Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3729: Green Hairy Corpse

"Lin Fei, be careful, these guys are not easy to mess with!"

Tuntiangou was surprised.

It would not be easy for anyone to face tens of thousands of deadly half-step master gods.

It is estimated that even if a main **** comes here, facing these green-haired zombies, his face will turn green and take the initiative to avoid it.

"It's okay.

Seniors, don't come close.

They can't hurt me. "

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac.

Tens of thousands of green-haired zombies formed a corpse wall and surrounded Lin Fei in the center.

Obviously, as long as Lin Fei wants to continue crossing the river, these green zombies will swarm up and prepare to tear Lin Fei.

"I want to try it."

Lin Fei was not afraid, and stepped forward.

Swish...immediately, green-haired zombies rushed towards Lin Fei, all of them were infinitely powerful, easily smashing the space, and the speed was extremely fast, and the afterimages continued.

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, the bright flying sword dragged thousands and thousands of sharp waves of swords and cut it in all directions.

At the same time, Lin Fei displayed his heart sword.

Dangdangdang...The speed of the heart sword is much faster than that of the flying sword. I can only hear a series of continuous metal crashing sounds, like firecrackers, suddenly sounded.

The heart sword that Lin Fei displayed had no effect on the main god.

However, it still has a certain offensive effect on the half-step main god.

In an instant, almost every green zombie was hit by the Heart Sword, cracking his teeth and yelling at himself.

"That is, Lin Fei, this kid, can do it."

The Chinese zodiac is amazed again and again.

It's just that Lin Fei's attack aroused the ferocity of those green-haired zombies. They screamed and burst into corpses. They waved their sharp and long corpse claws and slaughtered Lin Fei. come.

"Six Ways of Reincarnation!"

Lin Fei stretched his hand forward, and six reincarnation channels emerged, emitting amazing devouring power, like the mouths of six monsters, swallowing away at the green-haired zombies.

On the spot, dozens of green-haired zombies were sucked into the six reincarnation channels, struggling desperately.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Fei stretched out and rushed to the other side of the river.

Roar...One by one, green-haired zombies, as if going mad, were extremely fast, like a tide, rushing towards Lin Fei.

The number of these green-haired zombies is too much, and each of them is a half-step master god, and it is very difficult to deal with.

The most frightening thing is that the corpses of these zombies are terribly hard, and with Lin Fei's power, they can't be smashed by a frontal hit. At most, they are broken hands and feet.

All, Lin Fei's attack can only contain them. He wanted to kill them completely, but it was impossible for a while.

Even the green-haired zombies trapped in the six passages of reincarnation struggled desperately, trying to crawl out.

These green-haired zombies, each one, seemed to have a deep understanding of the corpse law, and with every move, the terrifying power of the corpse law erupted, and the combat power was very terrifying.

Moreover, what made Lin Fei speechless was that there were even more green-haired zombies in the roaring river, rushing out continuously.

The endless green mist, frantically surging like a tide, swept across this world, completely submerging the world.

Moreover, there were waves of muddy waves of hundreds of thousands of feet, which rolled upside down and hit Lin Fei.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei was full of energy and blood, and his physical strength burst out. He blasted forward with a punch, knocking out several green-haired zombies on the spot.

Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of reincarnation, one step at a time, and it seemed that he was no longer in this world.

After a while, Lin Fei actually walked to the middle of the river step by step.

The zodiac signs, one by one, were frightened and worried for Lin Fei secretly.

Just now.


boom! A loud noise came from the angry roaring river.

Wow... a black altar rose slowly from the river.

Above the altar, stood a huge green corpse that was as high as ten thousand feet, surrounded by dense corpse energy, and green eyes, staring at Lin Fei.

"A zombie of the main **** level!"

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac were both secretly surprised.

"Reincarnation, don't mess with it!"

The pitch-black altar was suspended above the river, and a cold word was uttered from the mouth of the giant green corpse.

Lin Fei paused before moving forward.

This green-haired giant corpse exudes a very dangerous aura, and the law of death is like a water wave, centered on it, rippling in all directions.

Needless to say, its combat power must be amazing.

With tens of thousands of half-step main gods, plus one main god, Lin Fei knew that he couldn't force it.

However, when Lin Fei heard the words spit out from the huge green hairy population, on the contrary, he appeared calmer.

Because the person who can say this sentence, in Lin Fei's impression, should be a person who belongs to the cycle of rebirth.

In case this giant green corpse, like the Taoist priests and monks before it, belonged to the predecessors on the cycle of reincarnation, Lin Fei didn't want to conflict with it.

So Lin Fei took out the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card and activated it directly.

However, what happened next was different from what Lin Fei had imagined.


When the giant green corpse saw Lin Fei's hand of Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, it was instantly furious, revealing an astonishing murderous aura, and the pair of green corpse eyes seemed to have met an enemy who was not in the same sky.

"It turns out to be the remnants of the old road of reincarnation! Damn it!"

The giant green corpse roared sharply.

Boom... The pitch-black altar on which it was standing was also completely activated, with thick death fog billowing continuously erupting.

Then, it waved.

Tens of thousands of green-haired zombies, one by one, all green-haired zombies stood upside down, screaming sharply, resentful, like a tide, and besieged and killed Lin Fei.

"Seniors, let's retreat!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised, and didn't want to fight it hard, and immediately transmitted the sound to the Zodiac.

Boom...The green-haired giant corpse waved his hand, and the pitch-black altar burst out a thick black energy beam, tearing the void and blasting towards Lin Fei.

This giant green corpse had the strength of the main god, and the attack from that altar made Lin Fei's heart beat.

"Six Ways of Reincarnation!"

Lin Fei exerted his full strength, stretched his hand backwards, and six huge passages of reincarnation emerged in the space.

"Huh, it really is the remnant of the old road of reincarnation! There is more than a guilty death!"

The giant green corpse saw Lin Fei cast a secret technique related to reincarnation, and the killing intent was even stronger, and it was extremely bitter.

boom! The black energy beam bursting toward Lin Fei collided with the six reincarnation channels.

The black energy beam, and six reincarnation channels, exploded simultaneously.

That piece of space, everything, time, space, energy, laws, and various substances are directly destroyed and transpired.

There are only clusters of explosive energy mushroom clouds, constantly rising.

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