Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3815: recognize

In the face of the overwhelming sword light, Lin Fei still did not evade, carrying his hands on his back.

In an instant, a steady stream of sharp sword light slashed on Lin Fei's body.

It's just that all the sword light seemed to be a mud cow entering the sea and directly blending into Lin Fei's body, without a trace.

This scene made every creature feel numb in the scalp, and only felt cold all over.

"Cut! Don't stop, don't have reservations, see how long this kid can last!"

A **** shouted.

Swish...the tide of sword light slashed on Lin Fei's body continuously.

Lin Fei's body is like a bottomless black hole.

A powerful suction force is generated, and all the sword light that has been killed is absorbed, and there is not one left! "Yes, Not Bad.

Absorbing the sword intent and qi of these swordsmen repaired the five true meanings of kendo in my body and the world of kendo that was about to take shape. "

Lin Fei felt very satisfied with this wave of sword light attacks.

In this way, the people of the four major forces continuously cut out swords of light and attacked Lin Fei.

After a while.

"Not good! My kendo level, why, has dropped!"

"Ah! Mine too, my kendo cultivation base suddenly became weak.

The sword energy that was cut seemed to be gradually weakening! "

"What's going on! Could it be that weird kid who moved his hands and feet?

! "

...Suddenly, all the creatures exclaimed.

They found that their kendo level was slowly declining! Lin Fei knew very well that absorbing the sword intent and qi from these swordsmen was equivalent to absorbing the kendo level of these swordsmen and enhancing his kendo level! "This kid is too weird! Stop attacking him!"

Suddenly, all the creatures stopped attacking Lin Fei.

At this moment, they looked at Lin Fei's gaze, truly panic to the extreme.

In their eyes, the boy in front of them was too weird, too weird, and too terrifying.

"Immediately notify the martial arts and send experts to reinforce.

We can't deal with this kid! "

Someone cried.

"Yes, immediately notify the martial arts!"

All creatures agree.

Therefore, a message was sent back to the martial arts.


Upon seeing this, Lin Fei didn't want to continue entanglement with these four major forces, and walked away.

Of course Lin Fei is not afraid of the four major forces in the sword world.

With Lin Fei's current strength, even if the main gods of the four major forces came, Lin Fei would not be too afraid.

However, Lin Fei didn't want to entangle them too much for the time being.

Lin Fei was in a hurry to rush back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Just now, the reason why Lin Fei was spending time with these four major forces was to test his ability to absorb sword energy and sword intent.

Now, the result is quite satisfactory.

"Look, this kid wants to escape!"

"Boy, stop!"

"Stop him, the master of the school is coming!"

...The four major forces felt that Lin Fei wanted to escape, and couldn't help but feel anxious.

So, one after another surrounded them, trying to stop Lin Fei.

"If you don't want to die, get out."

Lin Fei said lightly.

Huh! A bland sword light, as thick as a finger, slashed out.

In an instant, this piece of heaven and earth, all the energy and laws, all madly rushed towards this plain sword light.

There is a void around, straight pull is taken away! Every living being has a strong sense of death crisis in his heart.

She was cold and couldn't move at all.

The plain sword light that Lin Fei slashed out became extremely terrifying in their eyes.

So, for an instant, all the creatures seemed to have caught the fixation method, standing still, sweating and trembling, and watching, Lin Fei's figure traveled into the depths of the void.

Until, after a few breaths.

After Lin Fei's figure and breath completely disappeared.

"Huh, it's terrible. Just now, I seemed to have gone to a ghost gate!"

"Me too, the moment that kid took out the sword, I felt that as long as I dare to move, I would die under his sword! The feeling of facing death is too real and terrible!"

"I'm not afraid of you laughing, just now, I almost peeed in shock!"

...One by one, the creatures are breathing heavily, like fishes that have been picked up from the water and dried for a long time.

Shoo... just at this moment, a group of fierce sword lights blasted from a distance, showing a body shape, a group of more powerful sword repairers.

"Elder, you are finally here!"

"Meet Deacon Thousand!"

"I have seen Uncle Six!"

...The four major forces came forward to greet them.

"What about the weird kid you are talking about! Why is it gone?"

A white-haired old man asked openly.

The white-haired old man had white beard and hair, bright eyes, and his body was upright like a divine sword.

This white-haired old man is a half-step master god! A master from the Bliss Sword School.

"Elder Ji, you are late! That kid just left!"

A middle-aged man from the Bliss Sword School stepped forward and said.


! What did you do, why did you let the kid go! Could it be that you have forgotten your duty here! "

The white-haired old man was furious, and sharp sword lights spewed out from his body. The terrible coercion rolled out in all directions.

"Elder Ji, please calm down! That kid is really weird and terrible.

We simply have no ability to stop him! "

The middle-aged man from the Bliss Sword Sect shouted injustice.

"Yes, Elder Ji, we have blocked him.

However, that weird kid, with just a single sword, almost killed all of us! "

The other creatures also spoke up.

"Is there such a thing.

That being said, that kid is really weird.

Well, you can simulate the image and spirit of that kid, let me deduce what his identity is. "

Said Elder Ji of the Bliss Sword School.

So, a **** stepped forward and waved his hand.

Lin Fei's figure appeared in the void.

The masters of the four major forces who had just arrived, all stared at Lin Fei's figure.

"What, it's him! This kid, it seems, was the last time that Tian Luo Jianzi broke into Shenjian Mountain with Tianluo Jianzi, and finally, the kid who suddenly left mysteriously!"

Suddenly, a half-step master **** of the Simon family screamed in shock.

"Yes, it's him, I recognize it too!"

Several other half-step main gods also called out.

Last time, in order to round up Lin Fei and Tianluo Jianzi, the senior figures of the four major forces, including these half-step main gods, all possessed Lin Fei's image and spirit aura.

All, now, these half-step master gods, all of a sudden, recognized Lin Fei.

Among the four major forces, those ordinary members had never been in contact with Lin Fei's image and spirit aura, so Lin Fei could not be recognized.

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