Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3894: Big tonic

call out! Lin Fei Zhan started to rush into the army of the four major forces.

With Lin Fei's weirdness and speed, the four major forces did not notice Lin Fei at all.

What's more, the four major forces, at this time, each one is supporting very hard.

The power of that great formation was indeed terrifying, even five sword spirits could not deal with it.

However, the greater the power of that large formation, the more energy is drawn from the four forces, the horses and horses.

At this moment.

Almost half of the energy in each member of the four major forces has been drawn out of his body. There is really hardship to say, and he can only bite his teeth and persist.

What they look forward to most is that this war will end soon, the sooner the better! "I can't hold it, when will the battle end?

! "

"I'm going to die too! The energy in my body has almost disappeared by two-thirds, and, you see, I turned out to be a bad old man with gray hair.

Originally, I was the most famous son of the Ximen family! "

"I have worked so hard to practice the level of kendo for a whole life, but it has disappeared more than half!"

...The four major forces are wailing and horrible.

Even more terrible things happened.

"Ah, no, my body is cracking! It seems to be about to explode!"

"My internal organs are beginning to shatter!"

"Ah, Lord God Patriarch, I can't hold it anymore, I'm going to die!"

...Many people with relatively weak realm strength begin to crack and disintegrate.

Pupu...Then the weakest group of disciples began to explode, exploding into blood-colored fireworks, very brilliant.

The scene was very tragic.

It was like a disaster.

In this battle, even though a dozen main gods of the four major forces have temporarily gained the upper hand, the price paid is also very high.

The people in their sect have suffered great losses.

"It's cruel.

For the weak, war is indeed a terrible disaster.

Once you succeed, the bones will die.

Those old guys, in order to win, even sacrificed their own disciples.

This heart is too cruel. "

Seeing this scene, Lin Fei couldn't help shaking his head and sighed.

"Fei Xingzi.

What is going on with this big formation of your Flying Fairy Sword Sect?

Why do my martial artists suffer such severe damage! "

"Fei Xingzi, you told us at the beginning that this large [literature museum] formation, which is to temporarily borrow the collective energy of our martial arts, will not be very harmful! Now, why is it so! A group of disciples of my school have already died on the spot, and they are completely destroyed!"

"Fei Xingzi, you wouldn't be, deliberately taking this opportunity, what kind of trick did you use to weaken the strength of our three schools?"

...At this time, the main gods of the other three sects found that they were very dissatisfied with the miserable conditions of their sects, so they began to complain about the Flying Sword Sect.

"What nonsense are you talking about, no wonder, haven't you seen it.

The people of my Flying Fairy Sword faction are also in bad condition.

There were still some disciples injured or even killed, and the loss was great.

I think it is possible that we have made a small mistake in the way we set up this big formation.

After all, it is the first time that even our Flying Immortal Sword Sect has arranged this big formation. "

The head of the Feixian Sword Sect, Fei Xingzi said angrily.

"Stop arguing.

Now, we are already riding a tiger.

We have gone to war on Shenjian Mountain.

There is no way out.

Today, if we can't defeat the five sword spirits, control them, or kill them.

So, in the future, we still want to get involved in Shenjian Mountain, there is not much possibility.

Moreover, it is also possible that five sword spirits will retaliate. "

An extremely old master **** said in a loud voice.

"So, anyway.

Even if it pays a big price.

We can only bite the bullet and fight until we completely win. "

This main **** emphasizes the Tao.

The other main gods were silent.

They know that this old master **** is right.

This battle, until now, they can only bite the bullet and fight.

"Pass the order, let all the affiliated forces of our four major forces quickly dispatch an elite army to come and support!"

Each of the main gods gave orders to the top leaders in the faction.

The sound was transmitted one by one, and passed out through the air.


In all planes of the sword world, teams of people began to appear, coming in the direction of Divine Sword Mountain.

The four major forces governing the sword world naturally all have their own territory, and each has a large number of subsidiary forces.

After receiving the order, all the affiliated forces did not dare to neglect, and they rushed to the most elite of the faction! Rumble... For a moment, I saw dark clouds rolling in the sky, and the predominance was boiling, and a large army came to Shenjian Mountain like a torrent of steel.

Each army is carefully selected from all sects, and its combat strength is extraordinary.

Before these troops came, they knew what their mission was.

So, after coming, they all sat cross-legged.

The large formation above Shenjian Mountain released a huge amount of white silk thread, densely packed, throwing out around Shenjian Mountain.

These white threads are actually white thread tubes.

Those newcomers, each member, were connected by a white line tube, and various energy in the body began to be extracted, along the white line tube, to the large formation above Shenjian Mountain.

"Can't let that big formation continue to draw energy.

The five senior sword spirits were already unable to support them. "

Lin Fei knew that he couldn't wait any longer.

call out! Lin Fei rose into the air.

The space in front is covered with dense white thread tubes, interweaving the void like an endless white ocean.

Lin Fei waved.

laugh! A plain sword light slashed towards the dense white thread tubes.

Immediately, thousands of white wire tubes were cut off on the spot.

Lin Fei used the ultimate heart sword style of the original source. The power is very powerful, even the main **** can be injured. It is not difficult to cut off these white lines.

next moment.

Sudden change! The cut white wire tubes turned into spray guns, spraying out waves of violent energy, blasting towards Lin Fei.

"This big formation is really weird.

Will automatically defend! "

Lin Fei knew in his heart that he had destroyed the energy transmission of the big formation, and that big formation was fighting back against him.

Boom... Thousands of thousands of white line pipes sprayed out surging energy, blasting towards Lin Fei.


What a pure sword energy and sword intent! "

Lin Fei was planning to dodge, and suddenly discovered that the energy that bombarded him contained very pure sword energy and sword intent, most of which were kendo energy! That's right, these energies are those white pipes drawn from the bodies of the four major forces.

The four major forces, and those affiliated forces, all the members are sword repairers! In their lives, most of what they practice is kendo energy, which contains a lot of sword energy and sword intent.

"Haha, great! These kendo energies are a great supplement for me! Perhaps this big formation is an opportunity for me to make the world of kendo in my body go fast. Take shape."

Lin Fei was ecstatic, not only did not flash, but took the initiative to meet him, allowing the violent energy to bombard his body.

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