Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3994: Grab another treasure

"what is that……?"

Lin Fei's gaze was like two high-intensity searchlights, constantly scanning the chaotic fog ahead.

At the same time, the power of divine consciousness is also released to perceive the space ahead.

Finally, Lin Fei vaguely saw it clearly.

The huge shadow in front turned out to be a coffin! A huge coffin that makes people unbelievable.

Lin Fei discovered that all the people of the Ximen family seemed to have entered the coffin! "The breath of this coffin is too weird and terrible."

Lin Fei was secretly surprised.

"Little thief Lin Fei, if you are not afraid of death, come forward!"

In front, there was a wild laugh, which was the voice of Chief Ximen.

"Okay, I will try to move forward."

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

Lin Fei is a bold artist. With Lin Fei's strength and trump cards, he is confident. There is no place in the world that he can't break into.

Even in danger, Lin Fei was immortal and was not afraid at all.

Therefore, Lin Fei has no scruples.

Lin Fei stepped forward.

At the same time, for the sake of insurance, the mighty power of the world, like a landslide and a sea leak, poured out of the body.

Just now.

Rumble! Ahead, the coffin hidden in the chaotic fog, roared to the sky, and an unimaginable energy was released from the coffin.

This energy was terrifying, and instantly shook this piece of space and time to pieces.

Rumble...Lin Fei urged a lot of world mighty forces to blast forward.

boom! The energy released by the coffin and Lin Fei bombarded the world's mighty forces in the past, banging against each other, standing still.

The world mighty power that Lin Fei released did not actually have the upper hand.

Rumble...The coffin, gently shaking, continued to release bursts of energy and bombarded Lin Fei.

The terrifying energy like the vast ocean, layer upon layer, crushed towards Lin Fei.

At the same time, there are mysterious runes, like snowflakes, fluttering, filling this space and time.

"What a terrible energy!"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning.

"I don't believe it, a small coffin can also stop my footsteps!"

Lin Fei said with a cold snort.

With Lin Fei's current strength, facing dozens of main gods, he would not be afraid.

Besides, it is a small coffin.

Rumble...Lin Fei released all the energy in his body, including all the mighty powers of the world, and all the chaotic essence, like a Yangtze river, roaring, and bombarding the coffin in front.

boom! Immediately, the coffin also reacted, and huge energy was released and blocked Lin Fei.

For a while, Lin Fei and the coffin were at odds with each other.

Roar... Lin Fei made a long roar, spurring energy and moving forward with all his strength.

However, that coffin was also full of energy, and it was extremely terrifying.

Still not divided! "No way!"

Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

Lin Fei didn't think that he actually had a match with a coffin.

With Lin Fei's current strength and hole cards, it was enough to look at the world's masters.

A small coffin, when is it in my eyes?

However, now that the facts are before us, we have to believe it.

"Haha..., Lin Fei knows it's amazing.

We, the Simon family, have a long heritage. How can you be a junior kid who can bully! Lin Fei, you are waiting, our Simon family will never die with you! "

Ahead, in the coffin, the voice of Patriarch Ximen came out, very proud.

"Hmph, it's hard for you to laugh.

A dignified Ximen family, collectively fled into this coffin, and couldn't get out of it. They thought it was very powerful, right? "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Huh, Lin Fei, whatever you say.

You have completely angered my Simon family.

From now on, you wait to bear the terrible anger of my Simon family. "

Chief Ximen said.

"Can this coffin really protect your Simon family? I don't believe it!"

Lin Fei said.

Rumble...Next, Lin Fei used various methods to attack the coffin forward with all his strength.

However, in any case, the coffin was undamaged.

Faced with this coffin, Lin Fei did not have the slightest advantage.

After half an hour, Lin Fei finally gave up.

"This coffin is too hard.

It's almost like a tortoise shell. "

Lin Fei shook his head helplessly.

"Haha, little thief Lin Fei, give up your mind.

Even if you are a hundred times stronger, you can't break the ancestral coffin. "

The voice of Patriarch Ximen passed from the coffin.


I really can't break this coffin.

It's just that, can you members of the Simon family stay in this coffin for the rest of your life and not come out? "

Lin Fei sneered.

"In that case, I will charge a little interest now."

Lin Fei said.

"I laughed at the treasures in your ancestral land."

Lin Fei added.

After speaking, Lin Fei strode towards the sacred mountains in the ancestral land.

"Lin Fei, dare you!"

"Little thief, stop! Don't take in the treasures of our Simon family anymore!"

... Immediately, angrily shouts came from the coffin.

It could be heard that the main gods of the Simon family were a little bit frustrated.

"Haha, don't you agree?

If you don't accept it, just come out and have a good fight. "

Lin Fei sneered.

While speaking, Lin Fei had already stepped onto a sacred mountain.

After a few breaths.

Lin Fei had already ransacked this sacred mountain and made it clean.

Then, Lin Fei was at ease, carrying his hands on his back, and walked towards another sacred mountain.

"Little thief Lin Fei! Stop!"

"Ah! I'm so angry!"

...In the coffin, roars came out.

The main gods of the Simon family were so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven! "Lin Fei, I want to work hard with you!"

A main **** roared.

"Come out.

What's the use of just shouting. "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Roar, I am angry! I am angry!"

The main **** was furious, and he didn't know how to vent his anger.

"Little thief Lin Fei, those treasures on the sacred mountain are the collections of our ancestors and ancestors of the Simon family. You ransacked them all. You deceived people too much, it was too much!

"Oh my God, what the **** did our Simon family do wrong! This provokes this little evil star! Is it true that our Simon family is really dead?"

...In the coffin, the main gods of the Simon family were so angry that they vomited blood, but there was no way.

They can only endure, endure it abruptly.

"Bored, if you don't agree, just come out and have a good time, otherwise, just shut up for you."

Lin Fei sneered.

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