Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3772: Wu Jian

"Give me!"

Lin Fei chased one of the long swords.

In this small world, every long sword seems to have its own soul, flying and playing freely everywhere.

That long sword, when he saw Lin Fei chasing him, fled into the distance.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Feizhan started to catch up.

Lin Fei's skills in swordsmanship, coupled with the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, and the laws of time and space, made Lin Fei's body so fast, like a sword of light, and instantly caught up with that long sword.

Huh! That long sword, seeing Lin Fei catching up, turned around and slashed towards Lin Fei.

"Good guy, are you really refined!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised and shouted.

Dangdang... Lin Fei raised his hand to cut out a sword light, and fought with the long sword.

Lin Fei's kendo level is already very high.

The number of master swordsmanship is very large.

Raising his hands, all kinds of exquisite swordsmanship, constantly displayed, powerful.

In a few strokes, he fought the long sword and retreated.

"Good guy, it's really good!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but admire him when he saw that this long sword was actually playing with himself.

call out! The long sword ran away again.

"Do you still want to run!"

Lin Fei yelled, teleported over, and reached out to grab the long sword.

That long sword desperately wanted to resist.

It's just that the breath of Lin Fei's body, Old Man Jian, and five apprentices were released at the same time.

The long sword suddenly became quiet.

It is the collection of the old sword man.

The old man sword is its master.

It felt the master's breath, and naturally became obedient.

Lin Fei was overjoyed and grabbed this long sword.

"Good sword!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but praised.

This long sword was better than any Chaos magic weapon that Lin Fei had come into contact with before.

"Here, there are tens of millions of handles, this level of famous sword, the value of which is beyond description.

Senior Tian Luo, giving me all these famous swords is really a great favor! "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"it's your turn!"

Lin Fei's gaze, looking not far away, stared at another long sword.

call out! Lin Fei turned into a sword light, many times faster than lightning.

call out! That long sword, as if it was alive, began to flee.

However, with Lin Fei's strength and the aura of an old sword man on his body, he soon grasped this long sword again.

Next, Lin Fei flickered in the small world, collecting long swords one after another.

Although there are many long swords in this small world, Lin Fei's movements are very fast, almost breaking through the limitations of time and space.

One day later.

"A total of 35 million long swords, all collected!"

Lin Fei stood in the void of the small world and said to herself excitedly.

In this small world, all the long swords flying in the air were collected by Lin Fei.

"If you smelt these 35 million long swords into a flying sword, it will be so powerful that you can't imagine it!"

Lin Fei couldn't wait to leave the sword world with these long swords immediately.

Before coming in, Tianluo Jianzi once said that after Lin Fei took out these tens of millions of famous swords, he would help Lin Fei to melt all these famous swords into a furnace and smelt them into a flying sword.

"Okay, one last thing.

Feel the sword intent left by the old man sword! "

Lin Fei took a deep breath.

The old man of sword is the most powerful person in the history of the sword world.

Until now, in the sword world, there is still no sword repairer who has the strength to challenge the sword old man.

It can be said that the old man of sword is the highest peak in the sword world that all sword repairers cannot surpass! One can imagine the high level of Kendo of the old man.

This small world is the place where the old swordsman retreats and comprehends the sword before, leaving behind many sword intents of the old swordsman.

These sword intents are invaluable for every sword repairer! "Okay, start to comprehend!"

Lin Fei sat down cross-legged and began to understand the sword.

In this small world, at a glance, you can see that there are densely packed and numerous sword repairs, moving around.

In fact, these sword repairs are lifeless.

They are all visions transformed from sword energy and sword intent.

These sword auras and sword intents were left by the old man.

In addition, there are endless bright sword lights, flying around, rotating and cutting, in groups, like groups of fish swimming in the deep sea.

These sword lights were also left by the old man Jian.

In fact, in this small world, except for the famous swords that Lin Fei received just now, everything else is illusion, not real.

What Lin Fei wants to comprehend now is these illusions related to kendo.

The sword intent left by the old man is hidden in some illusions! Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, sensing, capturing, and enlightening anything related to kendo.

Slowly, some kendo principles, civilization, history, and beliefs began to seep into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, were understood, disappeared, and absorbed.

These kendos, compared to the ones that Lin Fei had come into contact with in the past, any kendo must be clever, profound, and powerful! Lin Fei was immersed in it, hungry and thirst, dreamy and fantasy.

It can be said that this kind of kendo belongs to the most perfect and flawless kendo.

Lin Fei suddenly felt that he had entered a brand new world of kendo.

Chi Chi... As Lin Fei absorbed intoxicatedly, the brilliant sword intent that the old man had left behind, on top of his body, bright and clear sword lights continued to evaporate.

The quality of these sword lights was much better than the sword lights that Lin Fei had cultivated before! The brilliant rays of sword light continued to evaporate, forming a kendo aperture on Lin Fei's body, dazzling and dazzling, making Lin Fei very sacred.

Lin Fei's kendo realm began to soar! "It turns out that the most brilliant kendo in the world is like this..." Lin Fei was completely obsessed with the sword intent left by the old man, feeling and understanding deeply, muttering to himself.

Sneer...The sharp sword light in Lin Fei's body came out by himself.

Swish...The powerful sword light contains the terrifying aura of cutting all the wastes, the gods blocking and killing the gods, and the Buddha blocking and killing the Buddha, sweeping out! suddenly.

One of the sword auras suddenly distorted and transformed, and finally evolved into a dragon-shaped sword aura.

This dragon-shaped sword aura, the scales are cold, and it exudes an ancient prehistoric aura. There is a spirit that dominates the world and swallows everything.


The other sword aura is directly transformed into a phoenix-shaped sword aura! Just like a phoenix, soaring above the nine heavens, shocking the world.

Then, there was another sword aura, which turned into a white sword aura.

Turtle-shaped sword aura, unicorn-shaped sword aura... The sword aura that spurted from Lin Fei's body turned into a beast!

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