Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3774: World Power

After the giant beast broke out of its shell, it left the bird's nest on the cliff and stood in the air.

Because its shape is much larger than the bird's nest protruding in the air on the cliff, the bird's nest simply cannot accommodate its animal body.

"This body is good! It's too powerful! This is the most suitable body for my Dijiang!"

This giant beast looked at his beast body, appeared very infatuated, and kept praising himself.

Then, it accidentally looked towards the bird's nest and saw a lifeless corpse in the bird's nest.

This corpse of the gods was precisely the Tiansangzi who made the boundless Chaos Sea panicked not long ago.

However, the Tiansangzi at this moment has no vitality, a corpse.

"Huh, by comparison, Tiansangzi's body is as weak as an infant.

It's hard for me to be a dignified emperor. It's really disgusting to spend so much time in this disgusting body. "

The giant beast looked at the corpse of Tiansangzi with disgust.

puff! Tiansangzi's corpse was shocked by the behemoth's eyes on the spot, and his body was shattered into nothingness.

Then, the terrifying gaze of the giant beast fell on the bird's nest and on the other giant egg.

"What should I do with this dome."

The giant beast groaned, his voice rumbling, shaking the entire incomplete space.

"Forget it.

This dome seems to be able to hatch even if it is given another 100 million years.

Leave it here for now.

In the future, it may be useful to me. "

Said the beast.


Shouted the behemoth.

Suddenly, time stagnated, space distorted, and the space where the bird's nest was located was completely sealed.

The bird's nest disappeared directly.

"Well, my seal secret technique is estimated to have been lost in many chaotic spaces.

The average powerhouse would not be able to find this bird's nest, let alone break my seal. "

The giant sneered.

"Okay, go back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos!"

The beast grinned, extremely hideous.

Then, the giant beast turned and walked towards the distant void.

咚咚...Every time it takes a step, this incomplete space shakes violently.

An unspeakable terrifying coercion radiated from its body, and the space it passed by shattered and collapsed continuously.

After a while.

This giant beast came into a void.

"Well, this body, although extremely powerful.

However, it is too big to be used to.


Let's change back to the original look I used to be, and feel more comfortable. "

In the mouth of the giant beast, rumbling words were spit out.

next moment.

The giant beast shook.

The huge unmatched beast body began to shrink slowly.

In the end, it turned out to be a human body.

This is an old man with dark eyes and black clothes.

This old man exudes a gloomy icy breath, and his whole person is like a piece of billions of years of profound ice.

The temperature of the whole world suddenly dropped because of him.

Between the sky and the earth, there is snow everywhere, and ice everywhere.

"Hey, my body is still comfortable.

It's a pity that my real body has long since disappeared.

Now, only through magical powers, the previous body can be reproduced.

However, this is nothing, because I now have the body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast! One of the most perverted flesh! "

The old man in black sneered.

[Biqudao] Then.

He stretched out his hand and tore open the void, like tearing a piece of thin paper, forcibly tearing the space barrier deep in the void, and stepped inside.

"Haha, the physical power of the Sky-Swallowing Beast is really abnormal."

The voice of the old man in black came from the depths of the space barrier.

This black-clothed old man walked through the depths of the void, tearing apart the space barriers from place to place with his bare hands. Different worlds and different chaotic spaces seemed to him without any obstacles.

at the same time.

In the sword world.

Above the peak of Shenjian Mountain.

In the most central palace.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, still comprehending the sword quietly.

In the vast palace, every sacred beast, or galloping, or soaring, or howling, or roaring,... every sacred beast is transformed from a sword light.

In kendo, this is called sword intent.

Every sword light has an independent charm, and even seems to have an independent life! Thousands of swords light, transformed into thousands of beasts, a magnificent sight! "Every sword light in my body is evolving towards higher quality at an astonishing speed! The sword intent left by the old sword man is indeed the purest, most mysterious and deepest sword intent! The sword in my body is Slowly blending the sword intent left by the old man sword, my kendo level has reached a shocking level! Moreover, it is still soaring! This time, coming to the sword world, it is really right!

Lin Fei was very excited.

This time I came to the sword world, and the harvest was really great.

Among other things, the level of kendo is, at least, at least ten thousand times stronger than before! "Alas?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved, and an emotion of ecstasy was born instantly.

"There is a powerful energy in my body! This energy is more advanced and powerful than Chaos Essence! Could it be that this is the mighty power of the world?

! "

Lin Fei was extremely excited.

The reason why the supreme world is more advanced than other ordinary worlds is because it possesses world power.

The reason why the creatures of the highest world are stronger than those of the outside world is also because they contain a trace of world power in their bodies.

In short, the world power is a more advanced kind of higher energy that only exists in the highest world.


I am not a creature in the sword world, I came in from outside.

Logically speaking, it is impossible to absorb the world's mighty power in the sword world.

How can the world power appear in my body?

Could it be that I made a mistake? "

Lin Fei was a little puzzled.

"It seems that it really is the mighty power of the world..., such a powerful energy..." For a moment, Lin Fei stopped comprehending the sword, feeling the strands of powerful energy in his body, which was both surprise and doubt.

"I understand! That must be the case! The Sword Spirit senior once said that I got the approval of God Sword Mountain, which is equivalent to the approval of the sword world.

From then on, I am a member of the sword world.

Therefore, if I practice in the sword world, I can absorb the world's mighty power of the sword world! "

In Lin Fei's heart, a trace of understanding suddenly surged, and he figured it out.

"Haha, World Weili, what a great thing! From then on, I, Lin Fei, is actually a creature of the highest world."

Lin Fei smiled.

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