Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3820: Zhan Dijiang

"Roar! Lin Fei, I know you are there!"

Just as Lin Fei's gaze was staring at the giant beast that Dijiang had transformed into, the giant beast suddenly turned around, looked at Lin Fei's hidden void, and said in a loud voice.

boom! A huge tail swept towards Lin Fei at an incredible speed.

Lin Fei only felt that a huge force, like a frenzy of anger, came surging, and even his breathing was a little unsmooth.

The violent power directly sealed the void where Lin Fei was standing, and everything was still.

"What a terrible power! A casual blow is enough to seal time and space!"

Lin Fei was secretly surprised.

Swish...A series of sharp sword lights cut out from Lin Fei's body, and the billowing sword lights instantly disintegrated the surrounding power seal.

Lin Feizhan's departure method, teleported away.

Rumble...The huge unmatched beast's tail slammed into the place where Lin Fei had just stood, smashing the space into a dent.

"Yes, it can avoid my blow!"

Di Jiang was a little surprised.

In fact, this is not Lin Fei's most powerful body skills now.

Lin Fei's most powerful body style right now is the shadowless pose.

The shadowless style was taught to Lin Fei by the statue master's father.

The Shenfa taught by a Chaos God is of course not trivial. It belongs to the world, the most powerful and the most brilliant secret Shenfa.

However, Lin Fei had reservations for the time being, and didn't want to make all of his hole cards public all at once.

"Come again!"

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast roared sharply, its huge body densely covered with scales, and its tyrannical body released the power of destroying the world.

Boom! A huge beast claw whizzed out and patted Lin Fei.

Above the beast's claws, a dazzling light was emitted, complicated runes were shining, and the chaotic origin laws were intertwined.

Rumble...In Lin Fei's body, more than one hundred human worlds glowed simultaneously, and endless chaotic energy poured out and blessed on the body.

At the same time, there is a more advanced energy, the mighty power of the world, circulating in Lin Fei's body, making Lin Fei's body more indestructible.

The power of the world is the energy belonging to the highest world.

Displayed in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the power produced is no small thing.

Shoo...A personal deity rushed out of Lin Fei's body one after another, performing different secret techniques, and blasted forward.

At the same time, Lin Fei displayed all the chaotic origin laws he had mastered, merged and intertwined, and detonated instantly.

This is the law fusion technique, Lin Fei's big trump card.

Swish...billions of brilliant sword lights, densely packed, slashed towards the chaos-swallowing beast.

Rumbling... Lin Fei's various attacks all blasted on the huge beast claw, and the two sides collided.

With a bang.

Lin Fei was shaken out.

Above the body, the horrible power blasted pits and holes, one by one shocking blood holes, revealing bone stubble, and blood splashing like a fountain.

Even the small half of Lin Fei's body was destroyed on the spot.

It's just that, to Lin Fei, these are all skin injuries.

For Lin Fei, the wound of skin and flesh had no effect.

Not to mention the small half of the body that was shattered, even if the body was completely shattered and annihilated into powder, it would not have any effect on Lin Fei, and he could recover instantly.

"Dijiang is too powerful.

I simply don't have the strength to face him head-on. "

Lin Fei couldn't help shaking his head and sighed.


"Not bad! Lin Fei, I didn't expect your combat power to reach this level.

It really is a rare evildoer in the world! "

The mighty Dijiang couldn't help but admire.

"How could it be..." The other main gods also looked complicated.

Although Lin Fei was shaken out by Dijiang's blow, and was also injured.

However, from their eyes, it is natural to see that Lin Fei's demonstrated strength is, at least, comparable to them! This means that Lin Fei really has the power of the main god! However, Lin Fei's realm is nothing but a true middle-level god! A true middle-level god, possessing the strength of the main **** level, is unprecedented.

"How is it possible! How could Lin Fei's strength be so abnormal!"

All the main gods are a bit unable to accept this fact.

"It seems that I still underestimated him far, he is really a funny little guy."

The huge face from the dark world seemed to be very interested in Lin Fei, whispered.

"Lin Fei, you are indeed a rare evildoer, I am very optimistic about you.

Well, let me give you a chance. From now on, you will be by my side and be my assistant.

You don't need to be my slave, but my assistant.

Even in the future, I can consider letting you be my heir.

Lin Fei, this is a love for you. "

Di Jiang stared at Lin Fei and said in a loud voice, the rumbling sound shook the sky.

"Di Jiang wants to accept Lin Fei as a successor!"

The other main gods were shocked when they heard this.

I have to say that this temptation is very big.

Ordinary creatures really can't resist.

It can be said that Dijiang is now the most powerful person in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

It seems that it is very possible to really rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"How about it, Lin Fei, you won't encounter such an opportunity once in billions of years.

I don't think you have any reason to reject me. "

Di Jiang said.

It can be seen that he has indeed moved his love for talent and really wants to accept Lin Fei as his assistant, or even his descendant.

The other main gods also looked at Lin Fei, as if they wanted to see his choice.

Once Lin Fei really agreed to become Di Jiang's assistant, then Di Jiang would be even more powerful.

Because Lin Fei is also a very difficult opponent.

This point, these main gods have long learned.

"You let me be your assistant?

Or even a descendant?

Kindly accepted.

But, I don’t think you are worthy. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

Lin Fei's words are not exaggerated.

The statue of Master Lin Fei in the Valley of Fallen God is a chaos god.

Although Dijiang is very powerful.

However, it is definitely not comparable to a Chaos God.

Therefore, Lin Fei really felt that Di Jiang was not qualified to be his master.

"Then you go to die!"

Di Jiang was angry, and the huge beast body suddenly rushed towards Lin Fei.

Roar! The chaos-swallowing beast opened its big mouth, like a black hole, with astonishing swallowing power, and lunged at Lin Fei.

That big mouth of blood basin, wherever he went, everything was devoured.

This is a terrifying talent of the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast.

Lin Fei was secretly surprised and found that his body was a little out of control, and he wanted to fly towards the big mouth of the blood basin.

call out! Lin Fei did not hesitate, and directly performed the shadowless pose, instantly losing his figure.

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