Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3885: One-off avoidance

"Don't guess.

I have captured the breath of that kid.

Moreover, I have accurately deduced his position.

That kid, right on the top of the mountain! "

The other main **** said.

"Yes, I also feel that kid's breath!"

... Soon, these main gods confirmed that Lin Fei was on the Divine Sword Mountain.

"So, what should we do next.

Even if we go to Shenjian Mountain, we can't do anything with that kid.

The five sword spirits on Divine Sword Mountain are very protective of that kid, it is impossible, let us do it. "

A main **** said.

"Simply, let's attack Shenjian Mountain.

I have endured those five sword spirits for a long time, and I just can't bear it. "

A main **** said.

"Attack Excalibur Mountain?

! "

The other gods were shocked when they heard this.

You know, Shenjian Mountain has a very long history in the sword world.

It has become the only holy place in the entire sword world, in the eyes of all sword repairmen.

It can be said that Shenjian Mountain is sacred and inviolable in the eyes of all Jian Xiu.

Attacking Shenjian Mountain is simply unthinkable for the world sword repairman.

Only these main gods dare to think like this.

In fact, these main gods had already discussed plans to attack Shenjian Mountain.

It's just that there has been no certainty, so there is no action.

Before, Shenjian Mountain had been under the control of the old man.

Shenjian Mountain is equivalent to the private domain of Old Man Jian.

Later, the old man Jian and five apprentices disappeared one after another.

In the sword world, the four major forces began to rule the sword world.

The four major forces all hope to control Shenjian Mountain like the old sword man.

Only by controlling Divine Sword Mountain can the sword repairmen of the world be truly surrendered! It's just that the four major forces have tried their best to control Shenjian Mountain.

Want to control Excalibur Mountain, the first problem encountered is the five sword spirits on Excalibur Mountain! Each of the five sword spirits is the strength of the main god.

Moreover, if the five sword spirits unite and work together, the combat power they exert is very terrifying and can kill most of the main gods! "The attack on Shenjian Mountain is no trivial matter. We need to discuss in detail."

A high-ranking main **** said slowly.

"Hmph, we only need to subdue the five sword spirits, and it is estimated that we can really control Divine Sword Mountain.

I don't believe it. Together, we can't deal with the five sword spirits. "

...... One by one the main gods, through voice transmission, quietly discussed.

"Everyone, for a long time, the five sword spirits of Shenjian Mountain have been very arrogant and indifferent to us, the main gods of the sword world.

However, now, the five sword spirits are very protective of the foreign kid.

This is not fair.

Shenjian Mountain is the Shenjian Mountain in our sword world.

Why, a foreign kid can get such a good courtesy from five sword spirits.

Those of us who were born and raised, on the contrary, even an outsider, we are rejected and neglected by those five sword spirits everywhere.

If this continues, maybe even the entire Shenjian Mountain will become that kid's private domain.

We must not allow this to happen.

Excalibur Mountain is the Excalibur Mountain in our sword world! Only we are qualified to control Shenjian Mountain.

That foreign kid is not worthy at all! "

A main **** said loudly.

"Not bad.

Never allow this to happen! "

Many main gods all agree.

"Well, let's unite, kill God Sword Mountain together, and deal with the five sword spirits.

After dealing with the five sword spirits, we will discuss how to control Divine Sword Mountain. "

Soon, these main gods agreed on their opinions.

"However, you have to bear it first.

The attack on Shenjian Mountain was no small matter.

It must not be revealed, except for us, the main gods, other people, no matter who they are, cannot know. "

A main **** said.

"Not bad.

This matter is not trivial, absolutely not to be made public! Except us, no one else can know! "

The other main gods all nodded one after another.

You know, Shenjian Mountain is a holy place for sword repairs in the world and the core of worship.

If someone wants to deal with Shenjian Mountain, it is equivalent to being an enemy of Tianxiajian.

Even these main gods dare not blatantly attack Shenjian Mountain, otherwise, they will have to endure the anger and curse of the sword repair world.

"Well, when we act, we hide our bodies and make surprise attacks.

As long as we are a little more careful, no one should know that we did it after it is done. "

A senior god, said.

"it is good.

Just do it. "

The other main gods all nodded in agreement.

"Let's go back first and get ready.

Everyone remember that the combat power of those five sword spirits is terrifying.

Moreover, once they join forces, it seems that they form a battle formation, which is more difficult to deal with. Therefore, if you have any skills, hole cards, magic weapons, etc., they will all bring them.

Secondly, when we act, we must hide our true colors. We must not let outsiders see our identity. "

A main **** said loudly.

"it is good."

The other main gods all nodded, and then began to leave.

at this time.

On the top of Shenjian Mountain.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the ground. Above his head, black clouds gave birth to dense lightning snakes, exuding a devastating atmosphere, wandering like crazy.

"This is the tenth time to avoid a catastrophe! Next, there will be seventy-one thunder catastrophes.

Hope, we can get together and get through smoothly. "

Lin Fei thought to himself.

"Well, this kid, the qualifications are not so good.

It is not an exaggeration even to describe him as an evildoer. "

"This is what made me give him a perfect score.

Lin Fei is the most enchanting and most potential young man among the younger generation I have ever met.

none of them! "

...In the distance, the Five Sword Spirits talked a lot.

After a long time.

Phew...Finally, I managed to survive another catastrophe.

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief looking at the dark clouds and thunder and lightning that were gradually dissipating in the sky.

However, after a while.

Rumble... high in the sky, once again, dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

"No way.

Could it be that Lin Fei planned to avoid ninety-nine and eighty-one calamities in one go.

This is incredible! "

The white-robed old man saw Lin Fei's thunder robbery, and he couldn't help but be very surprised.

"If this is the case, it would be too exaggerated.

There should be no one who can avoid ninety-nine and eighty-one calamities in one go. "

"It's hard to say, this kid might create a surprise. I have confidence in him."

Other sword spirits are all talking about it.

Rumble...Lin Feipan was sitting in the void, above his head, the clouds and thunder and lightning were endless.

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