Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3887: Assault on the Five Sword Spirits

More than a dozen vague figures quietly climbed to the top of Shenjian Mountain, moving very concealed.

Each of these figures is the main god! Of course, the methods of the Lord God are not trivial.

They displayed the most brilliant law of time and space, perfectly concealing their figure so that outsiders could not see it at all.

At the same time, above the top of the mountain.

Still thunder roaring! Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the ground.

Above the head, the black and heavy clouds cover the sky and the sun, dim.

The dense thunder-mang electric snakes, unparalleled in size, wander wildly among the black sea of ​​clouds.

"I have already avoided seventy-two thunder tribulations in one sigh! There are still nine thunder tribulations left! Once I have avoided the last nine thunder tribulations, I will break through and become an upper **** true god."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

Rumble... High in the sky, a series of thunder-light electric snakes began to pour down.

"No way."

Lin Fei cried out.

The more you get to the back, the harder it is to avoid these thunderstorms.

At a critical juncture.

Lin Fei used the shadowless pose, and at the same time, in accordance with the law of time and space, the law of reincarnation, and the law of cause and effect, he left the place in an instant.

Then, Lin Fei directly activated the Ten Thousand Realms Reincarnation card, teleported again, and appeared in another location.

Rumble...the dense thunder light bombarded the position where Lin Fei had been sitting cross-legged just now, blasting that place of time and space to pieces continuously, destroying it all the time! However, after one blow.

The thunder robbery high in the sky, once again, lost Lin Fei's breath, unable to track it.

"so close!"

At this time, Lin Fei appeared in another location, secretly calling out a fluke.

at the same time.

The road on Shenjian Mountain is very lively.

The five sword spirits are all evaluating young people who want to climb mountains.

This is what they must do.

As sword spirits, it can be said that they represent the will of God Sword Mountain.

In other words, the will of Shenjian Mountain was communicated through five of them.

However, the five sword spirits did not know that there were a group of main gods who were quietly approaching them taking this opportunity.

The five sword spirits, each one, were targeted by two or three main gods.


Around Shenjian Mountain, a large number of young people appeared again, climbing towards the top of Shenjian Mountain.

In this way, the five sword spirits have no more free time.

They are all busy, assessing those young people who are climbing.

On one of the mountain roads.

"My key point is to test your kendo heart.

Come one by one and shoot your sword against me.

Let me take a good look at your kendo heart. "

The white-clothed old man among the five sword spirits stood on a high place with his hands under his shoulder.

In front of him, there are a large number of young people who come to climb the mountain.

"I'll come first!"

The voice of the old man in white fell off.

Immediately, a young man strode forward and struck his sword at the white-clothed old man.

The test begins.

On the other mountain road.

The gray-clothed old man among the five sword spirits stands with his hands holding hands, hunting and dancing with the wind.

"Those who want to pass my test must first pass the test.

This is a kendo world.

You must use kendo to break all the swordsmanship in this world of kendo. "

The old man in gray said lightly.

As soon as the gray-clothed old man's voice fell, there was a young man walking towards the world of kendo.

The test begins.

The other three sword spirits are also evaluating young people who want to climb mountains.

Time passed slowly.

Two more days passed.

A large number of young people gathered on the mountain road where the old man in white was.

Because the old man in white is responsible for the assessment of the first pass.

Therefore, on this section of the mountain road, many young people gathered.

"It's always a bit strange.

Why, all of a sudden, there are so many young people coming to board? "

In the past few days, the old man in white has been thinking about this question.

The old man in white also forced some of the young people to ask this question during the assessment.

The answer is that the elders of these young people suddenly asked them to come to climb the mountain.

"Well, it seems, indeed, there is something weird.

It's just that, on the Excalibur Mountain, no one can make trouble. "

The old man in white sneered.

at this time.

In the void in the distance.

Three figures walked quietly in time and space.

These three figures are very hidden, it is impossible for outsiders to find them.

"The opportunity seems to have come.

This old guy is wholeheartedly testing those young people.

Shouldn't expect it, we will launch a surprise attack.

Okay, everyone, be careful, fight for it, and get it right! Control this guy, or seriously wound him, or kill him directly. "

One of the main gods whispered quietly.


The other two main gods nodded.

Then, the three main gods, hiding themselves, walked quietly towards the old man in white.

at the same time.

The same scene happened around the other four sword spirits.

Around each sword spirit, there are three or four main gods, hiding their sights and approaching quietly.

The five sword spirits are all busy assessing those young people! I don't even know, the danger is approaching quietly.


At a certain moment.

"Do it!"

More than a dozen main gods, choose the time, and communicate with each other.

Rumble... More than a dozen main gods, violently activated their hands at the same time, the terrifying energy released, shaking this vast and boundless void violently.

"Old man, your death date is here!"

"Old guy, tie your hands obediently!"

...A dozen of the main gods, all shouting.

You know, these main gods, more or less, have endured the neglect and ignorance of five sword spirits before.

Have long held a grudge.


"So bold, dare to come to Shenjian Mountain to make trouble!"

"Shenjian Mountain is not a place where you can go wild!"

"Get out of Shenjian Mountain, otherwise, you will be at your own risk!"

...The five sword spirits were all startled and angry.

They didn't expect that someone would dare to come to them.

Shenjian Mountain is a holy place for sword repair in the world.

And the five of them are the sword spirits of Shenjian Mountain.

The five of them have a very high status in the eyes of Tianxia Jianxiu.

In the past, even the old man Jian treated the five of them very politely and did not dare to neglect.

Unexpectedly, someone dared to attack five of them.

However, the five sword spirits are also very powerful, and they will never be tied.

So, a big battle began.

Rumble... More than a dozen main gods and five sword spirits, fighting together, the fighting energy released is simply unimaginable.

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