Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3986: Reversal of time and space

"Stop him!"

Dozens of main gods chased Lin Fei from different directions and roared.

However, Lin Fei has gone away without a trace.

The few main gods who were forced to retreat by Lin Fei were angry and ashamed, but helpless, they watched Lin Fei leave.

"Chasing! As long as this little thief does not escape back to Heaven and Earth Valley, or Shenjian Mountain, we have a chance to intercept him!"

The patriarch of the Ximen family roared and chased Lin Fei first.

Lin Fei broke into the ancestral land of the Ximen family and robbed the sacred mountain in the ancestral land. It can be said that the feud with the Ximen family is as deep as the sea and will never be resolved.

Once this incident spreads, I am afraid that the Simon family will become a laughing stock.

Unless, kill Lin Fei! Therefore, the patriarch of the Simon family was too intent to kill Lin Fei.

"It makes sense, we chase it!"

The other main gods hesitated for a while, and then they followed up.

At this time, Lin Fei had left the ancestral land of the Simon family and rushed out towards the outside world.

Lin Fei moved in a shadowless manner, traversing in the direction of Heaven and Earth Valley.

Shoo...Lin Fei is like a sword of light, constantly traversing the void, the speed is extremely fast.

Behind, dozens of main gods chased them with all their strength.

However, speed is also a strong point of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's speed is only stronger than those of the main gods! "He wants to escape back to Heaven and Earth Valley! We mobilize troops, chase and intercept! Otherwise, once he escapes back to Heaven and Earth Valley, we will be unable to deal with him!"

A main **** shouted.

These dozens of main gods are the most powerful figures in the sword world.

There are countless people under the control of every Lord God.

As a large number of people appeared in the sword world, they intercepted Lin Fei's path at various important points.

Lin Fei was rushing forward. Suddenly, a large group of men and horses appeared in front of him. The elite soldiers and strong generals were murderous and blocked the way just now.

"Go away!"

Lin Fei yelled.

Rumble...The mighty power of the world was released from Lin Fei's body, like a stormy sea, rolling forward.

These people blocking the road, the strongest, are only half-step master gods, so how can they withstand so many attacks from the might of the world.

Bang, bang, bang... So, the people blocking the road in front of them were thrown away by shock, like dumplings, falling in all directions.

"You guys come here!"

Lin Fei found a lot of half-step master gods, rolled out their sleeves, grabbed these half-step master gods, sealed their body energy, and then hid them in a human body world.

Then, Lin Fei moved in the direction of Heaven and Earth Valley and continued to cross back.

In the rear, dozens of main gods were chasing after him.


Soon, people blocking the way appeared again.

"go to hell!"

Lin Fei drew the long sword and hacked it forward.

On the long sword, carrying the terrifying power of the world, it bloomed out of endless brilliance, tearing time and space, and murderousness spreading forward, making the people blocking the road in front of them all in horror.

This is the full play of Lin Fei's kendo level, with amazing lethality.

Puff puff puff... the long sword slashed across the air, and the people blocking the road in front of them, like snowflakes encountering the sun, melted into pieces and disappeared into nothing.

This is the real extinction! At this time, the entire sword world, countless masters, are all watching from far away [], and seeing this scene, they are all shocked.

The main gods who are chasing after him are also frightened.

Lin Fei's combat power made them feel tremendous pressure.

A junior kid, the upper **** true god, actually possessed it, and he had more combat power than the average main god.

Such things have never been seen, unheard of! It is unprecedented! What is even more frightening is that Lin Fei is still very young and has huge room for growth.

"Could it be that he has the potential, what step will he take in the future?"

The main gods in the back are all in a complicated mood.

The Lord God, on the surface, is the topmost in every world and controls the entire world.

However, only these main gods really know.

It is by no means the main **** who truly rules the world.

It's Chaos God! Every main **** is looking forward to taking that step and transforming from the main **** into a chaos god! Chaos God is the ultimate goal of all living beings in the world! "Hmph, it's impossible, this kid, even if he has a good aptitude, he wants to become a chaos god, wishful thinking!"

The main **** said with a cold snort.

Want to become a chaos god, it is so difficult to imagine.

It is said that in most of the world, even after tens of thousands of epochs, a chaos **** cannot be born.

There is also an extremely secret legend that only a few old antiques in the world know, that is, the number of Chaos Gods is fixed.

No more, no less.

All the Chaos Gods were born in the very distant past, thousands of years ago.

Now, if a new chaos **** is to be born, an old chaos **** must fall.

However, every Chaos God has vast supernatural powers, boundless mana, and has endless life.

Chaos God, how could it be lost?

Therefore, according to this legend, the current Lord God has no chance to break through and become the Chaos God! "Not bad.

Although the aptitude of this kid was good, he possessed the combat power of the main god.

However, it is impossible to say that he can become the Chaos God in the future! Not to mention him, all the main gods in the world can't have the opportunity to become the chaos god.

Because the road to Chaos God has long been cut off! "

A main **** said with a heavy heart.

When this question was mentioned, all the main gods felt heavy in their hearts and frowned.

"No matter what, this kid's combat power is so terrifying, we must not keep him.

Otherwise, from now on, we people will have no peace. "

Another Lord God looked at Lin Fei's back and said.

"Not bad.

We spent the festival with Lin Fei, getting deeper and deeper, and there is no possibility of resolving it.

Only kill him.

Otherwise, we will not have a good day in the future. "

Another main **** said.

"We work together to reverse time and space!"

Suddenly, a main **** shouted.

"Reverse time and space?"

The other main gods all looked at him.

You know, the sword world is a supreme world, and the structure of time and space is very stable.

It is too difficult to reverse the time and space of the sword world on a large scale.

"I have a secret method that can reverse time and space on a large scale, but it needs everyone's cooperation."

The main **** explained.

"Well, in that case, try it.

As long as you can deal with the little thief Lin Fei, you have to try any method! "

All the main gods agree.

"Okay! Start now!"

The Lord God who proposed to reverse time and space shouted.

Rumble...Dozens of main gods released their own time-space law energy at the same time. So many main gods gathered together and released the time-space law energy at the same time. The consequences were very shocking.

As a result, the entire sword world began to shake.

In the endless time and space, the wind is surging and the wind is raging, producing all kinds of visions.

"Reverse time and space, let that little thief return!"

The lord **** roared, his hands were like butterflies, forming a strange seal, and countless mysterious time and space runes, like colorful snowflakes, were born continuously.

Other main gods did the same.

Suddenly, a large number of mysterious time and space runes rushed forward, drowning towards Lin Fei in the distance.

At this time, Lin Fei was very close to Heaven and Earth Valley.

As soon as he stepped into Heaven and Earth Valley, Lin Fei was not afraid of these main gods.


what's going on? "

Suddenly, Lin Fei's heart moved and found that the surrounding time and space seemed to have undergone a certain change.

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