Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3767: The last level

After a while.

Lin Fei and Tianluo Jianzi finally reached the peak of Shenjian Mountain.

Above the peak, it was like a vast plain.

There are undulating sword-shaped building palaces.

There are hundreds of them.

There are also several huge altars.

"There is the place where Master used to be in retreat."

Tianluo Jianzi pointed to the central location, the tallest palace, and said to Lin Fei.

That palace was shaped like a sharp sword rising into the sky, with endless sword energy surrounding it.

"The soul tablets of the master and the four seniors are all placed inside.

The tens of millions of Chaos-level swords that Master has collected during his lifetime are also hidden inside.

And the sword intent left by my master is the same, inside.

So, Lin Fei, as long as you can enter it, everything will be easy.

You can get the soul tablets of my master and four seniors, tens of millions of Chaos-level swords, and the sword intent left by my master! "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

"I understand."

Lin Fei nodded heavily, a little excited.

Finally came here.

This mission to the sword world may be completed soon.

However, there is one final level.

Must pass the test of the last sword spirit.

"This last level must be the most difficult."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart, he was fully prepared.

"In any case, since I am here, I must never give up.

No matter what the test is, I will try my best to complete it and pass it! "

Lin Fei encouraged herself.

At this time, an old man in yellow robe slowly emerged, standing in front of Lin Fei.

The last sword spirit finally appeared! "I have seen seniors."

Lin Fei said respectfully.


The old man in yellow robe nodded.

"Venerable, unexpectedly, there will be a chance to see you."

The yellow-robed old man smiled at Tian Luo Jianzi.


I am back here again. "

Tian Luo Jianzi was also a little emotional, and slowly scanned the surrounding scene.

Here, he is very familiar.

In the past, in the old man's era, he would come here almost every day to send greetings to the master who was retreating here.

Now, things are right and wrong.

"Young man, here I am, it is the last level.

You can come here all the way.

It shows that you are really talented in kendo.

In my impression, five thousand years ago, a young man also rushed through the barriers and reached the summit.

However, it is a pity that he failed my level.

Left a regret.

Then, over the past five thousand years, countless young swordsmen have come to Shenjian Mountain for a pilgrimage to climb the mountain, but there is no young man who has the ability to come to me.

Until now, finally there is another one.

Hope, you won't let me down. "

The yellow-robed old man said, looking at Lin Fei with encouragement.

"Senior, I will try my best to pass this level."

Lin Fei said.

"Huh, don't talk so full.

Boy, you can come here, it's already out of luck.

Actually still dreaming of being able to pass this last level. "

Changle Fairy's sharp voice rang.

"Dwarf, dare you gamble with me.

If Lin Fei can pass this level, you kneel down and call grandpa three times.

On the contrary, if Lin Fei fails, you kneel down and call grandpa three times. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said suddenly, staring at Changle Fairy Child.

"You..." Changle Fairy Child's expression was a bit sullen with anger.

"Why, don't you dare to bet?

If you don't dare to bet, just shut your mouth and stay obediently for me, don't be embarrassed here. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said in a mocking tone.

"Gamble! Am I afraid of you, half-dead and half-ghost!"

The character of Changle Fairy Boy was originally very acrimonious, and he couldn't stand it at all.

"You have to remember that you are Jian Xiu.

Shenjian Mountain is a holy place for swordsmanship in the world, and it cannot tolerate any contamination.

Since you swear on Divine Sword Mountain, you must keep the oath.

Otherwise, don't blame our five sword spirits for being rude to you. "

The old man in Huangpao spoke to Tianluo Jianzi and Changle Fairy Tong in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, I, Tianluo Jianzi, will never break my promise."

Tian Luo Jianzi smiled faintly.

Changle Fairy snorted and did not answer.

"Young man, the last pass is to cross this bridge."

The old man in Huangpao waved his hand, and a huge abyss appeared in front of Lin Fei.

The width of the abyss, at least, is hundreds of millions of miles.

Moreover, looking down from the bottom, it was dark, shrouded in a gloomy thick fog, and it was creepy.

Above the abyss, there is a single-plank bridge across the abyss.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness felt a little bit, and was shocked to find that his divine consciousness could not perceive the bottom of this abyss.

"As long as you successfully walk from this single-plank bridge to the other side, you will pass the border."

The old man in Huangpao said to Lin Fei.

"Ok, I see."

Lin Fei nodded.

However, his face was very solemn.

Needless to say, this single-plank bridge is definitely dangerous.

"All right.

let's start. "

The old man in Huangpao said.

"Go ahead."

Tian Luo Jianzi said to Lin Fei in an encouraging tone.


Lin Fei nodded and walked forward.

The single-plank bridge was covered with moss.

The moment Lin Fei stepped on the single-plank bridge, he felt his body suddenly stagnated, as if he had become much heavier.

"It turns out that above this abyss, it is restricted by some terrible law of energy, and it is impossible to fly through.

This single-plank bridge is the only way to cross the bridge. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

You know, with Lin Fei's current strength, there is actually a law of energy that can limit Lin Fei and make Lin Fei unable to fly, it is really terrifying.

Lin Fei stepped on the single-plank bridge and walked forward step by step.

The gloomy and icy fog, continuously rising from under the abyss, lingered beside Lin Fei, making Lin Fei look as if it was flying through the fog.

In a moment, Lin Fei walked thousands of miles.

There has been no attack.

It's calm.

However, Lin Fei did not relax at all, was very cautious, released his divine consciousness, and sensed everything around him.


In the void in front, dense figures appeared.

All of them were sword repairers, each wearing a long sword, floating in the void, and above the body, there was sword energy rising into the sky, fierce and terrifying.

"Young man, these are all sword repairs.

You must kill it.

Moreover, in the process of fighting, you cannot leave the single-plank bridge.

Once you leave the single-plank bridge, you have failed. "

The voice of the yellow-robed old man rang.

"Kill it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning when he heard the old man in yellow robe.

"I almost forgot to tell you that what you have to face is one hundred thousand sword repairs."

The words of the old man in yellow robe sounded again.

hiss! Lin Fei couldn't help but numb his scalp.

These sword repairs, on top of each body, have extremely fierce sword energy, spraying out, obviously, each of them is a generation with super combat effectiveness.

Wanting to defeat these 100,000 sword repairs and slay the bridge abruptly, this is really an arduous test!

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