Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3922: Found the murderer

"Being able to kill the upper **** true **** in seconds is at least half the realm of the main god.

Even, it is possible, is a master of the main **** level.

However, no matter who he is and what strength he is, I will never let him go. "

Lin Fei stared at the dark shadow, with murderous intent in his eyes.

That black shadow, when he started to kill, was always covered by a black fog of law, which tightly concealed his true face.

Therefore, no one can see his true face.

Lin Fei used his magical powers, moved his eyesight, and looked at the face of the black shadow, trying to penetrate the fog of the black law and see his true face clearly.


The dark shadow seemed to feel something, and with a cold snort, more rules and thick fog rushed out from within the body, blocking Lin Fei's perception.

"Well, this creature has a very clever cultivation base in terms of law.

I and him are at different time points, and he can actually perceive me in the future and pry into him.

Could it be an old antique? "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

To be able to practice the law to this level, generally speaking, only some old antiques who have lived for a long time, or masters of the master **** level, can achieve it.

Lin Fei found that he needed to know about what happened in this Tianluo City.

I also know that the murderer is the mysterious shadow.

However, for a while, he couldn't see the true face of that shadow.

It is also impossible to accurately perceive his spirit body breath.

"Okay, I want to see how strong your law cultivation is."

Lin Fei sneered.

Then, Lin Fei continued to cast the spell.

What Lin Fei used was a very clever deduction secret technique.

This secret technique of deduction comes from Luoshen Valley! It was passed down to Lin Fei by the Sky-swallowing Dog, most likely, it was passed down by the master of Lin Fei's statue.

In other words, this deduction secret technique, it is possible, is a Chaos God, personally handed down.

At the same time, it cooperates with the laws of time and space, the laws of reincarnation, and the laws of causality.

A series of mysterious runes are constantly being condensed, and they are surrounded by that black shadow, trying to penetrate the fog of laws on his body surface and perceive.

These runes condensed by Lin Fei have powerful penetrating ability, slowly penetrating the fog of law on the surface of the black shadow.

at last.

"I feel some breath!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

At this moment, the dark shadow seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned around, two dark eyes, separated from different time and space, like two dark lightning, shot towards Lin Fei.

However, this dark shadow and Lin Fei were in two different time periods.

That shadow, although it sensed that someone was casting a spell in the air, perceiving him.

However, he is not so powerful yet, able to cause harm to the opponent across different time and space.

Therefore, Lin Fei didn't need to dodge at all.

The two dark eyes disappeared as soon as they were halfway through.

Then, Lin Fei stopped casting the spell.

In Tianluo City, those scenes that happened in the past have disappeared.

"I finally caught the breath of the murderer.

There is no place for you in the entire sword world. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Master, do you want to rebuild this stronghold."

At this moment, Chu Bi saw Lin Fei finish casting his spell and walked over to ask.

"Being not.

Let's find out the murderer first.

Otherwise, even if we build this stronghold, it is hard to guarantee that he will come to destroy it again. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

"The master makes sense."

Chu Bi quickly replied.

"Go, let's go to the next ruined stronghold."

Lin Fei said.

Then, Lin Fei led the army, mighty, and headed towards the next ruined stronghold.

After a while.

Came to another branch of the true sword world.

The situation is the same in this branch.

This sub-base is also a city, also called Tianluo City.

At a glance, there are densely packed corpses everywhere, all of them from the Tianluo Sword Sect.

Many of them are gods.

There are five upper gods, true gods, who die here.

Even a half-step master **** died here! At that time, Chu Bi sent a total of four and a half steps of the main gods out to track down the destruction of the Tianluo Sword faction branch.

There is a half-step master **** who died here.

Of course, these gods were all **** slaves under Lin Fei's men.

"Seal this area immediately."

Lin Fei gave an order.

The army of the Tianluo Sword Sect immediately started to act, and in a moment, they tightly sealed this area.

Lin Feipan sat on the top of the city, displayed the secret technique, and started the deduction again.

Sure enough, it was still the shadow that slaughtered this Tianluo City! Originally, this was a very lively and prosperous city, where many sword repairmen gathered and it was extremely popular.

Suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky, releasing a billowing black mist, and in an instant, it completely enveloped the entire city.

Then, the massacre began.

This black shadow had terrible combat power, and almost all the gods of the Tianluo Sword Sect were killed in seconds.

Then, a half-step master **** slave under Lin Fei arrived and fought with this dark shadow.

However, with just a few moves, the black shadow completely gained the upper hand, and beat the half-step master **** slave without the strength to fight back.

Lin Fei displayed the technique of deduction, a series of mysterious runes, across time and space, drifted towards the shadow.


The black shadow felt once again that someone was perceiving him in the air.

Immediately, on his body surface, more dense black mist of law sprayed out, isolating Lin Fei's perception.

It's just that Lin Fei's secret technique is very clever, a series of mysterious runes, forcibly penetrated the black mist of his body, penetrated into his body, and sensed.

Finally, Lin Fei once again captured the breath of this dark shadow.

"Who is it, who the **** is peeping at me!"

The dark shadow was aware of it, and couldn't help being furious. Two dark eyes, filled with anger, bombarded Lin Fei's direction.

Lin Fei smiled coldly and stopped casting the spell.

Immediately, the dark shadow disappeared.

Separated from a different time and space, with Lin Fei's strength, there was no need to be afraid of that dark shadow attack.

"Now, I know more about this murderer."

Lin Fei sneered.

This time, I was able to find the murderer's clues so quickly. The most important thing was that the Secret Technique taught by the Heaven-Swallowing Dog was so powerful that Lin Fei could directly capture the murderer's breath through different time and space.

"Well, the next step is to find this murderer, who is it, and where is it now."

Lin Fei said to himself.

"No matter who you are, no matter which force you are from, I will go straight to the door."

Lin Fei's eyes revealed a strong killing intent.

"the host.

What is found. "

Chu Bi and the other half-step masters came over and asked Lin Fei carefully.

"I have found the murderer.

Next, we go directly to the murderer to settle the account. "

Lin Fei said.

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