Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3980: Excalibur

"Boy, look at my Excalibur!"

During the melee, one of the main gods of the Simon family shouted.

Huh! A black long sword rushed out of him.

It's very short, only three inches, but it's sharp, black mist, murderous, and it makes people feel cold all over.

With a strong life-saving spirit, it was surrounded by dark runes, tearing the sky, and slashing towards Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's heart trembled slightly.

This pitch-black little sword is a bit weird, gloomy, cold, and lifeless. It seems to have a terrible restraint on the soul body.

It is estimated that creatures with weak spiritual energy are easily restrained by the breath of this small sword.

It's just that Lin Fei's spirit energy is too huge.

Moreover, there are four secret treasures of the soul, guarded in the sea of ​​knowledge.

This small sword didn't have much lethality to Lin Fei.

laugh! The pitch-black small sword pierced Cangyu, aimed at Lin Fei's head, and shot it.

Huh! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand suddenly cut out.

This long sword is smelted from tens of millions of famous swords, and its level is unimaginable.

Rumble...In Lin Fei's body, there is an energy vortex slowly spinning, releasing a huge world power, blessed on the long sword in Lin Fei's hand.

Wherever the long sword goes, endless time and space are constantly collapsing.

when! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand collided with the dark little sword.

The shock waves of terrifying energy, like landslides and seas, rushed out in all directions.

The pitch-black little sword was shaken and drunk.

Lin Fei discovered that this small sword contained strange spirit energy, and the main target of attack was actually the spirit body.

The energy in other aspects is much weaker.

"This small sword is engraved with very sophisticated principles of spirits and souls. It is a good magic weapon for attacking the spirit bodies of enemies."

Lin Fei glanced at the dark little sword and nodded.

Boom...Lin Fei stretched out a palm, constantly zooming in, turning into a small world, and instantly enveloped the small sword.

"Boy, stop!"

The main **** was shocked.

This magic weapon of his is very weird, and it has a huge restraint on the soul body. Even if it is the main god, he has to retreat and never dare to take the initiative to reach out.

Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him would not avoid it at all! Boom boom boom...A series of thick sword beams continuously sprayed out from his body, like pillars supporting the sky, slashing towards Lin Fei.

With a wave of the long sword in Lin Fei's hand, all the attacks were blocked.

With a grasp of his palm, he grabbed the small black sword in his hand.

"Boy, dare you!"

The main **** was in a hurry. This small sword was his hole card against the enemy and was very precious.

Rumble... The pitch-black little sword held in Lin Fei's hand seemed to be alive, struggling desperately.

In fact, it was the main **** who was urging Xiaojian to break free of Lin Fei's control.

Rumble... Lin Fei's mind moved, and the mighty power of divine consciousness turned into big rivers of the Yangtze River, rushing out of the sea of ​​knowledge, and bombarding the small sword.

This small sword belongs to the Secret Treasure of Divine Soul, and it is most appropriate to deal with it with Divine Consciousness.


Shoo... the lines of puppets shot up, forcibly wrapping the small sword round and round.

Wow... the soul tree also launched an attack.

The green branches and leaves stretched out, together with those puppet threads, to suppress the small sword.

At the same time, Lin Fei's soul heart in the sea of ​​knowledge also released a rune related to the gods and souls, and suppressed it to the small sword.

Finally, under Lin Fei's various methods, the pitch-black sword stopped struggling.

Lin Fei took the opportunity to refine it.

"Everyone, stop this kid! Help me take back the Excalibur!"

The main **** was anxious and asked the other three main gods for help.

"Boy, stop!"

"Lin Fei, the ancestral land of the Ximen family is not where you go wild!"

"Lin Fei, you are waiting to bear the anger of our Simon family!"

The other three main gods roared and killed them.

The four main gods of the Simon family are all very aggrieved.

Here, but the ancestral land! It symbolizes the majesty, glory, status and sacredness of the entire Simon family.

Usually, no matter who comes here, he must be respectful and careful, and his voice must be gentle.

In the ancestral land, many ancestors of the Ximen family are sleeping deeply! It must be quiet at all times and never noisy.

However, now, there are outsiders breaking out, triggering a fierce battle here, turning the sacred ancestral land into a battlefield with billowing smoke and noise! However, these four main gods responsible for protecting the ancestral land have no way at all.

Because Lin Fei's combat power is terrible.

The four of them joined forces, not only did not have the slightest upper hand, on the contrary, they were suppressed everywhere! Roar...Under the feeling of extreme aggrievedness, the four main gods all started desperately.

Pieces of sharp sword light constantly lit up, illuminating the Ximen family.

The four main gods used their full strength and the weather was astonishing. The billowing kendo energy turned into overlapping stormy waves, rushing everywhere.

The four main gods are like four out-of-the-sheath swords, bursting with murderous intent, every move, every style, cut the void into pieces and continue to collapse.

I have to say that the combat power of these four main gods is very powerful.

Otherwise, the Simon family would not let the four of them be responsible for guarding the ancestral land.

The combat power of the four of them is even better than the other main gods in the sword world! "Hey, the master of the Simon family, that's nothing more."

Lin Fei's voice was cold, and a cold and quiet killing intent spread out.

Boom...In Lin Fei's body, a large amount of world power was poured out.

The time and space of billions of miles around is shaking and overwhelmed.

Boom...Lin Fei stepped out, and the mighty power of the world exploded.

"Four old guys, this battle should be over!"

Lin Fei stopped drinking.

Then, Lin Fei had no reservations.

The heart sword, the ultimate heart sword style, the secret technique of the puppet thread... all kinds of powerful secret techniques are all displayed.


Shoo... Three exactly the same Lin Fei appeared.

One gasification three clear! This is one of Lin Fei's truly powerful cards.

The three Lin Fei all have the same combat power.

Once this taboo secret technique is displayed, it is equivalent to making Lin Fei's combat power triple instantly! "kill!"

The three Lin Fei rushed forward at the same time, their breath collapsed.

The four main gods of the Simon family were already quite reluctant to fight one Lin Fei.

Now, three Lin Fei suddenly appeared, and they couldn't resist it at all.

The four main gods were forced to retreat step by step.

Huh! Suddenly, a small, pitch-black sword flew out of Lin Fei's hand, carrying a weird spirit of spirit, and cut it forward.

"It's the Excalibur Sword! Boy, you have refined the Excalibur Sword!"

One of the main gods, frightened and angry, roared sharply.

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