Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3752: Return to Excalibur Mountain

Lin Fei was also very satisfied with the effect of his sword.

During this period of time, I practiced swords among the Ten Great Sword Temples and gained a lot.

At the same time, Lin Fei also understood.

The reason why I was able to have such a great harvest among the Ten Great Sword Temples was related to the middle-aged man in the plane of Ice Sword.

You know, the middle-aged man in the Frost Sword plane is the fifth disciple of Old Man Sword.

His kendo inheritance almost represents the most brilliant kendo inheritance in the sword world.

He once personally passed on the sword to Lin Fei.

Therefore, before Lin Fei came to the sword world, he had already practiced the most brilliant inheritance of swordsmanship in the sword world.

This kind of swordsmanship inheritance that represents the most brilliant sword world, in the sword world, there is no sword repair, can be blessed to obtain.

Now, Lin Fei came to the sword world in person again, and practiced in the environment of this supreme world. The most brilliant inheritance of swordsmanship, coupled with his own talent, made Lin Fei's progress very amazing.

"Well, my time is running out.

It's better to hurry up and go to Shenjian Mountain to complete my mission in the sword world this time.

Then, go back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos early.

There is no need to entangle with these sword repairs in front of you.

Make a quick fight! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

call out! Lin Fei displayed the heart sword, invisible and silent, almost to the extreme, and instantly penetrated into the body of the half-step main god.

what! The half-step main god, his internal organs were shattered by the heart sword, and he screamed in pain.

Lin Fei's figure moved, appearing beside him like a ghost.

boom! In Lin Fei's body, more than one hundred human worlds boiled over, and the endless chaotic essence blessed on the flesh, and blasted past.

boom! The half-step main **** was thrown out on the spot, and a **** hole was punched in his chest.

"You..." This half-step master **** was extremely frightened.

He didn't think that the combat power of the boy in front of him was so terrible that he was wounded by just one move.

Although, this physical injury is nothing to a half-step main god.

But, this shows that he can't fight, this kid in front of him! "Well, the creatures of the highest world, because there is a trace of world power in their bodies, not only are they stronger than the creatures of the same order in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, but their physical qualities are also tougher.

If my punch hits those ordinary half-step master gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it will definitely break them.

And never, just punch a blood hole. "

Lin Fei was also a little surprised.

"It turns out that we have missed it!"

The other half-step master gods all understood that they underestimated the kid in front of them.

"Go, let's contact and kill him!"

The five and a half steps of the main gods formed an encirclement circle, encircling Lin Fei from a distance.

"Boy, no matter what, today, you will die and stay here!"

Several half-step master gods, one by one murderous.

The half-step lord **** who was injured by Lin Fei also reorganized his body, his eyes were bitter, and he pressed towards Lin Fei.

"Hehe, just with you, are you qualified to kill me?

You guys think too much. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Shoo... Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the heart sword kept beheading it, and at the same time it penetrated into the body of the main god.

The attack speed of Heart Sword is terrifying, and it can easily attack multiple targets at the same time.

Those half-step main gods were attacked by the heart sword, their complexion changed drastically, and bloodshot oozing out from the corners of their mouths.

Boom... Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation, and his body was so strange that he appeared next to the half-step main gods almost at the same time, and one person gave a punch.

While swinging his fist, he also used the law superposition technique, which merged and superimposed several chaotic origin laws, and blasted the past.

Several plain sword lights were also cut out, attacking several half-step main gods respectively.

Every attack is one of Lin Fei's powerful cards.

The power is terrifying.

The heart sword, the fist that contains physical strength, and the sword light, attacked at the same time, and the half-step master gods couldn't help but rush.

Ahhh... every half-step Lord God, under Lin Fei's fast attack, caught off guard and was injured.

Lin Fei took the opportunity to show his departure method and went away instantly.

"Roar! Damn, a junior, a true middle-ranked god, how can he have such terrible combat power! I don't believe it, is this an illusion!"

"Boy, you are too presumptuous! You hurt me!"

"No, that kid took the opportunity to slip away!"

...Several half-step main gods, one by one, sorrowful and angry, roared wildly.

However, they watched Lin Fei go away and disappeared instantly, and none of them dared to catch up.

The combat power that Lin Fei showed completely shocked them.

"Who the **** is this kid, why I haven't heard of it, there is such a kid in the sword world!"

"This kid is terrible. At a young age, he actually possesses such power against the sky.

If he is allowed to grow up, in the future, he will definitely become a huge disaster for our knife world.

Immediately send someone to investigate this kid's situation clearly.

I will personally go to a few hidden elders to report the situation of this kid.

In short, this kid can't stay! "

A half-step main god, staring at the place where Lin Fei disappeared, said slowly.

"Okay, let's do that."

The other main gods all nodded in agreement.

Lin Feizhan left Yuejian Xingchen in an instant.

"Now, go to Shenjian Mountain to try."

Lin Fei strode towards the direction of the Excalibur Realm.

After a while.

The Divine Sword Realm was in sight.

Lin Fei moved his mind and sent out the sword repair slave who had been subdued not long ago.

"See the master."

The sword repair slaves stood in front of Lin Fei one by one, saluting respectfully.

"Let's go, I want to enter the Divine Sword World."

Lin said.


These sword repair slaves under Lin Fei understood their minds and immediately led the way.

On the other hand, Lin Fei released several laws of the origin of chaos, covering the body surface, concealing the real body, and mixing with the sword repair slaves under him.

A group of people, familiar with the road, without any twists and turns, entered the Excalibur Realm smoothly.

Entering the Divine Sword Realm, Lin Fei ran directly to Divine Sword Mountain.

The tall and majestic Excalibur Mountain stands in the void, making people admire.

More than a dozen sacred mountains are clustered around, connected by air and machine.

Lin Fei found that the number of defenders around Shenjian Mountain had increased, and a large number of masters, with sharp aura, lurked around.

Also, there are hundreds of formations around Shenjian Mountain.

These formations are isolated, defensive, concealed, and offensive...Every formation is very clever.

It seems that the four major forces in the sword world have greatly strengthened their defense against Shenjian Mountain.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation, and then cooperated with the reincarnation card of Ten Thousand Realms, and passed quietly towards the Divine Sword Mountain.

Although the defense of the four major forces is tight, it does not have much effect for a master like Lin Fei.

Unless the Lord God himself came to perceive it, it was possible to capture Lin Fei's figure.

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