Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3924: Heaven and earth

The four major forces of the sword world, on the surface, seem to be a group of amiable forces, jointly ruling the sword world.

But in fact, for so many years, they have been intriguing and calculating each other.

Every force hopes to suppress the other three forces and strengthen themselves, so as to achieve the ultimate goal of dominating the sword world.

"Head, I have a question.

If the heavens and the earth are incomplete, you really have to grasp the methods that can absorb the power of chaos in the heaven and earth valley.

Those, the strength of the two of them, should have advanced by leaps and bounds, and might even become the number one in the sword world.

So, I kind of doubt this legend.

Heaven is incomplete, not necessarily, have such a method. "

Changle Fairy asked suddenly.

"Yes indeed!"

When the other main gods heard this, they were all taken aback, and they also thought of this.

"Hehe, it is said that all the methods possessed by the world are incomplete.

In other words, the method they embrace is incomplete.

They are indeed able to absorb the mighty power of the world in the Refining Heaven and Earth Valley.

However, it was unable to truly suppress the chaotic energy and laws contained in those world mighty forces.

Even, because of forcibly absorbing and refining those chaotic world powers, the realm of the two of them was incomplete.

Heaven and earth are incomplete, the two of them work together, although, they can defeat the Lord God.

However, their true state is nothing more than a half-step master god. "

The head of the Changle Sword School explained.

"So that's the case."

In the palace, the other main gods were all stunned.

This is definitely a great secret in the sword world.

"In this way, the methods possessed by heaven and earth are of no use at all. Once you practice, it will be harmful.

This kind of method, nothing else. "

Changle Fairy Boy said.

"You can't say that.

Incomplete and incomplete, both of them are just casual cultivators. The previous strength was low and not worth mentioning.

It's just that the two of them occasionally obtained this incomplete method and hid in the heaven and earth valley to meditate.

Later, he had a powerful combat power, a fierce reputation, and a powerful shock to the entire sword world.

Therefore, the incomplete method they have is not, completely useless.

What's more, they are all born in casual cultivators, with poor background and shallow knowledge. Even if they get some clever secret techniques, they can only have a little understanding, and use their own understanding to explore and cultivate.

However, once that method falls into the hands of our four major forces, it is different.

Based on the background of our four major forces, and the many masters of the main **** level, it is certain that we will deeply interpret and comprehend that kind of method, and even, if possible, will perform a complete method. "

The head of the Changle Sword Sect said slowly.

"It makes sense! Head, I understand.

In this way, the method that the world lacks, our Changle Sword School must find a way to get it! "

Changle Fairy Child heard what the headmaster said, suddenly realized, and yelled excitedly.

"In short, our Changle Sword Sect must not fall behind.

At that time, no one can be careless.

As soon as Lin Fei and Heaven and Earth are missing, it is really a situation where both sides suffer. We Changle Sword School look for opportunities and suddenly make a shot to wipe out Lin Fei and Heaven and Earth.

The most ideal is to catch them all and get what we want. "

The head of the Changle Sword School, continued.

"Yes, it should be done."

In the palace, the other main gods all nodded.

Similar conversations also occurred in the other three major forces.

It may be said that every power has its own ghosts and calculates its own interests.

at this time.

Heaven and earth.

The world of heaven and earth is a plane of the sword world.

The world of heaven and earth, in the world of swords, is a notorious plane.

It is said that only those sword repairmen who are vicious and treacherous will choose to settle in the world.

There are many sword repairmen. If they commit an angry or appalling crime, they will generally choose to take refuge in the heaven and earth realm.

In short, in the world of heaven and earth, all of them are the villains.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, unless there is nowhere to go, no one wants to come to such a smoky, terrible place.

"Master, this plane is the fierce world in the sword world."

In the cosmic starry sky of Heaven and Earth Realm, suddenly, a large army appeared, it was the army of the Tianluo Sword Sect.

Lin Fei deduced all the way, followed all the way, but unexpectedly came to the world.


It turned out that this is the world of heaven and earth. "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Although Lin Fei had never been to the world of heaven and earth, Tian Luo Jianzi had passed all the information of the sword world to Lin Fei long ago.

Lin Fei's understanding of the sword world was much deeper than that of many sword world creatures.

"It is said that in the world of heaven and earth, there are cruel and fierce men.

The two of them joined forces, even if they were the main gods, they did not dare to provoke them.

Could it be that the one who took action against my Heavenly Luo Sword Sect this time turned out to be crippled? "

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"I have no contact with Tianchou and I, let alone any holidays.

Why do they want to send an attack on Tian Luo Jian?

It seems that there must be something inside behind this incident.

It's just that no matter who it is, the person who touched my Lin Fei will have to pay the price.

It’s the same as it’s crippled. "

Lin Fei thought about it for a moment, and sneered.

at the same time.

Heaven and earth boundary, deep in the void.

A space full of endless chaotic energy and chaotic laws.

A black shadow, and a red shadow, sitting cross-legged.


The person who locked me down before seems to be here! He actually entered the world of heaven and earth! Hey, it seems that he really came at me! "

Suddenly, the dark shadow suddenly opened his eyes, and two dark gazes penetrated the void, looking in the direction where Lin Fei was.


Dare to break into our world! Don't be brave.

I want to see what the **** is it! "

The red shadow also made a sneer, and two red eyes, like two red lightning, also looked towards Lin Fei's direction.

Almost the same moment.

Lin Fei also reacted, raising his head in the direction where the heaven and earth were missing, and looked over.

Rumble... the eyes of the three people looked away from the sky, and finally, they collided and caused a vision. In the starry sky, a series of energy explosions occurred.

"Deadly, and found me here!"

Lin Fei naturally knew what had happened.

"Well, it seems that the one who took action against my Tianluo Sword Sect and slaughtered the slaves of my gods must be incomplete!"

Lin Fei sneered at the corner of his mouth, and a strong killing intent surged in his eyes.

People don’t offend me, I don’t offend people.

If anyone offends me, I will repay it twice.

This is Lin Fei's consistent life standards!

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