used.

It is the most primitive and simple movement, a punch.


As Lin Fei's fist pushed out, endless power rose from Lin Fei's body.

Kaka Kaka...

This piece of heaven and earth began to disintegrate, and time and space were fragile like tofu, and they fell apart in large areas.

The mushroom clouds of terrifying energy continue to rise.

It's like the end of the world is coming.

"how is this possible!"

The Mai Yi old man was so frightened, as Lin Fei punched him, a deep sense of crisis completely controlled him and made his creeps.


At this moment, every pore of Lin Fei was blowing a hurricane of energy, and every pore released the power of destruction.

"What power is this?


This power is already close to the main god.

Why do you have such a terrifying power for a junior boy! "The old man in Mai Yi screamed in deep fear.

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