Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3795: Mr. Mu's deduction

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

A hidden space somewhere.

This is a small world.

In the small world, there are many peaks and mountains, the mountains are clear and the water is beautiful, the spring water is jingle, and the birds whisper.

On one of the beautiful mountain peaks, an old man with white beard and hair is sitting crouched on a sunny hillside.

Two children, boil water and make tea next to them.

Opposite the old man, there were five creatures who were shrouded in the mist of mysterious laws sitting cross-legged.

These creatures are the main gods! "Mr. Wood.

Dijiang, it should be Tiansangzi before.

What do you think of his identity?

What is his strength?

He wants to rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos, how likely is it? "

A main **** asked openly.

The main **** asked three questions in a row.

The old man with white beard and hair is exactly the famous prophet, Mr. Mu, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

The main gods of a few superpowers came to see Mr. Mu specifically, just to learn more about Dijiang.

"Di Jiang is very mysterious.

His cause and effect seems to involve a very profitable relationship.

I don't know if I can calculate him based on my ability.

I just try. "

Mr. Mu said slowly.

"If even Mr. Mu can't calculate, then no one can do it in the entire boundless Chaos Sea."

A main **** said in a loud voice.

"Hehe, don't say that, I know myself.

Well, I will try it now. "

Mr. Mu said.

Then, in the palm of his hand, a dazzling multicolored divine light burst out suddenly, which was a sharp horn with divine light.

"Chaotic colorful **** rhino horn!"

Several main gods were a little surprised.

The chaotic colorful rhinoceros is a kind of legendary beast.

Generally, they only live in the sea of ​​absolute space.

Moreover, it is said that the number is very scarce.

This kind of beast has a magical talent, can perceive the past and predict the end.

If there are creatures, encounter this kind of beast in the sea of ​​absolute space, come forward and ask for advice, you can know things at any time in your life, including future things! "Not bad.

This chaotic colorful rhinoceros was given to me by my master. "

Mr. Mu said.

After speaking, the chaotic and colorful horns in Mr. Mu's palm suddenly shook.

The colorful gods rise up into the sky, dyeing the entire small world into five colors, constantly changing.

Then, the horns of the chaotic and colorful gods rose up from the palm of Mr. Mu, hovering above Mr. Mu's head, and released the mysterious runes of the sky.

Mr. Mu sat in the dazzling five-color light and began to pinch his fingers.

At the same time, he was chanting some difficult mantras in his mouth.

Rumble...All around him, time and space are changing, and lines of cause and effect are constantly emerging, and there are some laws of reincarnation, like ribbons, extending into the distant void.

"Mr. Mu's deduction is truly unparalleled in the world."

Opposite, the few main gods couldn't help but exclaimed.

From their eyes, it is natural to see that Mr. Mu's deduction has begun to penetrate into time and space, following causal relations, reincarnation relations, calculating the past and calculating the future.

After a while.

The lines of the law of cause and effect, the lines of the law of reincarnation, continue to emerge, like large nets, gradually covering Mr. Mu.

Just like that, I don't know how long it took.

At a certain moment.


Puff... Mr. Mu suddenly opened his mouth, spouting several mouthfuls of blood, his face paled in an instant.

"Mr. Mu, are you all right."

The main gods on the opposite side were all shocked.

"Master..." The two boys beside Mr. Mu also hurriedly stepped forward to help Mr. Mu beat his chest and back.


After vomiting a few mouthfuls of blood, Mr. Mu shook his head and sighed.

"The cause and effect involved in Dijiang is very powerful. If it is forced to deduct, it will suffer a powerful backlash."

Mr. Mu said.

"Mr. Mu, have you deduced anything?"

A main **** asked eagerly.

"Dijiang is not a creature in our chaotic space.

His past is very powerful and very mysterious.

I just walked along Dijiang's past and kept pursuing it.

As a result, it was deduced to another space different from our boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Dijiang has a very high status in that space.

It can be said that it is a creature of the overlord level.

But, I don't know why he came to our boundless sea of ​​chaos.

When I wanted to make further deductions, Dijiang, who belonged to the past years, appeared. With a palm away, I almost hit me.

Then, I began to deduct the future of Dijiang.

The future of Dijiang is closely related to our boundless sea of ​​chaos.

I saw that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, countless creatures, countless ethnic groups, knelt down in front of Dijiang.

It seems that the entire boundless Chaos Sea was ruled by Dijiang.

However, the future Dijiang seemed to have discovered that I was spying on him, and he almost shattered me with a single finger.

This is the scene I just deduced.

That's it. "

Mr. Mu said.

"The past is not counted.

In the future, it will not be counted.

Because Dijiang's strength is too strong.

The cause and effect involved are also too great.

With my ability, it is indeed impossible to accurately deduce Dijiang. "

Mr. Mu sighed.

The several main gods, after hearing Mr. Mu's words, couldn't help but frowned, and their faces were not very good.

Even Mr. Mu couldn't calculate. In this way, Di Jiang's strength was really terrifying.

You know, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, even if it is the matter of the main god, Mr. Mu can also calculate it.

Even with regard to the Supreme World, Mr. Mu has the ability to deduct.

Before, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the supreme world in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Evil Valley was born, and Mr. Mu could perform deductions.

Now, Mr. Mu has no ability to play Dijiang.

One can imagine how terrible the origin of Dijiang is.

Strength, how powerful! "In this way, this Dijiang is really tricky.

Hard to deal with. "

One of the main gods said slowly.

"Mr. Mu, what you just calculated regarding the future scene of Dijiang, does it indicate that Dijiang will really rule the boundless Chaos Sea?"

A main **** asked.

"This..., I'm not sure.

In short, I saw that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are countless creatures and countless ethnic groups, kneeling down in front of Dijiang, constantly kowtow. "

Mr. Mu said.

"So, Mr. Mu, what do you think of Dijiang's strength, how strong is it?"

A main **** asked.

"Everyone, let me say something offensive.

Dijiang's strength is stronger than you, much stronger. "

Mr. Mu said.

For a while, the five main gods were silent and heavy.

They naturally believe in Mr. Mu's deduction.

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