Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3840: Attack on Luoshengu

"Dijiang is out!"

Hearing Dijiang's voice, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the powerhouses of all factions and races all knew that Dijiang had already healed and left.

"Now, there is a good show.

The Tianpeng clan was Dijiang's most trusted and capable assistant, but was destroyed by Lin Fei.

Dijiang will never let it go! "

"There will be no place for Lin Fei in the entire boundless Chaos Sea."

...In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are voices of discussion everywhere.

"Lin Fei, get out!"

Dijiang's voice shook the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, shaking.

After a while.

Dijiang returned to the Tianpeng world group.

His face began to darken.

The entire Tianpeng world group has become a desolate ruin, without any creatures alive.

In this world group, most of the creatures were beheaded by Lin Fei, and the remaining small part had already escaped.

With Dijiang's strength, naturally, after a little deduction, he knew what had happened here.

"Lin Fei!"

Di Jiang roared.

"The creatures of this world group are just a bunch of running dogs to me, but the dogs of my Dijiang are definitely not something others can kill at will."

Standing in the Tianpeng world group, Di Jiang's eyes were extremely cold.

"Very well, Lin Fei, you have repeatedly disobeyed me and provoke me again and again. You really don't put my Dijiang in your eyes."

At this time, in Di Jiang's heart, the killing intent towards Lin Fei reached a peak.

"Lin Fei, my Emperor Jiang will kill you."

Di Jiang gritted his teeth.

Thus, Di Jiang began to deduct, using clever deduction secrets, tracking Lin Fei's whereabouts.


Di Jiang's gaze suddenly became sharp, and he looked far in the direction of the Ice Palace.

After Lin Fei destroyed the Tianpeng world group, he went directly to the Ice Palace.

Di Jiang captured Lin Fei's trajectory.

call out! Di Jiang strode out and headed towards the Ice Palace.

at this time.

In the ice palace, in the ice sword plane.

In the depths of the starry sky, in the sword shrine where Tianluo Jianzi was located.

"not good.

When Di Jiang came to the Ice Palace, he must find me.

I'd better run away. "

Tianluo Jianzi was very clear about everything that happened in the boundless Chaos Sea.

"Fortunately, Master left the sword palace to me before he left.

Otherwise, in front of Dijiang, it would be really difficult for me to escape. "

Tianluo Jianzi murmured to himself.


Rumble... Deep in the starry sky, the sword temple shivered slightly, releasing a bright sword light.


Shoo...The sword shrine left its original location, turning into a sword light, and fleeing away.

next moment.

Di Jiang walked into the ice palace.

His divine consciousness immediately enveloped the entire Ice Palace, conducting a carpet search.


Soon, Di Jiang seemed to have discovered something, and stepped into the ice sword plane.

"Here, something weird.

Lin Fei had been here before and had a short stay.

However, he has left. "

Di Jiang said to himself.

In the void of the Ice Sword plane, Di Jiang felt for a while, but found nothing.

Then he began to deduct it.


Di Jiang caught Lin Fei's whereabouts again.

call out! He stepped out one step, left the ice palace, and moved fast in the void of the boundless Chaos Sea at an astonishing speed.

After a few breaths.

Di Jiang came to the door of the sword world.


Could it be that Lin Fei entered the sword world.

This is a supreme world.

With Lin Fei's realm, how did he get in? "

Di Jiang stood in front of the gate of the sword world, thoughtfully.

"If Lin Fei can break in.

Then I can easily enter. "

Di Jiang suddenly sneered.

"However, in the Highest World, I will not enter for the time being.

The highest world is too dangerous.

The causality involved is also terrifying.

Even if it's me, I don't want to provoke me casually. "

Di Jiang looked at the entrance door of the sword world, showing a jealous expression, muttering to himself, as if he knew what was inside.

"However, Lin Fei, wait.

Soon, my Emperor Jiang will also enter the highest world.

The Supreme World should also be ruled by our Emperor Jiang. "

Di Jiang sneered.

"However, Lin Fei, you can run to the monk but not the temple.

I heard that your background is Luoshengu.

Well, now, I will go to destroy the Valley of God. "

Di Jiang sneered.

Then, Di Jiang turned around, strode in the direction of Luoshen Valley.

After just a few breaths, Dijiang came to the outside of Luoshen Valley.

"Well, it seems that the creatures in the three thousand worlds are all in the Valley of Fallen God."

Standing before Falling God Valley, Di Jiang made some deductions and felt the breath of the creatures in a world of three thousand sizes.

"Very well, let's do it in one go."

Di Jiang showed a cruel smile.

"Look, Dijiang is going to deal with Luoshen Valley!"

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are many powerful men who have been secretly watching Dijiang's every move, and seeing Dijiang walk to the Valley of the Fallen, they are very shocked.

In the eyes of many powerful people in the Boundary Chaos Sea, Falling God Valley is the most mysterious, weird, and most powerful forbidden land in the Boundary Chaos Sea.

The terrifying degree of Falling God Valley is even higher than those of super powers! Now, Dijiang has to deal with Luoshen Valley, which naturally caused a sensation.


In the headquarters of the super powers such as the demon clan, the demon clan, the underground palace, and the palace of the gods, there are also terrible gazes, looking out in the direction of the Falling God Valley, paying attention to all this.

"All the imperial armies are assembled, today, my emperor, we are going to land in the Valley of God and step on the ground!"

The voice of Dijiang spread rapidly in the boundless chaotic sea.

"Master Dijiang has an order, we will gather immediately!"

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, those forces belonging to the imperial army, after receiving Dijiang's order, began to gather at the fastest speed.

After a while.

A large army, densely packed, like a vast ocean, mighty and mighty, surrounding them in the direction of Luoshen Valley.

Soon, a surprisingly large army came behind Dijiang.

As Dijiang ended its retreat and reappeared in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the imperial army began to become active again.

"See Lord Dijiang!"

Countless creatures knelt down behind Di Jiang, shouting in unison.

"Go in! Don't keep the dogs!"

Di Jiang waved his hand gently.


The terrible number of imperial troops began to charge.

The densely packed army drove towards the Falling God Valley.

Like a piece of steel forest, every creature, holding magic weapons, fighting battles, iron swords, spears, and Qi Zhen weapons, swept into the Valley of Fallen God with murderous aura.

Rumble...A series of energy beams, secret techniques, and magic weapons, like a vast ocean, thrown into the Valley of Fallen God, all exuding terrible energy.

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