Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4116: The scene of the chicken flying dog jumping

"Lin Fei, during this period of time, Dijiang's strength seems to have improved a lot."

When the Tianguo saw Lin Fei, he said worriedly.

"Dijiang possesses the body of a chaotic sky swallowing beast, and its strength is growing every moment.

This is a huge trouble! "

The tiger sighed and said.

"Yes, once Dijiang grows into an adult Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast, that's terrible.

It is estimated that the entire boundless Chaos Sea was completely swallowed by him with one bite, and then disappeared directly, and would never reappear. "

Big Black Bull also sighed.

"You have to think of a way to kill Dijiang.

Otherwise, he will soon come to harass us in the Valley of Gods.

The twelve of us are definitely not his opponents.

Unless, the owner personally shot.

However, as long as the master makes a move, it will be bad.

It will definitely make the master's big enemy perceive it, and at that time, it will be really troublesome. "

The big **** also shook his head and sighed, worried.

The Chinese zodiac signs are all downcast.

"Seniors, I'm sorry, it was I who caused trouble to Luoshengu."

Lin Fei was a little guilty.

Lin Fei understood that the most direct reason why Dijiang would focus on Luoshen Valley was because of himself.

"Lin Fei, even without you, in the end, Dijiang will definitely follow us in the Valley of God.

So, it has nothing to do with you.

You still think of a way, how can you kill Dijiang? "

Black Bull shook his head and said.

"It's difficult to kill Dijiang.

Now, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast is still in its infancy, and we have no choice but to take Dijiang.

In the future, when he grows into an adult chaos-swallowing beast, it will be even more impossible for us to kill him. "

The tiger shook his head and said.

For a while, the zodiac signs were silent.

"Dijiang! I must kill you!"

Lin Fei couldn't help clenching his fists, feeling the tremendous pressure.

"Seniors, I'm going to retreat."

Lin Fei confessed, turned and left, found a quiet place in the Valley of Fallen God, opened up a small world, and began to meditate.

The main purpose of Lin Fei's retreat this time was for the piece of wood.

In the small world, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, took out the piece of wood, and hovered in front of him.

"The mother tree of the wooden puppet tribe, and the ancestor of the face tribe, these two powerhouses are very terrifying.

They want this piece of wood so much.

This shows that this piece of wood is definitely not simple, it has hidden secrets.

Okay, I'll take it seriously.

Let's see if we can understand something useful. "

Lin Fei muttered to herself.

At the beginning, he released his divine consciousness, as well as the whole body's spirit, concentrated on the piece of wood in front of him, and began to comprehend.

Time passed slowly.

One day, two days, three days... one month, two months, three months... one year, two years... the time of cultivation has no idea, and I don't know how fast it is.

Before I knew it, more than ten years passed.

Within the small world, Lin Fei is still quietly comprehending.

Sitting cross-legged, motionless, like dead wood, like rock, like an old monk in Zen.

Time is slowly passing by.

In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed! "Ah... this piece of wood seems to be just a piece of ordinary wood. There is nothing mysterious about it."

More than a hundred years later, suddenly, in the small world, a heavy sigh sounded.

Lin Fei's gaze suddenly opened, with a sharp gaze, looking at the piece of wood in front of him, revealing a look of doubt.

After more than a hundred years of comprehension, there was no gain! "But I'm sure that this piece of wood is anything but ordinary.

How could it be possible for two peerless powerhouses to spend a long period of time and have been thirsting for something like ordinary wood.


Sure, I haven't realized it yet.

Well, I will realize it again! "

Lin Fei muttered to himself.

Then, he fell into a state of enlightenment.

Motionless, let the years pass, let the dust fall.

Before you know it.

One hundred years have passed.

One hundred years later.

"It seems that I have realized something, but, like fog, like flowers, like clouds, like rain,... and nothing.

What kind of thing is this? "

Lin Fei, who had been like a dead tree, suddenly began to speak, looking very tangled.

That piece of wood, quietly suspended in the space in front of him, has never moved.

A person, a piece of wood, just like that, relative, more than two hundred years! In the following hundred years, Lin Fei felt that he seemed to have captured something, but it was still unreal and dreamlike.

Nothingness and ethereal! "No matter, I'll go out and relax, maybe, what inspiration can I find."

Lin Fei stood up and left this small world that had been sitting still for two hundred years.


With a few steps, Lin Fei returned to the small world where the Cangyan Holy Land headquarters was located.

One enters this small world.

"Tianjun, Tianjun, where did you go!"

"Tianjun, you will show up right away, otherwise, mother will spank you!"

"Quickly, help find! See where Tianjun is hiding!"

"Oh, I didn't see a bottle of spirit pill again! Don't ask, it must be the little guy Tianjun who entered my pill room and secretly took it away!"

"I have practiced a god-level magic weapon for decades, but it hasn't taken shape yet, so whoever trampled on my refining furnace!"

...In the whole small world, there is a smell of turmoil.

I saw that there are many gods, coming and going, rushing around, hurriedly searching all over the world, it is just a mess! "This..." Lin Fei was a little dumbfounded.

Then, I started to get excited.

Because Tianjun is his own son! Lin Fei's divine consciousness was immediately released, and in an instant, he felt the entire small world.

In this small world, somewhere deep in the void, a little kid who looks like two or three years old is lying on a small recliner with a fleshy hand holding a The jade bottle, in that jade bottle, contained more than a dozen divine pills.

The little kid was like eating candy, pouring out the magic pills one by one, stuffing them into his mouth, chewing with relish, looking very leisurely.

That lounge chair was made from the most precious chaotic **** crystal in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and it was a god-level magic weapon.

The gods all over the world search everywhere, but they can't find out where this little kid is.

This picture is full of joy.

Don't ask, this little kid is Lin Fei's child, Lin Tianjun! how is this possible?

! Lin Fei took a step and came to Tian Jun's side, shocked.

Lin Fei discovered that Tian Jun was unleashing very clever laws of time and space, hiding his tiny body tightly! If it wasn't for Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it was too strong, it might not be possible to find his position!

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