Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3974: The master is coming

In this Tianluo city, there is only one and a half step master gods.

There are dozens of half-step master **** slaves under Lin Fei.

And the number of Tianluo City is very large, it is impossible, every Tianluo City is guarded by a half-step main god.

In fact, only some of Tianluo City, which has a particularly important position, have masters at the half-step master level.


Under the leadership of this half-step Lord God, a large number of people from the Tianluo Sword Sect were killed out of Tianluo City.

"Huh, a bunch of rubbish, all killed, not one left!"

An elder of the Ximen family sneered.

Immediately, the Ximen family's army, like a tide, flooded with the people sent to Tian Luo Jian.

Five half-step main gods rushed forward, surrounded the half-step main **** of the Tianluo Sword Sect, and started fighting.

A fierce battle broke out completely.

The sound of shouting and killing is earth-shaking.

The blood ran into rivers, and the corpses were everywhere.

The Ximen family's army is very large and well prepared.

Soon, it has the upper hand.

The people of the Tianluo Sword Sect were suffering more and more casualties.

"We can't lose the face of our master!"

"Fight for the master!"

... The gods of the Tianluo Sword Sect were all Lin Fei's slaves, and they worked desperately against the masters of the Ximen family.

Just now.

Suddenly, a figure came through the void and appeared above Tianluo City.

"Hey, it's from the Simon family."

This figure, with his hands on his back, stepped into the battlefield.

"It's the master! The master is here!"

The gods of the Tianluo Sword Sect, each one felt in their hearts, and they were extremely pleasantly surprised. They all looked over.

The figure that came suddenly was Lin Fei.

"See the master!"

The slaves of the gods suddenly saw Lin Fei appear, and they all roared with excitement.

"See the head!"

The people of the Tianluo Sword Sect also yelled one after another.

After the establishment of the Tianluo Sword Sect, Lin Fei has always been in charge.

"It's Lin Fei!"

The members of the Simon family were shocked.

The so-called name of the person, the shadow of the tree.

In Lin Fei's sword world, he had fought with masters of the master **** level many times, and he had already made a name for himself.

Therefore, these people of the Simon family were secretly surprised when Lin Fei suddenly appeared.

"You Simon family are so bold, you dare to come to Tianluo City to make trouble."

Lin Fei stared at the four half-step master gods in the four-door family.

"Lin Fei, what do you want!"

The four and a half-step main gods, facing Lin Fei's plain gaze, kept beating in their hearts.

Their status in the Simon family is not low.

Except for those main gods, it is them.

Therefore, they naturally knew how terrifying Lin Fei's combat power was.

"Dare to provoke the Tianluo Sword Sect, since you are here, there is no chance to go back again."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Hmph, Lin Fei, could it be that you want to go to war with our Simon family!"

Said one of the half-step main gods of the Simon family.

"Now, isn't it war already started."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Withdraw! Withdraw now!"

The four and a half step master gods of the Simon family shouted at the same time.

They knew that no matter how many people there were on their side, they couldn't be Lin Fei's opponent.

These four half-step main gods were secretly complaining in their hearts. I didn't expect that this time, with such a bad luck, they actually met Lin Fei.

Immediately, the people of the Simon family retreated in all directions as if the tide was low.


Can it be withdrawn? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

next moment.

Puff! A faint sword light slashed out from above Lin Fei's body.

Plain, but faintly, a kind of terrifying energy coercion came out.

Introverted, but domineering.

This is a sword light formed by Lin Fei's sword training.

With a single sword, all the men and horses of the Ximen family are all shameless! It seems that the whole world is still.

Time stood still.

The space is also still! It was as if, in the entire world, only this faint sword light remained, slowly advancing in the void.

A series of mysterious swordsmanship runes were constantly born, densely packed, and flooded toward the people of the Simon family.

Last time, in the eyes of the world in Tiandigu, Lin Fei fought more than 50 main gods, and the harvest was very great and the feelings were many.

In the past few years of retreat, Lin Fei has not only absorbed and refined a large amount of world power, but also constantly felt and polished his kendo.

Makes the level of kendo, once again greatly improved! It can be said that Lin Fei's current level of swordsmanship is only stronger than those master gods in the sword world! With just one sword cut out, you can seal hundreds of millions of miles of void.

Papa papa... the dense crowds of the Simon family, under this sword, were twisted into shingles like tiles.


Two thirds of the Ximen family were strangled by Lin Fei! There was only a small part left, and luckily escaped.

"You four, come back to me."

Lin Fei stared at the four and a half-step main gods.

These four half-step main gods, after being shredded by Lin Fei's sword light just now, reorganized their bodies, and are now showing their way to escape.

boom! Lin Fei reached out with one hand, zoomed in continuously, and grabbed the four and a half steps of the main god.

These four half-step master gods all felt creepy.

The big hand that Lin Fei reached towards them, the energy coercion that radiated from it was too terrifying, it was so horrible that they almost couldn't straighten up, let alone escape.

Roar... The four and a half-step main gods all roared, and the sword glow all over, wanted to resist.

However, it was useless.

Lin Fei's big hand lifted them up.

All the resistance was useless, as soon as it touched Lin Fei's big hand, it was all wiped out.

Lin Fei carried four and a half steps of the main god, as if grabbing four little chicken cubs.

On the palm of the hand, there was a strong world power, which suppressed them, unable to move.

Then, Lin Fei thought.

Shoo... a large number of puppet lines shot out from Lin Fei's sea of ​​consciousness, instantly drowning the four and a half steps of the main god.

After a while.

"See the master!"

The four and a half step master gods of the Simon family became more docile, and at the same time bowed to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei nodded slightly.

"You continue to be responsible for sitting in this Tianluo City."

Lin Fei said to the half-step master **** of the Tianluo Sword Sect.


The half-step master **** slave quickly answered.

"Four of you, follow me for now."

Lin Fei said to the four and a half-step master **** slaves who had just conquered.

"Master, we understand."

The four and a half-step main gods answered in unison.

"Well, let's go."

Lin Fei stepped out and walked away.

The four and a half steps of the main gods immediately displayed the starting method and followed Lin Fei closely.

"You tell me what the situation is with the four major forces now."

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back and walked in the void while questioning the four slaves.

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