Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3783: Surrender to me

"what happened?

! "

The divine consciousness of the black-clothed old man instantly perceives the situation of the entire Silence Ridge clearly, and he can't help being taken aback.

"Huh! I was so brave to destroy Ji Mie Ling while I was away.

Very well, those so-called superpowers will pay a heavy price for this matter.

Not everyone can move the site of my Dijiang. "

The black-clothed old man's face sank, and he said with a sneer.

Then, the black-clothed old man stepped out from the depths of the void of Silence Hill.

He carried his hands on his back, which seemed unhappy, but in fact the speed was surprisingly fast.

After a while.

A sacred mountain appeared in front of it, and on the sacred mountain, a large number of creatures were fighting.

There are also many creatures around the mountain, watching the excitement.

On the top of the mountain, there is a cultivating cave, and in the cave, there is a furnace of **** pill, gleaming, exuding a strong and attractive pill fragrance.

Dozens of **** masters are fighting fiercely in order to **** the furnace of **** pill.

Several corpses were scattered on the ground. Obviously, in this battle of the God Pill battle, some creatures have fallen.

Silence Hill has now developed into a sacred place for Lilian.

The martial artist's experience is cruel of course.

Every day, there will be creatures falling into it, which is normal.

"Haha..., the **** pill is mine!"

In the fierce battle, a short and stout man suddenly broke through all the obstacles, like an arrow, rushing towards the cultivation cave.

His speed was too fast, and he reached the gate of the cultivation cave in an instant.

The other masters were caught off guard and had no time to stop them.

"Haha..." The man laughed, rushed into the cultivation cave, and reached out to grab the furnace **** pill.


The other masters shouted in unison.

Just now.


An old man in black, like a ghost, appeared next to the furnace **** pill, staring at everyone with gloomy eyes.

"Old guy, who are you! Get out, otherwise, die!"

The short and stout man was startled and roared.

The black-clothed old man was expressionless [], his eyes were cold.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

The short, strong man slapped the black-clothed old man with a punch, and his fist expanded rapidly, turning into a giant peak, and suppressing the black-clothed old man.

puff! What is surprising is that the huge fist, still some distance from the black-clothed old man, encountered an invisible coercion, and it exploded to pieces with a puff.

follow closely.

puff! The arm of the short and strong man was also shattered and turned into a cloud of blood.


The body of the short, strong man was as fragile as a bubble, bursting to pieces.

Both form and spirit are destroyed! From beginning to end, the old man in black carried his hands on his back without any movement.

As if it has nothing to do with him.

This scene made the atmosphere on the sacred mountain suddenly silent.

Quiet! Terribly quiet! Quiet like a tomb! A pair of doubts and horrified eyes stared at the old man in black.

There is a chill in the heart of every creature.

"All of you must submit to me.

Otherwise, die. "

The black-clothed old man spoke aloud, and his flat voice slowly rippled away, spreading throughout the void.

"Senior, who are you.

I am the prince of the Tianpeng clan.

My father is the current patriarch of the Tianpeng clan. "

A slender young man stepped forward and said loudly.

"Tianpeng Clan, um, I haven't heard of it.


However, think about it, your clan is good at speed.

It just so happened that I was short of errands.

Well, from now on, you Tianpeng Clan, surrender to me and run for me. "

The black-clothed old man said flatly, and in his tone, he could not hear any emotions.

"Presumptuous! You are too rude! He De, how can you dare to say such a thing!"

The prince of the Tianpeng clan, trembling with anger, pointed the black-clothed old man with his finger, and roared.

"Everyone, let's go together and divide this rude old guy into five pieces.

Then, decide who owns that furnace of God Pill. "

The Tianpeng clan prince said.

"it is good!"

The other creatures thought about it a little bit, and all nodded.

For these masters of the gods, a furnace of **** pill is simply invaluable and worth a fight.

"Go together, kill this old guy."

Dozens of masters of the gods, showing their bodies, rushed towards the black-clothed old man.

"It's ridiculous that the worm shakes the tree."

The black-clothed old man shook his head, seemingly quite boring.


He stretched out a finger and volleyed forward.

Puff puff puff... his finger seems to possess magical power. Every time, lightly volley in the air, there must be a master of the gods, his body exploded on the spot, and his body and spirit disappeared.

Less than a breath.

Dozens of **** masters, like dozens of bubbles, all blown up.

Only the prince of the Tianpeng clan, standing there alone, was completely frightened and dared not move.

"You..., you..." The prince of the Tianpeng clan felt like he had fallen into a billion-year-old ice cellar, unable to control his body, trembling constantly, and speaking uncomfortably.

Around the sacred mountain, all the creatures onlookers were completely frightened.

With horrified eyes, staring at the old man in black.

They wanted to run away immediately, but one by one, as if they had been caught in the fixation method, they could not move at all.

"If you want to die, you still want to live."

The black-clothed old man looked at the prince of the Tianpeng clan and asked with a smile.

"Senior, spare your life! Don't kill me!"

The prince of the Tianpeng clan did not have the courage to resist, his knees softened, and he knelt down in front of the black-clothed old man, begging repeatedly.

"right now.

Lead the way, I'm going to the Tianpeng clan.

The Tianpeng Clan is temporarily the foothold of our Dijiang.

And you members of the Tianpeng clan, you can run for me. "

The old man in black said lightly.

In the tone, there is a smell that is natural and cannot be rejected.

"I lead the way! I lead the way! As long as the seniors don't kill me!"

The prince of the Tianpeng clan had long been so scared that he knocked his head like garlic.

"Well, you can live."

The black-clothed old man opened his mouth and sucked, sucking all the furnace **** pill into his mouth and swallowing it.

"You all must submit to me, otherwise, die."

The gaze of the black-clothed old man suddenly scanned the surroundings of the sacred mountain, and said to the creatures who were onlookers in the distance.

"Run away!"

A horrified cry sounded, and all the creatures around the sacred mountain fled.

For no reason, no one wants to surrender to this terrifying black-clothed old man of unknown origin.


The old man in black spit out a word gently.

Puff puff puff...All the living beings around the sacred mountain, in an instant, all exploded, and their form and spirit disappeared.

Grid...The prince of the Tianpeng clan was completely shocked, and his teeth kept colliding with each other.

"Let's go."

The black-clothed old man stepped up and walked outside of Silence Hill.

The body of the Tianpeng clan prince was dragged by an invisible force, and his body flew in the air, uncontrollably, following behind the black-clothed old man.

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