Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3734: Can't fight

I saw that stegosaurus, with teeth and claws, appeared very powerful.

Boom... This piece of void is trembling, the space is shattering every inch, everything is shattered wherever the stegosaurus passes, it has opened up a chaotic channel, locked in front of Lin Fei, and wanted to tear Lin Fei into pieces.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

The mighty power of a supreme world, coupled with the sharp and boundless sword aura, the combat power displayed is terrible.

Boom... In Lin Fei's body, more than a hundred human worlds are constantly roaring, deafening, and chaotic, constantly blessing on the body.

The physique of Chaos Heaven and Earth, and the physique of Tianjin people, are activated at the same time.

Shoo...More than one hundred human gods and three heavenly dragons rushed out, arranged in the void, and at the same time they screamed up to the sky, with a terrifying aura.

Fei Jianshu, Heart Sword, Six Ways of Reincarnation, Too Last Week's Induction, One Qi Transformed into Sanqing, Reincarnation Secret Technique... At this moment, Lin Fei almost used all his methods without reservation.

Roar! Lin Fei's actions were regarded by the stegosaurus as a serious provocation, making its attack even more violent.

Its terrifying dragon body smashed the void into pieces, marching through the gap in the void, and the sword light flickered all over.

Finally, Lin Fei and Stegosaurus fought together.

The mighty fighting energy turned into a surging wave of anger, rushing out in all directions.

Boom...The stegosaurus patted Lin Fei with one claw, and the space where Lin Fei stood was shattered every inch.

The billowing sharp sword light spread out, seemingly divine, transpiring, completely submerging this space.

Boom! The three Lin Fei, who were exactly the same, threw their fists at the same time, and the fist prints seemed to penetrate the sky and the ground.

While swinging his fist, Lin Fei's flesh and blood boiled, his blood spurted, and his fighting spirit was above the sky.

Bang Bang... Lin Fei was hit several claws one after another, his body was beaten to pieces, and he kept moving back.

Boom boom... Lin Fei's fist, like a madness, hit the thickly-framed dragon's body, fisted to the flesh, and smashed several dragon scales to pieces on the spot.

"so amazing!"

"Sure enough, it is a master god!"

......Those onlookers have long been hiding away, using their eyes one by one, watching this battle from the distant void.

"Huh, it turns out it's Lin Fei!"

...There are some strong people hiding in the void, their faces are cold, looking at Lin Fei.

"Law stacking technique!"

During the fierce battle, Lin Fei let out a loud roar. Several Chaos Origin Laws were superimposed and merged together, and they broke out instantly, blasting on the stegosaurus, smashing more than a dozen dragon scales.

Ho Ho... The stegosaurus was completely angry, roaring again and again.

Then, above the two bronze gates, there were bursts of ancient and majestic energy, which were poured out, continuously, and blessed on the stegosaurus.

The energy pressure emitted from the stegosaurus is constantly increasing at an astonishing speed.

"No way, I can become stronger.

Can't fight anymore! "

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

Dare to love, this stegosaurus has not done its best just now.

Now that I was completely irritated by myself, I started to use more energy.

Roar... The violent stegosaurus, condescendingly, rushed towards Lin Fei.

The billowing sharp sword light, like a peacock opening a screen, flooded the entire space with billions of times.

boom! Lin Fei resisted with all his might, but suddenly, his body was smashed and flew out. Above his body, he was pierced by countless blood holes by the sharp sword energy, and the blood was flowing like a shot.


Lin Fei smiled bitterly and had no intention of fighting again.

Unfolding his figure, he retreats directly, and instantly the two bronze gates in the distance.

The stegosaurus, without pursuing it, turned into a stream of light and merged into the two bronze gates.

"Lin Fei, how about it? You know it's amazing.

I told you before that even a master **** can't break into the highest world.

Unless it is the Chaos God coming, he can easily open the Supreme World. "

The Tian-Swallowing Dog came to Lin Fei's side and said with a smile.

"It's really amazing."

Lin Fei nodded.

"It's just that I just showed flying swordsmanship, which was taught by the old man in the sword world.

That old man used to be one of the rulers of the sword world.

In addition, the portal of the sword world shouldn't exclude me anymore.

Why, the mighty power of the sword world, want to prevent me from entering the sword world? "

Lin Fei thought of this in his heart.

"Well, the most likely thing is that the old predecessor was beaten with only a ray of remnant soul left, after escaping from the sword world.

Later, those who usurped power and seized power moved their hands and feet.

Therefore, the world's mighty power of the sword world, the breath of the old predecessor, is somewhat repellent, and the purpose is to prevent the old predecessor from returning to the sword world. "

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly guessed.

In the distance, many strong men hidden in the void were surprised to see Lin Fei fighting the stegosaurus.

Originally, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there have long been many strong men who have been eyeing the sword world.

However, seeing Lin Fei fighting hard, finally retreated without success.

Finally understood a truth, even if it is the main god, it can't forcefully break into the highest world.

"It seems that I can only wait slowly for the opportunity in the future, and then find a way to enter the sword world."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Just now.

Lin Fei received a transmission.

"Lin Fei, I feel the breath of the sword world!"

This is a familiar voice.

"Yes, it's the breath of the sword world, the door of the sword world suddenly appeared."

Lin Fei replied.

"Really! Lin Fei, come over right away.

Tell me in detail, fast! "

The voice urged.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Seniors, let's go to the Ice Palace."

Lin Fei said to the Zodiac.

The Chinese zodiac will naturally not ask Lin Fei's decision.

Their identities are mainly to assist Lin Fei to navigate the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac have opened up a long-distance transmission channel.

After a while.

Come to the ice palace.

Lin Fei took the Chinese Zodiac and directly entered the Ice Sword plane of the Ice Palace.

Came into the void in the depths of the plane and walked into a very hidden small world.

This small world is tightly hidden, if it is not known, it is difficult to discover.

Lin Fei had already entered once, this time it was a light car.


Lin Fei walked toward the small world, a middle-aged man saluted.

This man has a slender figure, an aloof temperament, and his eyes like a sword.

Before the ancient years, the true ruler of the sword world was the old man.

The middle-aged man in front of him was the fifth apprentice of Old Man Jian.

"Senior, please see."

Lin Fei waved, and a large crystal screen appeared in front of him.

On the crystal screen, pictures were constantly playing.

It is about the image of that gateway in the sword world.

It also included the scenes of Lin Fei fighting Stegosaurus, which were played out one by one.

"Sword Realm, it really is the Sword Realm..." The middle-aged man trembled violently with excitement, almost unable to control himself.

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