Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3765: Pass another level

Lin Fei leaped up into the sky, sitting cross-legged in the void.

In front of him, the picture scroll was suspended in the void, shaking slightly, and the girl in the picture seemed more real and agile.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, and he felt the past.

Then, Lin Fei's heart moved.

Sure enough, there is a strong sword energy in this painting.

Even, it can be said that the lines in this painting, every stroke, every drawing, contain endless sword intent and sword energy.

Of course, in order to capture, even, understand clearly these sword intent and sword qi, in addition to having a high level of kendo, you must also have a strong divine consciousness and soul comprehension.

Lin Fei's kendo level is already quite good.

Divine consciousness is even more of Lin Fei's strengths.

Almost instantly, Lin Fei was like an old monk entering concentration, completely immersed in this painting.

Even, at some point, Lin Fei couldn't help but stretched out his fingers and gestured in the void, simulating the direction of the lines in the painting.

"The first..." Soon, Lin Fei made gestures, the first kind of swordsmanship contained in the painting.

"Well, very good.

it's actually very good.

This young man is not only talented in kendo, but also very good in divine consciousness and soul comprehension.

If he concentrates on kendo, he will definitely be able to do something. "

The green-robed old man praised.

"Hehe, I agree with Senior Sword Spirit's words.

This young man's kendo talent is really good.

At the beginning, it was because of his kendo talent that I taught him how to practice swordsmanship. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Huh, there are so many geniuses in the world.

It is a pity that there are too few geniuses who can live long. "

Changle Fairy Boy's heart is the narrowest, and he retorted in a sharp voice.

"Don't worry, Lin Fei will live longer than you."

Tian Luo Jianzi said with a sneer.

"Tianluo Jianzi, since you haven't died yet, you should know how to cherish it. Find a place to live in peace and stability.

You are going to die, but you run back to the sword world.

Soon, you will regret it. "

Ximen Changfeng said with sarcasm.

"It's useless to say more.

Wait and see, what belongs to me, I will get it back sooner or later.

Also, you forces, in order to deal with me, colluded with other forces of the highest world to enter the sword world and disrupt the order of the sword world.

If it weren't for you, the big sword of the sword world, where would there be a chance to invade our sword world and seize half of our sword world.

Speaking of which, you forces are sinners in the sword world.

One day, every one of you forces will be liquidated, and no one can escape. "

Tianluo Jianzi's sharp gaze, glanced at the four main gods, and said sharply.

"Tianluo Jianzi, don't speak like a master of the sword world.

Your time has long passed.

The era of the old man sword has long passed.

Tianluo Jianzi, you are just a poor creature with only the last breath left! The sword world has nothing to do with you anymore. "

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"Tianluo Jianzi, I advise you, but think about it, this time, how can I escape?

It is no longer your turn to take care of matters in the sword world. "

Ximen Changfeng said.

"I think he has nothing to think about.

This time, he will undoubtedly die.

And that kid. "

Elder Wei said with a sneer.

"Tianluo Jianzi, you should be fortunate that this is Shenjian Mountain.

Otherwise, I can crush you with one finger. "

Elder Ouyang said in a joking tone.

"Four jumping clowns.

Before in front of me, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

Now it's ridiculous to open my teeth and claws while I am in trouble. "

Tian Luo Jianzi smiled faintly.

"Tianluo Jianzi, if you are not convinced, leave Shenjian Mountain immediately, and you and I will choose [新笔趣阁]!"

Changle Fairy Boy screamed.

"Enough! This is Shenjian Mountain.

That young man is Wu Jian.

No matter what kind of grievances you have, please be quiet, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! "

The old man in green robe became impatient and shouted.

The four main gods gave up, staring bitterly at Tian Luo Jianzi, and stopped talking.

at this time.

Lin Fei was immersed in the picture scroll.

The scroll spread out in the void and shook gently. The girl in the scroll seemed to have lived, with the willow waist swaying lightly, extremely agile.

"A thousand kinds..." Lin Fei stretched out his sword fingers and gestured in the void. A kind of magical swordsmanship was performed, and the sword energy surged into the sky.

There really is a lot of swordsmanship in this painting.

Lin Fei slowly realized all kinds of things.


It seems that he will definitely pass this level. "

Seeing this, Tianluo Jianzi was very satisfied, and said inwardly.

It can be seen that the green-robed old man looked at Lin Fei with admiration.

Finally, two days later.

"Ten thousand swordsmanship!"

In Lin Fei's gaze, the sword energy surged, his sword fingers were in the void, and he displayed an amazing sword skill. A few grasses were born in the void and rose in the wind.

Chi Chi... A few small grasses, swaying, stretched out, chopped into the depths of the void, in a daze, chopping one world after another in half.

"A inch of grass can cut all nine days and ten places! This kind of swordsmanship is really overbearing!"

Lin Fei slowly retracted his sword fingers, but was still immersed in the charm of this kind of swordsmanship, very shocked, unable to correct himself for a long time.

"My flying swordsmanship has been cultivated to the extreme, and it is also okay to kill all heavens and all realms with one sword.

This kind of swordsmanship, a inch of grass, can kill the world.

The meaning and rhyme of the two swordsmanship are different in the same way. "

Lin Fei sighed.

"Haha...young man, you passed.

In just two days, he realized all the 10,000 swordsmanship in the painting.

Moreover, I can see that these ten thousand kinds of swordsmanship, you have not only realized it, but you have already gained the essence of it, and you can use it with your own hands.

This kind of kendo talent is really good.

not bad! "

The green-robed old man laughed. Obviously, he was extremely satisfied with Lin Fei's performance.

"Well, you can continue climbing.

please! "

The green-robed old man said to Lin Fei.

"Thank you senior."

Lin Fei respectfully saluted.

Then, and Tianluo Jianzi, stood shoulder to shoulder.

The figure of the green-robed old man disappeared in an instant.

"Lin Fei, I rarely hear. Sword Spirit will use the word "please" when talking to others.

Especially younger generations, never.

Lin Fei, it's really not easy for you to win this honor. "

Tianluo Jianzi said to Lin Fei.

"There is such a thing..." Lin Fei was a little surprised.

In the rear, the four main gods had very ugly faces.

The better Lin Fei performed, the more upset they were.

Moreover, Lin Fei's kendo talent made them feel a huge pressure.

Once this young man really grows up, it will definitely threaten the safety of their four forces.

You know, this young man is a descendant of Tian Luo Jianzi! Between them and Tianluo Jianzi, they are enemies of life and death.

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