Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3883: Make a big fuss

Swish...Swords of light were continuously chopped out from Lin Fei's hands, wherever they went, they produced powerful destructive power.

In a moment, the Changle world was destroyed very seriously.

While continuously cutting out the sword light, Lin Fei also displayed the secret method of the puppet's thread, the monstrous red silk thread, thrown out in all directions.

Lin Fei's goals are naturally those gods.

In the headquarters of the Changle Sword School, there are many people and masters.

One master after another, appeared constantly, rushing towards Lin Fei, to stop Lin Fei.

"Stop! Boy, who are you, how dare you come to my Changle Sword Sect to make trouble!"

A real **** of the upper level appeared and shouted at Lin Fei.

Shoo...a bunch of red silk threads suddenly rushed towards him, forcibly into his sea of ​​knowledge.


laugh! A faint sword light swept across, cutting his body in half on the spot.

Lin Fei waved his sleeves, sending the two halves of the upper **** true **** into a human world inside his body.

In the sea of ​​consciousness of this upper **** true god, the soul body has been wrapped in dense red threads, and he is simply unable to struggle.

"Boy, what is your name, which school you are from? Don't you know, this is the headquarters of my Changle Sword School.

If you dare to come to the headquarters of the Changle Sword Sect to make trouble, not only you, but also the forces behind you, your teachers, your family, your relatives and friends, will all be implicated and implicated in several clans! "

"Boy, I advise you, obediently tie your hands!"

...There are more than a dozen high-level gods and true gods, appearing in the void, surrounded by Lin Fei's location.

Lin Fei was unmoved and directly displayed the ultimate heart sword style.

Huh! A faint sword light slashed out.

Kaka Kaka... more than a dozen high-level gods, all their bodies were cut in half.

Lin Fei swung his sleeves, sending all these dozen high-level gods into the human body world.

"Boy! Take your life!"

A half-step main **** appeared and roared at Lin Fei.

"Oh, here comes a big fish!"

Lin Fei's eyes brightened.

With a movement, he greeted the half-step master god.

The half-step main **** felt that Lin Fei was only the realm of the middle **** true god, so he was naturally not afraid.

"Crazy boy, go to hell!"

Several huge and unmatched colorful sword lights, like rainbows, swept towards Lin Fei.

Immediately, the time and space where Lin Fei was located began to crumble every inch.

It seems that the power of these colorful sword lights is very terrifying.

However, Lin Fei did not dodge, letting those colorful sword lights fall on his body.

Puff puff... On the spot, several blood holes appeared on Lin Fei's body, and the blood spattered, which was shocking.

Those few colorful sword lights, completely, cut into Lin Fei's body.

The true meaning of the five swords in Lin Fei's body and the world of the human body burst into suction at the same time, absorbing these colorful sword lights.


how is this possible! "

The half-step Lord God saw that Lin Fei had withstood his attack abruptly, and, as if there was not much damage, he couldn't help being frightened and angry, unable to believe it.

call out! Lin Fei didn't dodge, he forcibly endured a few colorful sword lights physically, and while the opponent was stunned for a moment, quickly approached the past and punched out.

boom! A punch just hit the opponent's head.

laugh! A plain sword light, back and forth, cut a dozen swords, cut the body of this half-step master god, cut a dozen pieces, and threw it into the void.

Lin Fei swung out his sleeves, sending a dozen body stumps into the human world inside his body.

A half-step main god, even if the body is cut by more than a dozen pieces, it will not be so easy to die.

Lin Fei took him back, subdued him and became a slave, treated him well, and he was ready to use.

Just as Lin Fei teleported the body stump of the half-step Lord God into his body.

"not good.

The main gods of the Changle Sword Sect seemed to have discovered what happened in the headquarters! "

Lin Fei felt that the main gods of the Changle Sword Sect had started going crazy and rushed back to the headquarters.

Therefore, Lin Fei stopped staying, stepped out of Changle Realm, and went away instantly.

After a few breaths.

Shoo... several silhouettes exuding horror rushed into the Changle world.

"Masters, you are finally back!"

"There is a kid who suddenly broke into the headquarters, making the headquarters a mess, and losing a lot!"

"The strength of that kid is too weird.

There are a lot of gods who were taken away by him.

Even Elder Feng was taken away by him! "

... Seeing that the main **** of the faction returned, the Changle Sword Sect members all found the backbone of the main body, and they gathered around to talk.

"Roar! Damn! Damn!"

The main gods of the Changle Sword Sect looked at the devastated plane, and roared again and again, wishing to catch Lin Fei immediately and fry the skins and bones! "Hey..., guys, how about my gift to you.

This is just the beginning.

Next, there will be more surprises waiting for you. "

Suddenly, in the void not far away, a faint figure appeared, and said in a joking tone.

It is Lin Fei.

Of course, this is just a mark of the soul left by Lin Fei, the purpose is to transmit sound, and want to take a good look at the main gods of the Changle Sword Sect.


Under the anger of a main god, he shot out with a palm.

In the palm of his palm, waves of lightning composed of sword aura continued to explode, blasting towards Lin Fei's imprint of the soul.

boom! The imprint of Lin Fei's soul was blown up on the spot and vanished.

at this time.

Beyond time and space.

Suddenly, Lin Fei felt his senses and looked back at Changle Realm with a sneer.

"Then, next, first find a quiet place, and conquer all the gods caught."

Lin Fei secretly said in his heart.

"For me, the best place for retreat is Shenjian Mountain."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

So, Lin Fei stretched out and headed towards Shenjian Mountain.

After a while.

Lin Fei returned to Shenjian Mountain.

Outside the Shenjian Mountain, there are still four major forces surrounded by people.

These people have been stationed here for a long time, with the purpose of monitoring Excalibur Mountain and preventing outsiders from entering.

However, with Lin Fei's speed and hole cards, there is no need to show up.

Lin Fei activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, and immediately returned to the top of Shenjian Mountain, climbing along the mountain road, to the top of the mountain.

As soon as Lin Fei returned to Divine Sword Mountain, five sword spirits knew about it and appeared on the top of the mountain.

"Boy, good harvest, right."

"Haha, kid, I have to convince you."

"Boy, your cultivation method is really unique!"

...The five sword spirits are all very enthusiastic and full of praise for Lin Fei.

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