Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3769: Fierce battle on Excalibur Mountain

"Since you know that Excalibur Mountain is a holy land, you still dare to shout here, do you want to provoke the majesty of Excalibur Mountain?"

Angrily appeared on the face of the old man in Huangpao, and he coldly shouted.

Shoo... a few figures flickered.

The other four sword spirits also arrived, standing beside the yellow-robed old man.

The five sword spirits, lined up, are all angry.

"Senior Sword Spirit, please think twice!"

The patriarch of the Simon family, take a step forward.

The other main gods were also pressing and unwilling to give in.

Tian Luo Jianzi's face was plain, as if things had nothing to do with him, she stood by and watched the show.

"Tianluo Jianzi, you are hiding behind the five Sword Spirit Seniors, you are a hero with your head down.

If you have the ability, stand up and face us! "

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect glared at Tian Luo Jianzi and shouted sharply.

"It's just a remnant of half human and half ghost.

I'll kill you first! "

Suddenly, Changle Fairy Boy screamed and rushed towards Tianluo Jianzi.

His body style is very clever, like a sharp sword, traveling through time and space, changing step by step, making it impossible for people to accurately capture his position.

"Enough! You provoke the majesty of Excalibur Mountain over and over again! Do you really think that Excalibur Mountain is a place where you can do anything wrong!"

The yellow robe old man shouted angrily.

"The sword is coming!"

The five sword spirits shouted at the same time.

Boom...Five huge swords of different colors rushed out from different positions on Shenjian Mountain.

These five great swords are like five Optimus pillars, majestic and powerful.

Huh...on the Divine Sword Mountain, endless sword auras are constantly rising to the sky, blessing on top of these five giant swords, making these five giant swords more and more brilliant.


The yellow-robed old man stretched out his hand and pointed.

Five giant swords formed a terrible sword formation, strangling the Changle Fairy Child.

In an instant, a terrible sense of crisis rose in the heart of Changle Fairy Child, making him cold and soul flying out of the sky.

"help me!"

Changle Fairy Boy screamed in terror.

The other nine main gods shot at the same time, exploding out of the sky, trying to block the five huge swords.


Click! There was a crisp sound.

Changle Fairy's short body was directly strangled to pieces by five giant swords.

Facing the five giant swords, he didn't seem to be able to fight back.

A main god, moreover, the main **** of the highest world, was strangled into scum with just one move.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of that five-handed giant sword is.

"Ah! Damn, five **** old guys, destroyed my congenital reincarnation sword body! That is what I spent endless effort and time to cultivate!"

Changle Fairy's Soul Body appeared in the distance and screamed.

Although his soul body escaped a catastrophe, it looked very miserable, tattered and spattered with soul blood.

A main **** is not so easy to be killed.

Although Changle Fairy Child was seriously injured, his life was still saved.

However, since then, his strength has been greatly reduced.

I don’t know how much time and energy it will take to return to the peak state in the future.

"This is just a small punishment.

Don't dare to be presumptuous, never be merciless! "

The old man in yellow robe said indifferently.

This scene changed the expressions of the other nine main gods.

The combat power of the five sword spirits shocked them.

"Do it, try the strength of these five old guys!"

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect secretly communicated to other main gods.

"it is good!"

The other main gods all nodded.

"However, we cannot underestimate the strength of these five old guys.

Call some old friends in to help. "

One of the main gods suggested.

Thus, there is a master **** who sends a message to the outside world.

After just a few breaths.

Shoo...Five figures rushed up from the top of the Excalibur Mountain.

In an instant, it came to the top.

There are five main gods again! With the addition of Changle Fairy Child, a total of fifteen main gods in the sword world have come here! This is equivalent to half of the main **** of the sword world.

Fourteen main gods stood in a row, facing the five sword spirits, looking directly at them, and there was a taste of court resistance.

"Senior sword spirits, no matter what, today we must kill Tianluo Jianzi and return peace to our sword world!"

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect said loudly.

"Let's do it together and kill Tianluo Jianzi!"

The patriarch of the Simon family shouted.

Boom...Fourteen main gods, one after another released their own terrifying aura, billowing sword light, jetted out from their bodies, soaring into the sky, like fourteen sword mountains, with a terrifying aura.

"Dare to use force on Shenjian Mountain is a serious challenge to Shenjian Mountain!"

The five sword spirits are all furious.

Rumble...With the anger of the sword spirit, the entire Divine Sword Mountain trembled slightly.

It's like this sacred mountain is going to come alive.

The mighty sword energy, sword intent, and sword light, gushing out from above the mountain.

It's like an active volcano that is erupting! The terrible sword light cut this piece of void into pieces, and it's not what it looks like.

Each of these sword lights contained terrifying energy.

Hundreds of thousands of sword lights like this are simply infinite.

This scene surprised the fourteen main gods secretly.

They suddenly felt that they seemed to underestimate Shenjian Mountain.

Swishw...five huge swords, forming a sword formation with boiling sword energy, strangling the fourteen main gods.

"In that case, the five senior sword spirits are offended!"

The fourteen main gods all shot at the same time, bursting out a series of terrifying attacks, one after another, the huge sword aura that filled the world and blocked them.

More than a dozen main gods teamed up to make a move. This kind of scene is very rare.

Dangdang... A series of huge and crisp crashing sounds continued to sound.

The billowing sword light completely submerged the entire Shenjian Mountain.

Chi Chi...In this fierce battle, the sword light created out of the Divine Sword Mountain spattered randomly.

"Ah..., no good, hide!"

The people and horses guarding the Shenjian Mountain were so scared that their formation suddenly became chaotic. The densely packed creatures, like tides, desperately fled to the distance.

Chi Chi... Sword light shot out from the Divine Sword Mountain.

Ah ...... countless lives were hit, one after another fall, a large number of corpses, as if under the dumplings in general, fall from the sky.

In the Excalibur Mountain.

Fourteen main gods fight against five sword spirits.

The five sword spirits were all sitting on the ground, remotely controlling the five giant swords to attack.

The fourteen main gods played very hard and tried their best, but they were still forced to retreat step by step.

"Hmph, the majesty of Shenjian Mountain cannot be provoked.

Just relying on you people, you want to come to Shenjian Mountain to show off your might, you are not qualified! "

The yellow-robed old man was not polite, and scolded coldly.

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