Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3917: Solicit Lin Fei

"He didn't escape into Shenjian Mountain."

A main **** said.

"Even if he didn't escape into Divine Sword Mountain, we seem to have nothing to do with him."

The other main **** sighed.

The other main gods were silent.

There were more than a dozen of them, one of them fought Lin Fei, and they fought for most of the day.

As a result, let the family go away intact.

In other words, more than a dozen main gods could not defeat Lin Fei.

At this moment, more than a dozen main gods, all of them were downcast and listless.

"A dozen are not enough. Next time, we will gather more than 20 main gods together to hunt down Lin Fei! In short, Lin Fei is not dead. From now on, we people will have no good lives."

Changle Fairy Boy said with a sullen expression.

"Not bad.

From now on, even if we don't go to Lin Fei, he will come and make trouble for us.

We and Lin Fei have already forged a feud, there is no way to escape.

We must do everything possible to get rid of Lin Fei.

Otherwise, just wait for Lin Fei to come one by one, and let us settle the account. "

The other main **** sighed.

"Indeed it is.

It seems that we must sit down, discuss it carefully, think of a surefire solution, and see how we can get rid of Lin Fei.

This is our biggest worry! "

A very senior master **** said in a serious tone.


In the next moment, more than a dozen main gods, all with their own people, left sadly.

No one will leave his men and horses in the surroundings of Shenjian Mountain.

Because Lin Fei had already spoken out, no more troops could be stationed around Shenjian Mountain.

Now, Lin Fei's words, no one dare to despise.

Every main **** understands that with Lin Fei's combat power, it is easy to destroy a large army.

In a moment.

The surroundings of Shenjian Mountain restored tranquility.

The creatures who gathered in the distance to watch the excitement also quietly left.

"From now on, don't approach Shenjian Mountain casually.

Once provoked Lin Fei, the consequences would be disastrous. "

"Give an order, all members of our clan, from now on, shall not approach Shenjian Mountain anymore.

Especially, don't provoke Lin Fei.

As soon as I heard the name Lin Fei, I would take a detour! "

...In the sword world, countless forces have developed a deep fear of Lin Fei and warned the members of this force not to provoke Lin Fei.

Even the main gods of the four major forces could not help Lin Fei.

If other forces provoke Lin Fei, the fate can be imagined.

"We passed the order, and the people in the knife world must not provoke Lin Fei at will.

This young man is terrible.

It is unwise to conflict with him. "

Those masters of the knife world lurking in the dark were also very jealous of Lin Fei.

"This young man is indeed a rare evildoer in the world.

In the knife world, we absolutely cannot find a younger generation who can compare with Lin Fei.

If such young people belong to our knife world, that would be great. "

A master in the knife world sighed.


In this case, then we can recruit Lin Fei.

He and the main gods of the sword world have forged a deep hatred that cannot be resolved.

And our sword world, and those forces in the sword world, are in a hostile relationship.

Moreover, we have occupied half of the sword world, and sooner or later we will unify the entire sword world.

As long as we throw an olive branch to Lin Fei and let him recognize the situation, he will understand that joining our knife world will have a bright future for him. "

Another master of the knife world said.

"Not bad.

We can recruit Lin Fei.

Such young people, if they join our knife world, they will surely make us even more powerful.

You know, the ideal of our sword world is to conquer all the highest worlds, not just a sword world. "

Another master of the knife world said.

"Okay, it's so decided.

Recruit Lin Fei! "

An extremely old master in the knife world nodded and said.

at this time.

In the sword world, in a remote void.

In the small world created by one person, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, spurting dazzling sword light, and was healing.

After Lin Fei left the battlefield, he came here to temporarily open up a small space, forming a small world of its own, used as a healing place.

Fighting with a dozen main gods for most of the day.

Lin Fei was hit many times, invaded many different kinds of sword qi in his body, and was ravaging Lin Fei's body.

These sword auras were caused by the dozen or so main gods that entered Lin Fei's body.

These sword auras contain various kendo laws, kendo secrets, kendo energy, and destructive power, which are terrifying.

However, for Lin Fei.

These sword qi, on the contrary, are tonic! "Suck me!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink, and the five true meanings of kendo in his body and the world of kendo appeared at the same time.

A strong suction burst out.

Huhu... those alien sword auras raging everywhere in Lin Fei's body were forcibly absorbed! After a while.

All the sword energy that invaded Lin Fei's body was absorbed and turned into the nourishment of the sword world in Lin Fei's body.


Lin Fei sat quietly in this small world for more than ten days.

Lin Fei gained a lot from a battle with a dozen main gods.

This level of battle is hard to come by.

Lin Fei needs to understand it.

Fifteen days later.

Lin Fei stood up suddenly, and in his eyes, there was endless sword aura boiling, astonishing murderous aura emanating from his body.

"Although I did not win this battle, I did not lose either.

From now on, the sword world, let me gallop! "

Lin Fei's voice was full of confidence.

It can be said that this battle allowed Lin Fei to thoroughly establish a strong self-confidence.

"All right.

From now on, the world of the sword world really needs to change. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Then, Lin Fei waved.

A large group of **** slaves appeared in front of Lin Fei.

"See the master!"

Two or three thousand **** slaves, at the same time respectfully salute Lin Fei.

Among them, there are more than 30 half-step main gods standing at the forefront of the team.

"Chu Bi, next, I will establish a power in the sword world.

Think about it carefully and choose a suitable location as the headquarters. "

Lin Fei said to Chu Bi.

"And you, think about it.

In the future, you will be the top figures in this power. "

Lin Fei said to those half-step master gods.

"Everyone, the power I established will rule the entire sword world in the future.

In other words, in the future, the sword world will be controlled by you. "

Lin Fei said slowly.

"Thank you for the master's consideration! The master can rest assured, we will do our best and will not let the master down!"

All the half-step main gods were flattered and roared excitedly.

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