Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3726: Perfect your technique

"Lin Fei, what do we do next.

It's better to leave this weird space first. "

The Tianguo said to Lin Fei.

"Do not.

Let's go to Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu.

If you have grudges, you are not a gentleman.

The Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu wanted me to die so much, how could I easily let them go. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Yes! Go find those two old guys afterwards.

Take their lives while they are sick! "

The **** bull and the tiger were very supportive.

"Go, here, I have found them."

Lin Fei smiled and strode in one direction.

On this weird gray continent, Lin Fei's divine consciousness can perceive almost half of the area of ​​this continent. It is too simple to find two people.

at this time.

In this gray continent, in a certain ruin.

Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu hide in a dilapidated basement.

The two of them had fled for more than ten days in this continent, and finally, in the ruins, found this broken basement.

In this ruin, there is a very strong law of reincarnation.

The laws of reincarnation are manifested into gray ribbons, suspended in mid-air.

Therefore, this ruin is extremely difficult to be perceived.

As a result, Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu, with their hearts crossed, simply hid in this basement to recuperate.

It's just that the law of reincarnation had little effect on Lin Fei's perception.

Therefore, Lin Feineng immediately sensed the hiding position of the snake and the old lord.

"Let's heal the wound first.

I guess it will not be long before Tiansangzi will return.

As soon as Tiansangzi came back, our bitter days were over. "

Snake Fang said.

"Not bad.

At that time, it is time for us to take revenge. "

Old Lingzhu nodded.

The two of them, in the midst of adversity, hugged each other to keep warm. They did not have any suspicions and were very united.

At the same time, they were very confident in Tiansangzi, and felt that as long as Tiansangzi came back, it was time for them to turn over.

It's no wonder that the two of them have a deep understanding of the horror of Tiansangzi.

Just now.


Among the ruins, a figure appeared, stepping to the basement where the snake and the old lord were hiding.

"Hey, you two old dogs, think you can't find it by hiding here."

A laughter penetrated the ground and passed into the basement.

"It's Lin Fei!"

Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu were both frightened and angry.

"Lin Fei found us!"

Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu knew their whereabouts and had already been exposed.

"It's Lin Fei! No one else is here!"

Old Lingzhu suddenly shouted in a deep voice.

"Go, let's go out and kill this kid!"

The snake side showed its killing intent.

Shoo! Snake Fang and Old Ridge Master rushed out of the basement like lightning, one after another, surrounding Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, you are so brave, dare to come and see us alone!"

Snake Fang stared at Lin Fei with cold eyes and sneered.

"Hehe, you two old dogs are at the end of the battle, so what's the fear?

Come to see you, do you need much guts? "

Lin Fei was surrounded, very calm, and said with a slight smile.

"Arrogant! Lin Fei, your death date is here!"

Both Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu were provoked by Lin Fei's contemptuous attitude.

Although the two of them were injured, no matter how they were, they were also masters at the master **** level. Where could they be tolerated, a junior boy, in front of them, was so arrogant and rude.

"Do it, kill him!"

Snake Fang roared and immediately started.

boom! The snake side shot directly, a big yellow hand stuck out, and slapped Lin Fei forcefully, bringing a terrifying energy frenzy.

Lin Fei reached out and stroked forward.

A passage of reincarnation appeared, and all of a sudden, the big khaki hand was swallowed and exiled to a strange world.

But Lin Fei looked very relaxed and smiled.

Faced with the blow of the Lord God, Lin Fei's solution was simply four or two tricks! "what?

! "

Both Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu were stunned and shocked.

They could see that what Lin Fei was using was a very clever secret technique, and there was no way, and it was not worse than the secret technique they practiced! "Impossible! Lin Fei, your cultivation of the Law of Reincarnation actually reached this level!"

Snake's mind trembled a little.

"Let's do it together!"

Snake Fang roared, rolling energy and laws, released from his tall body, the supreme breath was flowing, crushing the void, causing the entire space to tremble.

boom! Standing behind Lin Fei, the old ling master took a palm shot, containing the essence of the world's tens of thousands of most subtle palm techniques, and his palm prints collapsed.

"Six ways of reincarnation open!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

The six passages of reincarnation appeared behind Lin Fei, swallowing all the palm prints attacked by the old ling master, and exiled to the world of reincarnation.

It can be said that the diligence in the law of reincarnation and the deduction of his own reincarnation technique gave Lin Fei the confidence to face the Lord God.

But not long ago, Lin Fei was still unable to face the warlord god.

Now, the reason why Lin Fei keeps looking for these main gods to fight fiercely, in fact, the most fundamental purpose is to use these main gods to polish and perfect his six reincarnation techniques! After all, any secret technique must be tested, polished, and perfected in actual combat.

Moreover, Lin Fei actually thought of using the Lord God to perfect his secret technique, which is simply crazy.

It is estimated that in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, there is only Lin Fei who dares to be so arrogant and so big.

Of course, Lin Fei has his own confidence, just a perverted, almost immortal physical quality, let Lin Fei dare to fight the Lord God.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei, more than a hundred human gods, and three heavenly dragons appeared at the same time, each performing a different secret technique, attacking the Snake Fang and Jiuling respectively.

At the same time, the law of reincarnation in this piece of ruins faintly echoed with Lin Fei, and began to surge frantically, converging towards Lin Fei.

Boom...Lin Fei was one-to-two, the more he fought, the more courage he got.

Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu couldn't take advantage of them for a while.

"how is this possible!"

Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu, the more they fought, the more surprised they were. They couldn't believe it.

Lin Fei actually played against them regardless of the outcome! You know, although the two of them are injured, they are still the main gods.

The faces of Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu were very ugly. They realized that the young man in front of them had really risen completely.

Owned, the strength against the Lord God! This means that the young man in front of him, from now on, has truly squeezed into the ranks of the most powerful and top masters in the boundless chaotic sea!

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