Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3919: Knife lobbyist

These creatures are the old part of Tianluo Jianzi.

Hearing the name Tianluo Sword Sect, everyone was extremely excited.

They think, Tian Luo, these two words are enough to explain everything.

"We must be prepared to follow Venerable Tian Luo again and fight the world!"

"For us, a brilliant era is coming!"

"I believe that Venerable Tianluo must be able to reign over the world again!"

... These old parts of Tianluo Jianzi are full of expectations, and they are all eager to usher in a glorious and passionate time again.

The tragic years that followed Tianluo Jianzi to rule the sword world have always been in their minds! Now, feeling the return of Tianluo Jianzi, their blood began to boil again.

"Huh! Lin Fei, it is clear that we are going to fight against our four major forces!"

"Sure enough, behind Lin Fei is Tianluo Jianzi.

In fact, everything is caused by Tianluo Jianzi! "

"It seems that Tianluo Jianzi is really lonely and wants to return to the sword world!"

...The senior leaders of the four major forces were furious when they heard the news of the establishment of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

"Tianluo Jianzi is not dead, he is back again!"

"Tianluo Jianzi, come back for revenge!"

... In addition to the four major forces, there are many other forces and main gods, who are also secretly shocked.

Because, in those days, in addition to the four major forces, there were many other forces and main gods who rebelled against Tianluo Jianzi.

Now that Tianluo Jianzi is back, everyone who had fought against Tianluo Jianzi back then began to worry that Tianluo Jianzi would seek revenge on himself.

For a while, the entire sword world was paying attention to the Tianluo Sword Sect.

This newly established force, less than a day old, has attracted the attention of all the world's creatures! Above the Excalibur Mountain.

"Hehe, this kid."

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

Tianluo Jianzi's sense of consciousness is very powerful, can easily perceive the outside world, and hear the voice of the Tianluo Sword School.

When he heard this, he knew that Lin Fei's purpose for establishing this force was to help him re-rule the sword world.

"Forget it, let him toss it."

Tian Luo Jianzi shook his head and smiled.

In fact, it is also a wish for Tianluo Jianzi to re-rule the sword world.

After all, the old sword man ruled the sword world back then.

After the old sword man disappeared, let the big disciple rule the sword world.

Later, the senior disciple, second disciple, third disciple, and fourth disciple of Old Man Jian disappeared.

Finally, Tianluo Jianzi will rule the sword world.

Then, the forces in the sword world rebelled one after another, even colluding with other supreme worlds to invade the sword world.

In the end, Tianluo Jianzi was besieged by various factions, was seriously injured, and escaped from the sword world.

Speaking of it, the rulership of the sword world was passed down from the old man.

It was passed to Tianluo Jianzi and lost the rulership of the sword world.

In fact, Tianluo Jianzi didn't have much interest in ruling the sword world, but that was passed down by the master.

In his own hands, it was lost, which made Tianluo Jianzi feel ashamed of Master.

"Master, four brothers, are you dead or alive, where are you?"

Tianluo Jianzi's eyes looked into the distance and muttered to himself.

Over the years, Tianluo Jianzi has always been thinking of Master and four seniors.

at this time.

In the purple world.

In a magnificent palace.

Lin Fei sat right in the center.

More than 30 half-step master **** slaves are reporting to Lin Fei on sect affairs.

In the past few days, the various educational affairs of the Tianluo Sword Sect have been carried out in a vivid and orderly manner.

After all, many of Lin Fei's slaves to the gods, many of whom were formerly heads or elders, were familiar with managing a sect.

"Report to the master that our Tianluo Sword Sect has ten halls, and each hall performs its own duties.

Now, the affairs of the ten parties have been operating normally. "

Chu Bi said to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was more serious about Chu Bi and let him take full charge of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

Naturally, Chu Bi didn't dare to neglect, and tried all his best to manage the Tianluo Sword Sect in a few days.

"Well, well done.

Wait for the headquarters here to stabilize.

You can send people to open branches in various places. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Master, I am worried that if our Tianluojian sends to open branches in various places, we will be hindered by the four major forces, or some other forces with ulterior motives.

After all, our Tianluo Sword Sect, which has just been established, will definitely have many forces or creatures who are unwilling to recognize us. "

A half-step master **** slave said to Lin Fei.

"If anyone dares to hinder the development of our Tianluo Sword Sect, kill it with one word!"

Lin Fei said coldly.


More than 30 half-step masters and slaves agreed at the same time.

For Lin Fei's order, they unconditionally executed it.

Just now.


Lin Fei's face moved, and he looked out of Zi Cangjie.

"Little friend Lin Fei, can you get together?"

A voice came in.

"It turned out to be from the knife world.

People in the knife world, come to me, what are they trying to do? "

Lin Fei saw that outside the Purple Cang realm, there was the law of swords pervading, and the domineering sword light was looming.

"Well, I will meet you when I go out."

Lin Fei is now an artist who is bold, fearless and fearless.

call out! Lin Fei stepped out in one step, traversing the void, and instantly came into the void outside the Zi Cang world.

"You are looking for me, something?"

Lin Fei's gaze locked on two figures.

It was two figures shrouded in piercing swordsman, and the pressure released was very terrifying.

Lin Fei saw that they were two main gods.

The main **** of the knife world! "Haha, little friend Lin Fei, don't be nervous, we are not malicious."

One of the main gods laughed, and his tone was very friendly.

"Stop talking nonsense, be straightforward, let's talk, you come to me, what do you want to do."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Well, let's be straightforward.

Little friend Lin Fei, believe, you can see that we belong to the knife world.

This time, our purpose is to let little friend Lin Fei join our knife world.

We in the knife industry need talents like you, Lin Fei. "

Another master of the sword world said in a loud voice.

"You want me to join the knife world?"

Lin Fei felt very surprised when he heard this.

"Not bad.

Little friend Lin Fei, you can rest assured, with your strength, join our knife world, immediately, you can become a high-level figure in our knife world.

Status and status, compared to the two of us, are only higher but not lower.

Little friend Lin Fei, you and the four major forces in the sword world have forged a deep feud.

And our sword world, and the four major forces in the sword world, are also hostile.

The friend of the enemy should be a friend.

Moreover, the goal of our sword world is not just a sword world. In the future, our sword world will conquer more high worlds.

Sooner or later, our sword world will unify all the highest worlds and rule the world.

Little friend Lin Fei, talents like you will have the opportunity to develop better when joining our knife industry. "

A sword master **** said to Lin Fei with a very sincere tone.

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