Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3707: Gateway to the Celestial Realm

The main god, completely withdrew from the door, stared at an eye bigger than the stars, staring at the gap vaguely, as if looking at the situation behind the bronze door.

The other main gods also used great supernatural powers to perceive the world within the two bronze gates.

Including Lin Fei, it also released the power of divine consciousness and cooperated with various divine and soul secret methods to forcefully penetrate the door and penetrate the door.

However, there are mysterious laws blocking the door, making it difficult to see what is going on inside.

Other creatures, seeing a main god, couldn't break in either.

Naturally dare not try easily.

"Mr. Mu, what is going on.

Last time, a creature broke into it.

This time, even I couldn't break in. "

The main **** who withdrew from the door turned to look at Mr. Mu and asked in a loud voice.

Yes! Other creatures also have this doubt, all staring at Mr. Mu, wanting to hear his answer.

"The greatest possibility is that each period of weakness of this portal's seal power is different.

The last time, possibly, was when the seal power was the weakest.

Although this time was also a period of weakness, the sealing power was relatively weaker than the previous one. "

Mr. Mu said.

"We want to go in, and may have to wait for the next time, the period of weakness of the seal power."

Mr. Mu added.

"So, the master behind the portal.

With him checking in, it is difficult for us to break in. "

The main **** who entered the door just now said.

"Actually, that is also part of the seal power.

If the seal power of the door becomes weak enough, the master behind the door should also become weak. "

Mr. Mu said.

"Of course, this is just my calculation.

I can't guarantee that it is correct. "

Mr. Mu said.

"Mr. Mu's deduction is unparalleled in the world, and it has always been extremely accurate.

Since it was made by Mr. Mu, it must not be wrong.

Mr. Mu, please deduce, when will the next period of weakness of this portal's seal power be?

At that time, I will come back to this portal for a while! "

Said the main **** who entered the door.

"I need to go back and deduce slowly. In the Highest World, the cause and effect involved is very important. It can't be deduced in a moment.

At that time, I will announce the results of the deduction. "

Mr. Mu said.

"Well, I will go back and wait for Mr. Mu's deduction.

Mr. Mu, I'm leaving! "

The main **** arched his hand to Mr. Mu, his figure disappeared.

The other main gods also saluted Mr. Mu at the same time, and then disappeared.

It can be seen that these main gods respect Mr. Mu.

Because they usually go to Mr. Mu for advice when they encounter any unanswerable questions.

at this time.

The two bronze gates have been completely closed.

The powerful seal power pervades out.

"Let's go, too, and wait until the next period of weakness in the sealing power."

Other creatures also left one after another.

"It seems that last time, a creature really broke in, so it is very likely that Miss Ren has already entered this portal."

Lin Fei remembered what the main **** said just now.

"Not bad.

Miss Ren's breath was cut off when she came here.

The only explanation is that she has entered this portal. "

The Chinese zodiac nodded in agreement.

"Well, let's look elsewhere first to see if there is any clue."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

The two bronze gates were already closed, and the seal on the gates was so powerful that there was no way for Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac to break through the gates.

So it's no use staying here.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac used their body techniques to move towards other areas, using the laws of time and space to make calculations, while using their powerful divine consciousness to perceive to find Ren Shanshan's whereabouts.

However, for more than ten days, Lin Fei and the Zodiac traveled most of the boundless Chaos Sea and found no clues related to Ren Shanshan.

Lin Fei's slave to the True God is the same, without any discovery.

"No need to look anymore.

Miss Ren, must have entered the two bronze gates.

Let's go back to the three thousand worlds first, and wait for the next time when the portal seal power is weak. "

Lin Fei said.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac returned to the world of 3,000 sizes with those true **** slaves.

"Boy, there is one thing, I think I'm definitely interested.

follow me. "

Just after Lin Fei stepped into a three-thousand-sized world, the Chaos World Tree appeared in front of Lin Fei and said in a loud voice.


Lin Fei is a bit strange, and the Chinese zodiac is following the Chaos World Tree.

After a while.


The Chaos World Tree pointed to the space ahead and said.

"A portal!"

Lin Fei and the Zodiac screamed at the same time.

In the void ahead, a huge portal stood there.

Two bronze gates full of the vicissitudes of time are closed together.

On the plaque of this portal, there are three ancient characters written on it.

Celestial World! "This is the gateway to the Celestial Realm!"

Lin Fei was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the portal of the heaven and human world was also revealed.

"What happened? There are already three portals to the highest world outside, revealed.

Here is another one.

I always feel a bit weird.

Could it be that this indicates that something big will happen? "

Tianguo said.

"Not bad.

I think something must have happened in these supreme worlds.

Maybe something has changed. "

The goat guessed.

"I'll try!"

The tiger suddenly walked forward, waved the tiger fist, and struck it towards the portal of the heaven and human world.

Boom...A series of bright runes rose from the portal, rippling with terrifying energy.

The tiger was shocked on the spot and backed back again and again, grinning.

The tiger paw he shot out became red and swollen, with blood oozing out.

"Good guys! Don't mess with it!"

The tiger shook his head and exclaimed.

"I'll try."

Lin Fei stepped forward and said in a loud voice.

Rumble...Lin Fei waved his right fist and blasted towards the door.

At the same time as punching, more than one hundred human worlds in the body were boiling at the same time.

The endless chaotic essence is blessed on the fist.

At the same time, the physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth, the physique of the Tianjin tribe, was also activated, inheriting runes one after another, surging out, blessing on the fist.

This punch was equivalent to Lin Fei's physical strength, all of which were used without reservation.

boom! Lin Fei's fist slammed on the two bronze gates.

Rumbling... The terrifying energy shock wave, centered on Lin Fei's fist and the two bronze gates, burst out in all directions, with a terrifying aura.

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