Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3992: Absolute advantage

Once upon a time, the ancestral land of the Ximen family was one of the most sacred places in the sword world.

Now, it's a mess, and it's dilapidated.

At this moment, these masters of the Simon family had some regrets deep in their hearts.

Perhaps the Simon family should not provoke this young man in front of them.

However, it is too late to think about this now.

Between the Simon family and Lin Fei, the feud has become deep.

The enmity between the two parties has been difficult to resolve.


The world-shattering battle is still going on, Lin Fei's enthusiasm is boiling, and he repeatedly takes the initiative to kill the eight main gods, extremely domineering.

Boom! This battle was very fierce, the sword light was surging, and the mushroom clouds of violent energy continued to skyrocket.

"Little thief Lin Fei, our Simon family will never die with you!"

An old hidden clan of the Simon family roared.

laugh! What responded to him was a small black sword, which instantly cut to the center of his head and eyebrows, exuding an extremely strange aura.

Under the horror, this hidden family retreated desperately.

Shoo... Lin Fei's heart was moved, and he displayed the heart sword, heart swords one after another, continuously attacking the body of this hidden elder, cutting wildly.

Boom...The long sword in Lin Fei's hand, carrying the terrifying world power, slashed forward.

The terrifying energy, combined with the high level of kendo, made a powerful blow.

Law, energy, roar together, extremely gorgeous.

puff! The elder of the hidden family was cut by Lin Fei's long sword, cut in two, and suffered heavy injuries.


Lin Fei smashed his eyes, rushed to the other main god, urged the long sword to cut through time and space.

puff! The main **** was split from the middle of his body with a sword by Lin Fei, split into two halves, blood splashing into the sky.

Ah... the main **** screamed.

When Lin Fei cut his body, he also hit his soul body.

"Haha, the Simon family, that's nothing more."

Lin Fei fought very happily in this battle.

A single person defeated all the main gods of the Simon family, and there was not much power to fight back.

After hearing Lin Fei's laughter, the eight main gods of the Simon family were silent and extremely angry, but there was nothing to refute.

This feeling is simply suffocated to the extreme.

A junior kid, actually suppressed the master of the entire Ximen family.

It is really a shame and shame that a family that rules the sword world and is above the top has suffered such a defeat! "Everyone, today, we fight to the death to protect the honor of the Simon family! Otherwise, we will face it without face, in this ancestral land, the ancestors and ancestors!"

Chief Ximen said slowly, with a very solemn tone.

The face of every main **** is very tragic, and there is a smell of death.

The dignified Ximen family was actually forced to such a situation and spread it out, and no one would believe it.

"It's useless to fight to death! The rule of your Simon family over the sword world is over!"

Lin Fei sneered.

"Eat my sword!"

The mighty power of the world in Lin Fei's body was like a stormy sea, pouring out, shaking the sky.

Huh! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was cut out, and the blade was shining. In an instant, there seemed to be only a ray of light left between the heavens and the earth, annihilating the darkness, breaking the chaos, and nothing was broken.

This battle allowed Lin Fei to increase his experience, world power, and kendo, and the two blended more perfectly.

Lin Fei's kendo level had already reached a very high level.

Lin Fei's world power is even more amazing.

Now, the combination of the two is tantamount to a strong alliance.

The power produced is too powerful.

Huh! The sword light was brilliant, and suddenly the head of a main **** was cut off.

puff! The long sword smashed the body of another Lord God into pieces, blood and bones splashed all over the sky, and blood stained the universe.

"Lin Fei!"

Patriarch Ximen killed Lin Fei.

Rumble...Lin Fei launched the most violent attack, all kinds of secret techniques, all at once, all at once, blasted forward.

boom! Chief Ximen coughed up blood and staggered backwards.

His body was chopped in half by Lin Fei, in tatters and unsightly.

"Haha, today, maybe the Lord God will fall!"

Lin Fei's body was covered with a layer of brilliant sword wings, and the terrifying power of the world was crushed in all directions.

Lin Fei's voice shook the entire time and space and spread throughout the Ximen family.

This kind of domineering, this kind of warfare made the eight main gods of the Simon family tremble and chill.

In this battle, Lin Fei has had the upper hand.

These masters of the Simon family were completely crushed and beaten.

This feeling is too aggrieved.

However, they can do nothing.

Because Lin Fei's combat power is too terrifying.


Lin Fei became more and more courageous, and his body was covered with brilliant sword lights. The long sword in his hand was powerful and indestructible.

puff! There was another main **** whose body was cut off by Lin Fei with a sword, and blood surged.

In time and space, a large amount of divine blood spewed everywhere, too bright.

Rumble...The long sword strangled the body of the other Lord God to pieces. The limbs, abdomen, and head were all separated, and they were cut into several pieces.


This is really a shame.

He is a hidden elder of the Ximen family, and he has been famous for a long time. He has made a great reputation in the sword world a long time ago, and no one knows it.

Belongs to a real antique.

However, now, being pressed and beaten by a yellow-haired boy, there was no power to fight back.

This made him, in any case, unable to accept it.

"Haha, old guy, the fall of the Lord God begins with you.

Believe that you will let the sword world remember you! "

Lin Fei laughed, murderous.

You know, generally speaking, the Lord God will not fall.

The fall of the Lord God is a major event.

It will surely shock the whole world.


Lin Fei swung his long sword and performed various secret techniques to kill the old town of the hidden clan.

This clan elder had just reorganized his body, and Lin Fei was killed again.

"Boy, I did it with you!"

I saw him roaring, his hands kept moving, forming a sword seal, and blasting towards Lin Fei.

Boom! With blood splashing, Lin Fei's long sword shot the head of the old half of the clan, and his brain shot up, screaming and tossing out.

Huh! A small black sword hit the soul body of this clan elder.

what! The clan elder screamed.

He was seriously injured.

"Withdraw, let's withdraw first!"

Patriarch Simon shouted.

His heart is full of sadness, and the situation has become clear since the war has progressed.

Lin Fei has the absolute upper hand.

The Simon family was a complete failure.

After that, it is estimated that the damage of the Simon family will be even greater.

"Patriarch, this is the ancestral land of our Simon family. Where else can we withdraw?"

A main **** asked.

"Yes, if we withdraw, the Simon family, it will be over."

The other main **** said.

"We took refuge in the ancestral coffin! If we continue to fight, we have no chance of winning.

When Lin Fei kills our main gods, the Simon family will be over.

Moreover, it will be really over! "

Chief Ximen thought for a while and said.

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