Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3858: Deceive too much

"Well, it's not bad."

Lin Fei felt the sword light cut out by Elder Ouyang, nodded and praised.

Of course, this level of kendo is not as good as Lin Fei.

Shoo...The five true meanings of swordsmanship in Lin Fei's body flew out and hovered side by side in front of him.

The sword world in the body felt the sword aura and sword intent that was overwhelmingly oppressed, and it also began to explode with amazing suction.

"Boy, arrogant, you need capital.

Just let me see if you have any arrogant capital! "

Elder Ouyang said coldly.

Chi Chi...Sword light overwhelming, rolling in.

The space where Lin Fei stood was overwhelmed by sword light.

This time, it collapses, collapses, and breaks down inch by inch.

I have to say that the kendo level of this elder Ouyang is indeed extraordinary.

His combat power is far stronger than the average half-step main god.

Already close to the power of the main god! "Elder Ouyang is too powerful! I can definitely kill that kid!"

"Elder Ouyang is mighty!"

... the people of the Purple Cang Sword faction saw Elder Ouyang personally, and they shouted cheers for such powerful moves as soon as they shot.

Rumble... That blazing horrible sword light cut to Lin Fei's body.

The surging sword light completely submerged Lin Fei in an instant.

Every sword light contains the exquisite kendo principle, which is extremely terrifying.

Phew... The true meaning of the five swords, and the world of swords in Lin Fei's body, exploded with astonishing suction at the same time, swallowing all the sword light that had been slain.

The endless sword aura and sword intent were continuously sucked into Lin Fei's body and became the nourishment of the sword world.

Boom... That blazing sword light slashed in front of Lin Fei, murderous.

Lin Fei thought.

The true meaning of the five kendos immediately merged together and turned into a sharp sword, blocking the sword light.

The true meaning of these five swords can be changed at will according to Lin Fei's wishes.

when! There was a loud noise.

The sharp sword merged by the true meaning of the five swords and the sword light cut by Elder Ouyang collided with each other, making a clear and loud metal crash.

For an instant, the two sides were deadlocked together.

Don't give in! "how is this possible!"

No matter how Elder Ouyang urged, the flaming sword light couldn't advance half an inch, and he was startled and angry.

On the other hand, Lin Fei seemed calm and relaxed.

Even, showing a more satisfactory expression.

At this time, Lin Fei was frantically absorbing the sword energy and sword intent from the attack from Elder Ouyang.

Especially in the burning sword light, there is a strong and pure sword energy and sword intent.

"Suck! Suck me!"

Lin Fei said softly in his heart.

A series of sword aura and sword intent rushed in Lin Fei's body as if attracted by a magnet.

These sword auras and sword intents have all become the tonic of the sword world in Lin Fei's body! Lin Fei vaguely felt that the world of kendo seemed to be growing.

Of course, very slowly.

Only when you feel it carefully can you discover it.

After a while.

Finally, all the sword aura and sword intent that Elder Ouyang attacked, including the sword aura and sword intent contained in the burning sword light, were all absorbed! The sword light that Elder Ouyang killed, although it was still burning, emitting an astonishing temperature, it looked terrifying.

However, it has become an empty shell! It's imaginary! "Ok.

There is a little gain. "

Lin Fei nodded in satisfaction.

He stretched out his finger and lightly flicked it towards the burning sword light.

boom! With a crisp sound, the sword light exploded on the spot and turned into fly ash.

"No! Impossible!"

Elder Ouyang let out a stern roar, like a cuckoo weeping blood.

His eyes were cracking, staring at the exploded sword light.

In any case, I can't believe that I have practiced for a long time and spent countless hard work to cultivate a successful stunt, and it was just like this, and it was turned into fly ash by the other party! "Well, your kendo level, just barely.

However, it is still not enough. "

Lin Fei was still a little bit interested, said.

After absorbing the sword energy and sword intent that the elder Ouyang attacked, Lin Fei discovered that the sword world in his body was just a little bit more solid.

Overall, the changes are not great.

"It seems that this world of kendo needs to absorb more sword aura and sword intent to make it truly take shape.

The best is to absorb half a step of the master god, even the sword spirit and sword intent of the master god. "

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly calculated.

"Boy, how can you do it!"

The stunt of Elder Ouyang was easily broken by Lin Fei. His emotions seemed to be on the verge of collapse, and he yelled at Lin Fei a little frustratedly.

"That's right! I almost forgot, there is also an excellent training object here."

Lin Fei looked at Elder Ouyang.

"What are you asking so much for.


Any secret tricks, just come at me.

Didn't you just keep saying you want to kill me?

I'm standing here, come and kill you.

I stand still and let you kill. "

Lin Fei said to Elder Ouyang.

This is a radical method, and I want Elder Ouyang to continue his attack.

Sure enough, Elder Ouyang was going crazy with anger when he was caught by Lin Fei.

"Roar! Boy, you are deceiving too much! You are deceiving too much! I will kill you and smash you into pieces!"

Elder Ouyang roared.

at this time.

The gate of Danjian City suddenly opened a crack.

A dozen masters of the Lin family, led by the master Lin Tianhao, rushed out quickly.

Then, the city gate closed again.

Lin Tianhao was afraid of the army of the Purple Cangjian faction and took the opportunity to enter the city of Pill Sword, so he told the soldiers who guarded the city gate to close the city gate in time.

And the dozen or so high-ranking members of the Lin family were already holding the mentality of fighting to death. Since they came out, they had no plans to go back alive.

"Everyone must be careful. The people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect are strong and large in number. We must gather together, and we must not be scattered.

Everyone is close by my side! In this way, the probability of our survival will be higher. "

At the moment he rushed out of the city gate, Lin Tianhao once again urged a dozen other high-level Lin family figures.

Lin Tianhao was very nervous.

"Patriarch rest assured, we understand."

The dozen or so Lin family leaders all nodded, and they were also very nervous.

As soon as he left the city gate, Lin Tianhao and a dozen high-ranking Lin family had already set aside their swords and sacrificed magic weapons, ready to fight hard.

Because, in the void around Pill Sword City, the masters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect had arranged an isolation formation, making it more difficult for the people in the city to perceive what was happening outside the city.


Wait for these high-ranking people of the Lin family to go out of the city, stand still and take a clear look.


How is this going? "

More than a dozen high-level Lin family members, including Lin Tianhao, were stunned.

The high level of tension turned into puzzlement.

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