Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3946: Convalescence

Huh! The two swords were incomplete, and the two swords attacked and slashed out.

In the surrounding space, a large number of world powers, as their two swords merged, reacted, and they smashed toward the twenty-odd main gods.

This void was immediately overwhelmed by the vast sword light, and the murderous intent was rich and terrifying.

"not good!"

The expressions of the main gods changed drastically.

They know that the world is incomplete, the two swords are combined, and they are infinitely powerful. They are not opponents.

Puff! On the spot, two main gods were cut, their bodies exploded into two masses of blood mist.

Ah... the soul bodies of the two main gods both made screams.

Rumble...The world's mighty powers on top of each other pressed against the soul bodies of the two main gods, and their power was amazing.

"Save us!"

Those two main gods, their souls flying out of the sky, desperately asked for help.

The other main gods around, stepped forward together, desperately trying their best to save the two main gods.

Every main **** paled with fright.

Naturally disabled and terribly lacking, just as soon as they joined forces, the whole battle was immediately reversed! "Damn it, it's all because of Lin Fei! Otherwise, we can kill the Destiny!"

A main **** said cruelly.

"We retreat!"

A master **** with a very high level of generation and a lot of weight speaks to other master gods.

"it is good!"

All the main gods agree.

It is estimated that if the fight continues, there is not much meaning.

The heavens and the earth are incomplete, the two swords are combined, the power is too terrible, and it is impossible to defeat it.

Shoo... the main gods stretched out their bodies, fled into the void one after another, and disappeared instantly.

It’s impossible to keep so many main gods behind. I can only watch those main gods and flee one by one.

However, after this battle, I believe that from now on, the main gods of the four major forces will never dare to set foot in the valley of heaven and earth easily.

Because, in this battle, they can be regarded as truly seeing the terrible power of the inability to join forces.

"one left!"

With a dangerous look, he stared at Lin Fei.

"Master, now, what should I do?

He wants to be disadvantageous to you, the master. Let's work together to kill him. "

Tian Can secretly transmitted to Lin Fei and asked Lin Fei what he meant.

"Don't kill him.

He is useful to me. "

Lin Fei answered immediately.

Lin Fei was really afraid of Tiancan's impulse, and sneak attack to kill Dique.

What is truly powerful is the combination of two swords.

Now, Tiancun is already Lin Fei's slave, and he is doing exactly what Lin Fei ordered.

Therefore, Lin Fei had no pressure at all in the face of crippling nature.

There is not much deterrence in front of Lin Fei by relying on the ground alone.

"Don't worry, I'll go back first, and take a good recuperation.

When I recover from my injury, I will return to Heaven and Earth Valley. When that happens, you and I will work together to subdue the ground. "

Lin Fei thought for a while, secretly spreading a message to Tian Can.

Lin Fei believes that it is very easy to overcome the internal response of the disabled.

In the previous battles, Lin Fei had been smashed many times by the four major powers, more than 20 main gods, and in the battle against the incompleteness of heaven and earth, his body was also broken many times.

Although Lin Fei's physical quality is strong, almost immortal.

The physical damage could not cause fatal damage to Lin Fei.

However, more or less, it also lost some of the original blood, and after the war, it also made Lin Fei feel tired.

After all, every opponent is a master of the main **** level, no small thing.

Even Lin Fei would need to take a good rest for this level of war to fully recover.

Moreover, in the ongoing battle just now, Lin Fei had some insights and thoughts, and he also needed to retreat and sort it out.


Tian Can naturally obeyed Lin Fei's orders.

call out! Lin Fei moved out and rushed out of Heaven and Earth Valley.

"Chasing! Never let this kid escape.

The threat this kid poses to us is far more terrifying than the main gods of the four major forces.

Just now, because of him, we were defeated and almost killed! "

When Di Que saw that Lin Fei wanted to leave, he immediately yelled.

He resented Lin Fei to the extreme, and he wanted to kill him immediately.

call out! Di Que stretched out his body and pursued Lin Fei with all his strength.

However, Tian Can did not cooperate with him at all.

Just kidding, chasing the owner, Tiancan didn't even dare to think about it.

"I can't hold it anymore. I must retreat immediately.

Otherwise, the troubles are endless.

In the war just now, I was seriously injured. "

Just as Diqian was chasing Lin Fei, Tian Can didn't move and said to Diqian's voice.

Diqian couldn't help but frown.

However, in the war just now, Tianchou was injured very seriously.

Especially in the battle with Lin Fei, Tian Can's body and soul body were hit by Lin Fei many times.


Di Que stopped his figure and said helplessly.

He knew that if he chased Lin Fei alone, it would be of no use to catch up.

Compared with him, Lin Fei's combat power is only strong but not weak.

call out! Lin Fei moved in a shadowless manner, and in just a few steps, he rushed out of Heaven and Earth Valley, and teleported back in the direction of Shenjian Mountain.

The twenty-odd main gods have long been far away from Heaven and Earth Valley.

They are afraid of chasing out.

In the battle just now, the debilitating lack of combat power displayed by Shuangjianbi left them with lingering fears.

Soon after, Lin Fei returned to Shenjian Mountain and began to retreat to heal his injuries.

In the sword world, it was temporarily quiet.

Heaven and Earth Valley, in the sword world, is a fierce forbidden place.

Under normal circumstances, the creatures in the heaven and earth valley rarely interact with the outside world.

If there is no need for external creatures, they will never enter the valley of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Tiandi Valley and the outside world are basically isolated.

Therefore, not many creatures know what happened in Heaven and Earth Valley.

Of course, there are also some powerful creatures with advanced realms, or masters who are good at deduction, vaguely know what happened in the heaven and earth valley.

However, creatures at this level are not ordinary creatures, and they don’t tell others what they know.

at the same time.

In a certain plane of the sword world.

This plane, in the cosmic starry sky, is filled with bright knife light everywhere.

This plane has long been occupied by the swordsmen.

In the depths of the plane, above a huge star.

There is a sacred mountain towering into the sky.

Above the sacred mountain, there is a huge palace.

In the palace, at this moment, there are a group of masters with terrifying aura and deep body wrapped in rich knife-shaped runes.

"There seems to be movement in the heaven and earth valley.

I deduced that in the past two days, there seemed to be a huge battle at the main **** level in Heaven and Earth Valley.

At the very least, there were more than twenty main gods participating in the war. "

An old man with white hair and bowed chest said slowly.

"More than twenty major gods participated in the battle! Could it be that in the heaven and earth valley, what has happened?"

In the palace, the other masters were all surprised.


Heaven and Earth Valley is the place where the world eye of the sword world lies.

Location is much more important than Excalibur Mountain.

And Tiandi Valley is also a place that our knife world has always wanted to occupy.

Every supreme world eye will give birth to massive world powers.

Those world powers are priceless.

The Dao ancestor once issued an order that we must find a way to occupy the heaven and earth valley. "

The white-haired old man said slowly.

"It's just that, in the heaven and earth valley, there are heaven and earth lacking guards.

It is said that the world is incomplete, although not a master.

However, once their two swords are combined, they will exert terrible power.

The four major forces in the sword world had long wanted to occupy the valley of heaven and earth, but because they were very afraid of the lack of heaven and earth, they had not taken any action.

We in the knife world want to occupy the heaven and earth valley, and we also have to face the crippling nature. "

A master said in a loud voice.

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