Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3948: Mysterious Excalibur Mountain

"You kid, you are getting more and more unpredictable. I can't understand you now."

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

However, watching Lin Fei continue to grow, he was naturally very pleased.

"Senior Tianluo, if it weren't for your guidance, I wouldn't even have a chance to enter the sword world."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

It is also true that Lin Fei entered the sword world entirely because of Tian Luo Jianzi's guidance.

Otherwise, at first, Lin Fei had no ability to enter a supreme world with his own strength.

Lin Fei entered the sword world and gained a huge gain, and his strength soared.

All of this, speaking of it, was brought by Tianluo Jianzi to Lin Fei, so Lin Fei was naturally very grateful to Tianluo Jianzi.

"Hehe, everything is concerned with one word of origin.

You and I are destined, no need to say thanks. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"I am going to Heaven and Earth Valley."

Lin Fei said.

"Be careful."

Tian Luo Jianzi exhorted.

"Lin Fei, remember, once you encounter a crisis that you can't solve by yourself, give us a voice immediately.

We will find a way to send you back to Shenjian Mountain. "

The yellow-robed old man among the five sword spirits said to Lin Fei.

"I understand.

Thank you seniors. "

Lin Fei said quickly.

Lin Fei is also very grateful for the Five Swords.

If it weren't for the Five Sword Spirits, give Lin Fei the true meaning of the five swords.

Lin Fei's kendo level would not achieve such rapid progress in a short period of time.

Lin Fei bid farewell to Tianluo Jianzi and Five Sword Spirits respectively, and then, unfolding his starting method, instantly moved away from Shenjian Mountain and crossed towards Tiandi Valley.

"This kid has grown too fast.

Soon I couldn't believe it. "

Looking at the direction Lin Fei disappeared, Tian Luo Jianzi couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

"Lin Fei did not disappoint us."

The Five Sword Spirits also nodded one after another, agreeing to Tian Luo Jianzi's words.

"Five seniors, are you planning to hand over Divine Sword Mountain to Lin Fei?"

Tian Luo Jianzi asked suddenly.

Wu Jian Ling couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

Then, Wu Jian Ling's eyes were all staring at Tian Luo Jianzi, with profound meaning.

"Venerable Tianluo, what do you know about Shenjian Mountain."

The old man in Huangpao asked aloud.

Shenjian Mountain and Five Sword Spirits have always been very mysterious in the minds of the creatures in the sword world.

It is said that no one knows the origins of Shenjian Mountain and Five Sword Spirits.

I only know that since the history of the sword world, the Shenjian Mountain and the Five Sword Spirits have already existed.

The five sword spirits are older than any major **** in the sword world.

In theory, any main **** in the sword world must respect the five sword spirits, senior! It is conceivable how long the existence of the Five Sword Spirits has been.

"I once heard Master say that Shenjian Mountain is possible and is a magic weapon.

And the five seniors, it is possible, are the spirits of magic weapons.

Moreover, my master guessed that the five seniors, it is possible, that they want to find a new master for Shenjian Mountain.

Five seniors, shouldn't they be, Lin Fei has taken a fancy. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

Wu Jian Ling was silent for a long while listening to Tian Luo Jianzi's words.

"Your Master's words are right and wrong.

However, Venerable Tianluo, you should try as little as possible about our Shenjian Mountain. "

The yellow-robed old man said slowly, his face blank.

"Five seniors, don't worry, I won't bother about Shenjian Mountain.

However, because it was related to Lin Fei, I just asked casually because of my curiosity. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.

Tianluo Jianzi knew that Wujianling didn't want outsiders to interfere with Shenjian Mountain.

"That's good."

The yellow robe old man said.

Then, the figure of the five sword spirits disappeared at the same time.

"It seems that these five seniors are very disgusted with outsiders exploring the secrets of Shenjian Mountain.

I will try not to mention this topic again in the future. "

Tian Luo Jianzi smiled helplessly.

"However, I believe that in the future, Lin Fei will definitely know the secret of Shenjian Mountain.

At that time, I will ask Lin Fei secretly and I will know. "

Tian Luo Jianzi thought secretly in his heart.

No way, in the sword world, any master is full of curiosity about the secrets of Shenjian Mountain.

Although Tianluo Jianzi once ruled the sword world and stayed on Divine Sword Mountain for a long time, he still knew very little about Divine Sword Mountain and Five Sword Spirits.

Shenjian Mountain and Five Sword Spirits are really mysterious.

at this time.

Lin Fei had already walked out of Divine Sword Mountain, preparing to head towards Heaven and Earth Valley.



Lin Fei's figure suddenly stopped, and his sharp gaze shot out all around.

Around Shenjian Mountain, there are many small sacred mountains.

Lin Fei found that many people were stationed on these sacred mountains.

Although, these people are sneaky, lurking on the small mountain.

However, it could not hide Lin Fei's sense of consciousness.

Lin Fei felt it a little bit and found that it was the four major forces who had gone back and forth! "Huh, so bold.

I, Lin Fei, have already said that no forces are allowed to exist around Shenjian Mountain. "

Lin Fei's icy voice passed to those sacred mountains.

"No, it's Lin Fei, he found us!"

Above those sacred mountains, there were a series of panic calls.

call out! Lin Fei waved his hand, and cut out a plain sword light.

Puff puff puff... this sword light, like a terrible reminder, flickering constantly, passing by one small mountain after another.

Ahhh...Screams kept ringing.

Most of the people and horses stationed on the sacred mountain were cut in half at the same moment, their stumps were thrown away, and blood was splashed.

With just one sword, almost all of the four forces stationed here were cut.

Some died, some hurt.

In short, the casualties were heavy.

With Lin Fei's current combat power, to deal with the general sword repairs in the sword world, it is almost like a heavenly dragon, bullying the ants on the ground.

With just a gesture, a large number can be wiped out.

"Get out now! If there is another time, don't even think of leaving alive."

Lin Fei said lightly.

Then, one step away, disappeared.

"Quick, we evacuate immediately! It's terrible!"

"Go back right away and report to the sect! That's how Lin Fei is killing!"

...... The survivors of the four major forces, one by one, were so scared that they fleeed desperately.

No one dares to stay.

After a while, Lin Fei had already arrived in Heaven and Earth Valley.

Heaven and Earth Valley is a large-scale plane.

In the plane, there is a lot of fierce, domineering, and cruel aura everywhere.

A wave of restless sword aura shot randomly in the void.

In the valley of heaven and earth, specially accommodated those wicked and wicked people, for a long time, the breath of this plane has become full of evil aura.

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