Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 382: Fu Beast Jue

Holding the long sword transformed by vitality in his hand, I felt the real touch feeling, which seemed exactly the same as holding a real long sword. "Literature fans.ん.

The difference is that this sword of vitality is transformed by my own pure vitality, and its shape is not fixed. As long as I am willing, continue to pour more vitality into the sword to make this vitality. The length of the sword becomes longer, or the blade becomes wider.

In theory, as long as you have enough vitality, you can even condense a great sword!

Moreover, this vitality sword is interlinked with the vitality in one's own body, and when used by oneself, it will undoubtedly be more handy in terms of degree and strength, like a hand.

Holding the sword of vitality in his hand, after looking at it for a long while, Lin Fei suddenly instilled the vitality in his body into the sword of vitality.


The blade of the sword of vitality, as if it had been lit, burned suddenly, and beams of light golden flames kept beating.

This is another overbearing aspect of Yanyang Three Swords. These flames are the flames produced by the burning of the essence of vitality. They are extremely powerful. Once they hit the body of the warrior, these flames will adhere to them until they are destroyed. It will burn ashes!

After looking at it for a while, Lin Fei showed a satisfied smile on his face, knowing in his heart that this first step, the sword of vitality, could be considered as completed.

The next step is the second step of cultivation. In the sea of ​​knowledge, you can develop a natal sword aura. Only when you cooperate with this natal sword aura, will it be the true three swords of the sun and will show great power. .

After repeatedly studying the three swords of the Yanyang Sun and the method of cultivating the Sword Qi in his mind, Lin Fei sat down cross-legged again, sinking his consciousness into the sea of ​​knowledge, and wholeheartedly tempering his life. Jian Qi.

The so-called natal sword aura, in fact, is the sword intent, or sword power, that the warrior can comprehend by cultivating the kendo by himself, which is highly compressed and refined, and condenses a sword-shaped natal sword aura in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Therefore, the natal sword energy is actually the sword intent, or the high compression of the sword's power, turning into the shape of a long sword, entrenched in the sea of ​​knowledge.

one day

Two days

Three days............

Five days later, Lin Fei, who was meditating with his eyes closed, opened his closed eyes suddenly.

A sword intent that dominates the world, like a tide, stabs out of Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge!

This sword intent does not have the slightest blessing of vitality, but it is extremely pure, with a flawless and unsullied taste, which seems to touch the origin of kendo.

Looking inside, Lin Fei saw a bright and sharp snow-white long sword in the sea of ​​consciousness. This long sword is exactly the sword of life. However, due to the high degree of concentration, this The sword aura of life can be seen with the naked eye, and it is flawless and impeccable, condensed and domineering, and has a sharp edge. It always bursts with boundless murderous aura, which makes people unable to look directly at it for a long time.

Sword Qi of life, finally succeeded in practicing.

At the same time, Lin Fei also realized that the natal sword energy he condensed was only the size of a finger.

"Hehe, boy, I think you should have successfully practiced the first type of Yanyang Three Swords.

Well, before and after, it only took five or six days. Your level of cultivation is quite good, which surprised me somewhat.

Haha, boy, suddenly my confidence in you seems to be greater.

By the way, that fellow An Xuan, didn't he give you his Yanyang Demon Fire?

When you are using the Three Swords of the Yanyang, try to communicate with the Yanyang Demon Fire, draw some energy of the Yanyang Demon Fire from it, integrate it into your vitality sword, and use the source of the Yanyang Demon Fire to burn your vitality. The flames of vitality produced should have unexpected power.

All right,

This third level of the mysterious underworld, the opportunities you can get, are almost these.

It's time for you to leave.

When your strength reaches the holy stage cultivation base, come to me again.

However, from now on, the third layer of the Profound Underworld will remain closed, and other young martial artists who have entered the Profound Underworld to experience treasure hunting will no longer be able to enter this third layer of space. "

Yandi said.

"Senior, I want to enter this mysterious underworld, there are age rules, in case, after my strength reaches the holy level, my age will be, I am afraid that by then, I will not be able to enter this mysterious underworld."

Lin Fei suddenly thought of something.

"Haha, it’s okay, kid, honestly, if you really reach the holy state, these rules at the entrance of the mysterious underworld will no longer work for you. As long as you have the strength to enter the holy state, you can tear it apart at any time. Any entrance of this mysterious world, enter this mysterious world.

So, you don’t need to worry about this! "

Emperor Yan said with a smile.

"So that's the case."

Lin Fei suddenly.

"By the way, Senior, Junior has another purpose for entering the Profound Underworld this time, which is to find the soul-returning fruit.

I don't know, where is the specific location of this soul-returning fruit? "

Lin Fei said.

"Oh? Are you looking for that soul-returning fruit?

Well, this Profound Underworld is actually an independent space. It has been closed for many years and isolated from the world. In addition, the aura in the Profound Underworld is much richer than the outside world. Therefore, this Profound Underworld Among them, there are indeed many treasures that are not available in the outside world.

The soul-returning fruit you said is true in this profound underworld.

As for the specific location, let me give it to you. "

As Yandi said, he was directing a stream of information into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge. Lin Fei glanced at it, and it was the specific location of the soul returning fruit.

"It's just that the soul-returning fruit is now guarded by a tenth-level beast, the ancient demon ape, and the tenth-level beast is equivalent to a human imperial martial artist.

Boy, you are the cultivation base of the middle realm of the sky, and you have just broken through to the middle level of the sky realm. You want to get the soul-returning fruit from the hand of the ancient demon ape, but it’s not that easy. , Maybe even your life will be lost.

No matter, I simply pass on a method to let you conquer the ancient magic ape. "

As Yandi spoke, another stream of information entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

Fu Beast tactics, a tactic specifically used to subdue demon beasts, once successfully cast on the demon beasts, it can conquer all demon beasts whose strength is within the tenth rank.


Can actually conquer all monsters with strength within the tenth rank!

Lin Fei couldn't help but took a breath, and at the same time, his heart jumped wildly. If the Fu Beast Art really has such power, it does not mean that he will encounter demon beasts within the tenth rank in the future. Can it be handled?

In a pleasant surprise, Lin Fei quickly read the information of the Fu Beast Art in the Sea of ​​Knowledge in more detail.

After a while, he had a general understanding of this Fu Beast Art.

It turns out that this beast tactic is actually the use of the power of consciousness, but it uses the power of divine consciousness to form a mysterious divine consciousness formation, which is driven into the head of the demon beast, and restrains the demon beast. The beast soul can thus directly control its life and death.

So it turned out that Lin Fei suddenly felt that this method was a bit similar to the method he used to subdue A Zi.

It’s just that, before I subdued Azi, he took advantage of Azi’s unpreparedness, and directly injured Azi’s beast soul. When Azi’s beast soul was extremely weak, he forced Azi to let go of the beast soul completely and let himself grow. With the imprint of spiritual consciousness, you can completely control the life and death of A Zi.

However, this Fu Beast Art seems to be much better than his own stupid method of subduing A Zi.

"Hehe, go, that ancient demon ape has a very long heritage of blood. After you conquer it, treat it well. If you have the opportunity to awaken its blood, its strength will continue to skyrocket, and it will grow to the limit. High height."

Emperor Yan said with a smile.

Although a little reluctant, Lin Fei also knew that this was not where he stayed. So, after bowing heavily to Emperor Yan, Lin Fei walked towards a place beside the grass under Yan Emperor's guidance. The place has a slightly illusory and transparent portal, which is easily overlooked.

As soon as he stepped into the illusory portal, Lin Fei only felt that the world was spinning around, which was the feeling of teleportation.

After a while, Lin Fei only felt that his feet were already standing on the ground, and when he took a closer look, it turned out that he had returned to the third floor of the Great Emperor Book Garden, in the small room of ten square meters.

Looking up and looking around, Lin Fei found that the painting originally hung on the wall had disappeared. It seemed that Emperor Yan really planned to temporarily close the third layer of space.

According to Emperor Yan, because Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness already contains the soul of Yan Emperor, next time, if Lin Fei comes here again, Emperor Yan will immediately sense it and send Lin Fei in.

After settling for a certain level, Lin Fei left the third floor directly.

On the second floor, and the first floor, there was no one. I wanted to come. I entered the space on the third floor. Five or six days have passed. The young warriors of the imperial royal family and Yinling religion may have left early in the morning.

Walking out of the palace gate, there was the wide empty square. Standing on the square, Lin Fei was in the sea of ​​knowledge. After carefully identifying the specific location of the soul-returning fruit, he looked for the direction. Is planning to expand Shen Fa to rush.

However, before Lin Fei's figure was shot out, his face suddenly moved and stopped.

With a cold smile, under the cover of divine consciousness, there are already two figures behind a few towering trees in the northeast corner of the square, surrounded by four or five people, and there are voices of words.

"Hey, look, that's not Lin Fei!"

"Yes, it is Lin Fei, the quick signal flares to inform Shao Pang and them."

It turns out that these two figures are members of the royal family. Ever since Pang Gao, Pang Fei and the Yinling Sect were expelled from the third floor, they made countless attempts and tried their best. Then enter the third floor of the small room.

In addition, all five of them knew that Lin Fei was no longer in the third layer, but was teleported away.

Therefore, in the end, the five people all left the Great Emperor Shuyuan, other places in the Xuanming Realm in despair, looking for other treasures.

However, Pang Gao and Pang Fei still left two royals, guarding on the edge of the square to prevent Lin Fei from reappearing here.

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