Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3778: Are you pressed?

"It seems to have found that kid! Quickly, before the swordsmen, catch that kid! Then he will be tortured to find out what secrets he has. It is worthwhile for the swordsmen to search him!"

Almost at the same time, the main **** of the knife world also discovered Lin Fei and issued an order.

Shoo...near the sword world portal, a team of people, like a tide, rushed towards Lin Fei's position.

There are also the main gods, at an astonishing speed, like floating lights and glancing shadows, locking Lin Fei far away, galloping in.

"found it!"

At this critical moment, Lin Fei suddenly looked happy, and finally found a weak space-time node.

As a result, Lin Fei moved towards the location of the time and space node.


"Where to escape!"

...At this time, some of the people closest to Lin Fei began to arrive one after another, and the tide generally came to Lin Fei.

There are those from the sword world as well as those from the sword world! Among them, some sword repairs and sword repairs are the gods of the sword world, and they are very powerful.

Soon, Lin Fei was surrounded by people like tides in all directions.

"If that's the case, don't blame me, let's kill!"

Lin Fei shouted.

Lin Fei understood that the current situation was very critical.

In the distance, a large number of main gods are coming quickly.

At most, it will come within a few breaths.

Now, he must blaze a trail to reach that weak time and space node in order to escape successfully.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei did not hesitate, and immediately shot.

Shoo shoo...a stream of sharp sword light burst out of Lin Fei's body.

The quality of every sword light is amazing, and it contains amazing sword intent.

"Ahhh..." One by one, the sword repairs and sword repairs were swept by Lin Fei's sword qi. Some of their bodies were pierced on the spot, some were unloaded into dozens of pieces, and some were even strangled into fragments and evaporated. .

Lin Fei's kendo level is terrifying.

Ordinary sword repairs and sword repairs are not Lin Fei's enemies at all! "Boy, Hugh succeeded! I'll kill you!"

To the east, a middle-aged sword repairman, stepping on his sword, came with a misty temperament, like a banished immortal.

This is a god! Moreover, it is a true God of the Middle God.

The middle gods of the sword world, the true gods, are naturally much stronger than those of the outside world.

call out! A long sword, the long sword that appeared in the middle-aged Jianxiu, stabs Lin Fei.

A sword came to the east, carrying boundless cloud energy and terrifying sword intent, bursting out.

There was only a sword light, but it came from across the sky like a thousand swords.

This sword light, if it strikes from nine days away, tearing open the sky, driving the endless misty sea of ​​clouds, sweeping everything! "Haha, kid, tie your hands obediently!"

In the West, a middle-aged sword repairer appeared almost at the same time, driving the sword energy and swallowing the world.

This middle-aged sword repairer was also a true middle-aged god, with a simple and simple long sword in his hand and slashed towards Lin Fei.

Huh! A sword intent that dominates the world, like a tide, violently slashed out of that long sword.

It strangled Xiang Lin Fei's body like a tornado.

The two middle gods, true gods, repaired with one sword and repaired with one sword, and they attacked together at the same time, cutting towards Lin Fei.

"Get out! Something like ants, dare to block my way!"

At this time, Lin Fei was also a little anxious, and with a loud roar, his sword fingers stretched out and cut forward.

laugh! A faint sword light slashed out like running water.

when! The long sword in the middle-aged sword repair hand was broken into two pieces.

when! The long sword in the middle-aged sword repairer's hand was also swept by Lin Fei's sword light and broken into two pieces.


Roar... the middle-aged sword repair and middle-aged sword repair, both felt terrified, and desperately backed away.



Puff! Two crisp sounds.

The bodies of the middle-aged sword repair and middle-aged sword repair, from the top of the head to the bottom of the feet, were cut in half at the same time, thrown out, and blood spurted wildly.

Originally, the gods of the highest world were much more powerful than the gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Because the gods of the highest world contain world power in their bodies.

But now, Lin Fei's body also contained world power.

Moreover, the number is quite large.

Because Lin Fei was practicing on the Shenjian Mountain.

Shenjian Mountain is the core and most sacred place in the entire sword world.

Cultivating on the Divine Sword Mountain can absorb more world power than other places! Therefore, in the sword world, ordinary creatures do not have much advantage in front of Lin Fei.

Unless the main gods of the sword world came, Lin Fei could be jealous.

After all, he is the Lord God of the Highest World, and his combat power is not trivial.

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

Lin Fei displayed the secret technique of reincarnation, matched with the law of time and space, and controlled the sword aura, and the speed was extremely fast.

Chi Chi...Lin Fei's sword fingers closed together, cutting out a faint sword light like boiling water, like a life harvester, shattering batch after batch of sword repairs and knife repairs into pieces.

Less than a breath.


Lin Fei finally arrived, the weak point of time and space.


Without saying anything, Lin Fei directly displayed the law of time and space, disappearing in place, crossing into the depths of the void.

Before coming to the space barrier of the sword world.

"Well, I found the right place!"

Lin Fei nodded.

The space barrier here is indeed at a relatively weak node, and now, it is the weakest time.

"Get in!"

Lin Fei did not hesitate to use the Secret Technique of Traversing, the Law of Time, the Law of Space, and the Law of Reincarnation. The three laws were combined and exerted force at the same time, cutting away towards the space barrier ahead.

At the same time, the breath of Old Man Jian and five apprentices appeared on Lin Fei's body, wrapping Lin Fei.

The old sword man and five apprentices were once the masters of the sword world, leaving an indelible mark in the space of the sword world.

Therefore, the time and space of the sword world absolutely recognizes the old man and the five apprentices, and will not cause much rejection.

Rumble...This space barrier started to shake due to Lin Fei's aggressive behavior.

Outside, the chaotic void nearby was even more swaying and shaking violently.

Shoo...Finally, the main gods came one by one.


! Look, that kid actually wants to get into the space barrier! "

"This kid, are you crazy! A space barrier of the highest world, can he also get in?

! "

"Is he, he was forced by us to make such a crazy move?"

...One by one the main gods, staring at the depths of the void, Lin Fei's actions, for a moment, couldn't help being stunned.

You know, the space barriers of a supreme world are too strong.

Even the main **** cannot penetrate forcibly.

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