Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3701: Lord of War

However, at this moment.

Lin Fei's eyes were cold after hearing the words of the main **** of the underworld, Huo Di stopped, slowly turned around, eyes like the blade of a knife, and looked back.

"Lord God, is it amazing?

Well, today, I will fight the Lord God. "

Lin Fei said word by word.

Lin Fei is confident that even if he can't beat the Lord God, there should be no danger of his life.


Lin Fei didn't escape!

Could it be that he actually wanted to fight the Lord God? "

Countless strong men stared at the stopped Lin Fei, shocked to the extreme.

"This kid, why are you crazy?

Does he want to die! "

Among the three thousand worlds, the zodiac signs are all anxious.

"Let's go, let's go over quickly, go later, that boy Lin Fei, I'm afraid he will die!"

With a wave of the swallowing dog, the twelve zodiac signs joined forces to construct a long-distance transmission channel, which quickly moved towards Lin Fei's location.

"Haha, Lin Fei, I suddenly admire you a bit.

You have the courage to face me. "

Behind, a black shadow, Ruo Ruo Wu, quickly approached Lin Fei, releasing the law of rolling death, firmly controlling hundreds of billions of miles of space.

The thick and dark chains came out of the void with a smashing twist, intertwined into big dark nets, trapping Lin Fei in them.

"Are you amazing?

It's just that the training time is longer than mine.

When I live to your age, maybe I can destroy you with one hand. "

Lin Fei sneered, standing still, his face unchanged.


Yes, at your age, being able to possess such strength is indeed rare in the world.

But, do you think that when you live to my age, you can definitely break through and become the main god.

Really wishful thinking.

Do you think the lord **** is Chinese cabbage?

As soon as the year arrives, will it be possible to achieve breakthroughs?

Do you know how many half-step master gods are in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and they will not be able to touch the master **** realm during their lifetime. "

The main **** of the underworld replied with a cold snort.

"Perhaps, I can kill you without breaking through to the main god."

Lin Fei said.


Okay, today, I will let you see how the Lord God is.

Soon, you will understand how far away you are from the Lord God! "

The main **** of the underworld said angrily.


He furiously made a move and slapped Lin Fei with a palm.

In the palm of the hand, a darkness bloomed, as if it could swallow the world, contain everything in it, and wipe it out.

At this moment, the endless void was shrouded in darkness, all the light disappeared, and only darkness and terrible death remained.

This is a law of death that has been urged to the extreme, so that everything in the world is destroyed.


Lin Fei didn't hesitate at all, the eighteen human worlds in his body immediately boiled.

Above the flesh, a terrifying power is released.

In an instant, Lin Fei rushed out of his body, more than a hundred human gods!

There is also a dragon!

Lin Fei is above the earth, in the Cultivation Tai Zhou Tian Induction chapter, every time a human world is developed, a human **** will be born.

After the development of one hundred and eight human body worlds, Lin Fei lived in more than one hundred human gods!

More than a hundred human gods, each using different techniques and methods, collapsed in combat power, and joined forces to fight forward.

This is a terrifying force.

All the creatures who witnessed this scene were shocked.

"With this trick, Lin Fei can dominate the world!"

Countless creatures are amazed in their hearts.


Three identical Lin Fei appeared, and they threw their fists forward at the same time.

This is the secret technique of one qi transforming three clears.

"Huh, a little way!"

The main **** of the underworld said coldly.


The dark chains condensed from the law of death, pierced through the void, densely packed, rushing towards Lin Fei.

Puff puff……

The three Lin Fei slammed their fists at the same time, blasting the dark chains to pieces.

"Lin Fei, it is not easy for you to do this.

But still to die! "

The lord **** of the underworld approached Lin Fei, his appearance was much clearer, vaguely visible, he was a tall and dark creature.

Behind him, the vast world of the underworld was reflected. Under his feet, there was an endless corpse, like a world-familiar demon, and the hair was wrapped in a rich law of death.


In the darkness, a black big halberd appeared, and the black light broke through the sky, and it struck Lin Fei. The huge halberd blade flashed a terrible light, as if it could break all obstacles.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and sprayed, and the bright flying sword greeted him.


That sharp flying sword blasted to pieces on the spot and turned into a rain of light, scattered in all directions.

"So strong!"

Lin Fei used his physical power, the secret technique of reincarnation, and coordinated with the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms, to retreat quickly, avoiding a blow.

While retreating, Lin Fei displayed his heart sword and slashed into the body of the landlord god.

However, the main **** of the underground palace, only slightly shakes his body, and pushes the heart sword out of his body.

The interference received is extremely small, almost negligible.

Lin Fei understood that his current level of Heart Sword had no effect on the Lord God.


The pitch-black halberd swept Lin Fei's chest, causing Lin Fei's chest to explode in an instant, and a huge blood hole appeared, revealing the internal organs.

"The combat power of the Lord God is really powerful!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Imagine that Lin Fei has the physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth, the physique of a Tianjin tribe, and he has cultivated the complete Supreme Zhou Tian induction chapter. The physical quality is already incredible.

It is estimated that even the body of the Lord God is not necessarily stronger than Lin Fei's body!

Now, a blood hole was actually broken.

One can imagine how terrifying the attack power of a main **** is.

However, this was just a small injury to Lin Fei.

In less than half a second, Lin Fei's wound completely recovered.

Did not suffer the slightest loss.


The three Lin Fei screamed up to the sky at the same time, their physical strength, tumbling, glowing all over, and the 108 human worlds in their bodies seemed to be ignited and boiled.

"Lord God also hit it!"

The three Lin Fei were full of hairs upright, and every inch of their body was releasing energy, and every cell seemed to hide infinite energy. The blood was boiling, and the power was surging.


The three Lin Fei, from three different directions, punched at the same time and hit the main **** of the underworld.

While swinging his fist, Lin Fei also urged the Secret Technique of Reincarnation to the extreme, and all of a sudden, he approached the Landlord God.

Three fists hit at the same time. In this space, the terrifying extreme energy is rushing in chaos, terrifying.

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