Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3722: Own technique

In the land of nothingness.

Above the altar.

As the days passed, Lin Fei always sat cross-legged.

About a month later.

Lin Fei opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a mysterious aura that was inexplicable.

Time and space, around Lin Fei's body, are constantly distorted, deformed, and illusory, like water waves.

At this moment.

Lin Fei felt that he was no longer under the control of time and space.

There is a feeling of detachment.

"Thank you seniors for spreading the law!"

Lin Fei stood up, said deeply and sincerely towards the Taoist priest.

In this month, Lin Fei's progress was tremendous.

Especially the law of reincarnation.

There is simply a qualitative leap.

At the same time, there has been tremendous progress on the laws of time and space.

"Haha, you are welcome.

Young man, your talent is beyond my expectation.

Among the young creatures I have seen in several lifetimes, no one can compare to you. "

The Taoist priest exclaimed.

During this month, he taught Lin Fei the Fa and discovered that Lin Fei's savvy was amazing.

No matter how complicated the problem is, Lin Fei will be able to understand it suddenly with a little guidance.

"Senior, how long have you lived?

Is it true that the creatures in the world can be reincarnated and reincarnated? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and asked.

With the deeper and deeper understanding of the law of reincarnation, Lin Fei became more interested in this question.

According to legend, everything in the world is in six reincarnations.

Any creature, as long as the soul is immortal, after death, will enter a reincarnation system, reincarnation, rebirth.

No one can tell whether this legend is true or false.

Even the Lord God did not know.

If we say that there is such a thing as reincarnation, then who can remember their previous lives?

If not, then, the legend about reincarnation has been passed down from generation to generation in the world, and there is endless talk, is it all fake?

"How long have I lived?

Reincarnation, rebirth? "

Hearing what Lin Fei said, the Taoist couldn't help sighing faintly. He raised his head and looked far away, his eyes penetrating the distant void, as if looking towards the unknown distant historical years and the unknown space.

"I can't answer you this question.

If you want to know the answer, you should practice hard to improve your strength.

When one day, your realm reaches the corresponding level, everything will be understood.

In short, the water of reincarnation is too deep.

I dare not leak secrets to you. "

After a while, the Taoist priest retracted his deep gaze, shook his head and said to Lin Fei.

When it comes to the secret of reincarnation, he keeps silent.

"All right.

Young man, there are so many things I have taught you.

You understand it well.

While cultivating the Tao, one must also practise skills.

I only pass on to you. In terms of surgery, I hope that you can perform deductions by yourself.

Remember, Tao is the root, technique is application, Tao is inside, and technique is appearance.

Tao is unchanged, but technique is changed.

There is only one kind of Tao, and there are thousands of techniques.

The most brilliant and powerful technique in the world is the technique that I deduced.

Okay, next, you're right here, give a good deduction, your own technique.

If there is any problem, I can answer it for you. "

Said the Taoist priest.

"Dao, He Shu..." Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a move after hearing the words of the Taoist priest.

"Dao is the fundamental, technique is the application, the Tao is the inside, the technique is the surface, the Tao is the same, the technique is changed, there is only one kind of the Tao, and there are thousands of techniques..." Lin Fei recalled the words of the Taoist priest. Seems to understand something.

"Well, I deduced my own technique!"

Lin Fei gently waved his palm forward, wherever he passed, time and space changed, and the laws were surging and bizarre.

Lin Fei first deduced the technique of the law of reincarnation.

The so-called technique is the specific evolution and application of the law of reincarnation.

Deducing one's own technique is equivalent to creating one's own secret technique! Yes, the Taoist priest just encouraged and guided Lin Fei to create his own secret technique.

As Lin Fei displayed the law of reincarnation, the surrounding time began to rippling, began to disintegrate, and became fragments of time and space, like butterflies flying in the sky.

And Lin Fei's body also became blurred.

It seems to be standing in a piece of time and space that is constantly changing, which is extremely unreal.

At this time, even if a main **** came here, it was a bit difficult to lock Lin Fei's real body.

Buzzing... A grand scripture sound related to the law of reincarnation began to sound, shaking the entire space and rumbling.

This is the space's response to Lin Fei's spellcasting, because Lin Fei's spellcasting touched the law of reincarnation hidden in the space, causing resonance and evolving into the sound of the scriptures.

"This is the time..." Above the altar, the chaotic light shone, and the divine fog was dense, and some special marks appeared in the surrounding space.

Those traces and imprints gradually became clear, and they seemed to belong to the ancient history.

Gradually, Lin Fei found that a series of special marks had surrounded herself.

He seemed to have walked into a period of mottled years.

Even, I became a member of these historical years! Time after time has been opened up continuously, and time after time has passed through history. In time after time, Lin Fei has been added! "How is this going?

! "

This kind of special experience, even Lin Fei himself, was a bit dazed, even a bit creepy.

Lin Fei clearly remembered that he was on that altar and was deducing his skills.

Unexpectedly, in a twinkling of an eye, I came to a period of different historical years, in a brilliant world, experiencing periods of different life.

Every period of life is full of vigor and passion.

At the beginning, Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded and could not accept it.

However, gradually, Lin Fei calmed down and entered his role.

In a strange world, Lin Fei performed a different life.

Thousands of lives have passed by just a few seconds! Finally, Lin Fei found that he had come to the last world and experienced the last great world.

This world is terrible.

One master after another, shouting and fighting fiercely.

All over the sky is the blood of the Lord God, destroying hundreds of thousands of miles of land and hundreds of thousands of miles of vanity.

In this last great world, battles continued, all spirits fought and fell.

In the end, the entire world was maimed.

The original law of chaos was completely broken.

Everything is destroyed! Absolute Space Sea was also beaten to pieces.

Then, the glorious world is over.

Begin to enter the era of the end of the law.

The prosperous age ended, and the gods died.

When energy is exhausted, the law is cut off.

The road of all souls, it seems, has come to an end, and there is no way out.

This is a sad and difficult time.

Lin Fei is walking in this era, feeling, searching, practicing, and struggling to find a way out.

"No! Everything must be overthrown and restarted! I want to find a way out! The world needs reincarnation!"

Lin Fei searched hard and refused to give up.

The last days are boundless, energy is exhausted, laws are ruined, and each creature begins to die.

Even the weakest ordinary creatures who cannot practice cultivation begin to die.

In the end, only Lin Fei remained alive in the entire world.

Lin Feipan sat in the dead, desolate, and confused apocalypse, thinking and deducing in a sad mood.

"Young man, hold on, you are going to perform your own skills soon."

On the altar, the Taoist priest and the monk who had been with him all the time were all paying attention to Lin Fei.

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