Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4123: You know it's great

This is currently Lin Fei's most powerful attack.

In the past few hundred years, Lin Fei spent a lot of time in retreat to comprehend that piece of wood, and finally realized the mental calendar in that piece of wood.

Now Lin Fei's mental strength cultivation is much stronger than in the past.

The power of the heart sword displayed is at least a few thousand times, or even tens of thousands of times that of the past! Lin Fei knew that to deal with a chaotic sky-swallowing beast, ordinary attacks really had no effect, only mental strength could work! This is also the reason why Lin Fei is so hopeful that he can get the mystery of his mind.

Rumbling... the terrifying and boundless mouth is still leaping towards where Lin Fei is standing.

The place where the big mouth passed, time and space instantly flooded.

Lin Fei displayed the shadowless style, the law of reincarnation, and at the same time activated the reincarnation card of the world, and immediately the winding circuit of reincarnation appeared under Lin Fei's feet.

The path that Lin Fei followed, moving forward all the way, was extremely fast.

The law energy displayed by Dijiang couldn't restrain Lin Fei at all.

Roar! At this moment, Dijiang suddenly screamed, and the violent screams turned into terrifying sound waves, like a huge and incomparable sledgehammer, smashing in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Destroyed! "Impossible Lin Fei, how can you have such a strong mental strength! I don't believe you how old you are! This is an illusion! I want to eat you! Treat it as a snack!"

The roar of Dijiang rushed toward Lin Fei.

"It seems to be effective! Good! Continue to work hard against Dijiang!"

Lin Fei was very pleasantly surprised. It seemed that the effort he exerted had indeed caused great damage to Dijiang.

Otherwise, Dijiang wouldn't scream like this! So Lin Fei continued to show his efforts.

At the same time, he ran desperately along the winding path of reincarnation under his feet.

Because the big scary mouth behind is still chasing up.

"Fortunately, I have made such a big breakthrough in the law of reincarnation! If it were before, I would definitely not be able to escape Dijiang's attack."

Lin Fei's heart secretly rejoiced.

This path of reincarnation only appeared not long ago, and Lin Fei knew in his heart that this meant that his law of reincarnation had reached a new height.

Of course, this is not a true cycle of rebirth, it is just a phantom of a cycle of reincarnation condensed by the law of reincarnation.

In other words, it is the projection of the cycle of rebirth in this space and time.

"The reincarnation circuit is really mysterious. A projection alone has such an effect. If it is a real reincarnation circuit, it will definitely be even more powerful.

Or, in other words, does the real cycle of rebirth perform a certain function before it is broken? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but guess.

Lin Fei had heard many legends about reincarnation when he was still on the earth before.

The most straightforward legend is that the cycle of rebirth is the path that all creatures in the world must take to reincarnate.

"Is it true that before the cycle of rebirth is broken, after death, all creatures in the world really have to go from this winding path to a new life?

If this is the case, then the cycle of rebirth bears all the creatures in the world, the hope of new life! Death is something that everyone hates.

Who doesn't want to be able to live again.

So the reincarnation actually represents the hope of new life! Someone actually broke the cycle of reincarnation. This kind of practice is really an enemy of all the creatures in the world, and it is heinous! "

Lin Fei thought a lot in his heart.

But at the same time, Lin Fei's attack on Dijiang, as well as the movement of fleeing, kept going.

Shoo... a series of heart attacks continued to penetrate Dijiang's body, causing crazy destruction within his huge body.

His internal organs were destroyed and tattered almost instantly.

Ahhhhhhh...Dijiang was in pain unbearable, and he kept making screams. He couldn't think that the powerful he was actually injured.

Roar...Dijiang roared in bursts, and the extremely violent sound made the entire boundless chaotic sea sway and shake violently.

At this moment, countless worlds, countless planes, and endless sun, moon and stars are constantly exploding.

It's just like the brilliant fireworks that disappear into nothing in an instant.

Di Jiang was angry and destroyed the world.

This is simply the end of the world! The real end of the world! It can be seen how destructive Dijiang really is! "Impossible, I don't believe it! My Emperor Jiang is invincible, and I was hurt by a stinky boy like you! I'm angry! Lin Fei, I want to kill you, I want to break your body into pieces!"

Feeling the huge pain in his body, Di Jiang was truly angry, in a state of violent runaway.

Under the rage, the speed of that terrifying mouth unexpectedly increased.

Rumble and chase Lin Fei! "This guy is really terrible!"

Even Lin Fei felt a little thrilling, and used his body technique speed to the fastest and most extreme level.

The winding path at the foot continuously stretches forward without an end.

The big mouth at the back ate everything.

Moreover, a huge attraction was produced, desperately pulling Lin Fei's body to pull Lin Fei into the big mouth.

Huh huh... At this time, Lin Fei was also completely free from it.

A steady stream of heart attacks with all their strength, heart sword after heart sword, continuously invaded Di Jiang's body, frantically engaging in destruction.

Di Jiang's body was seriously damaged, and all his mouth, nose and ears flowed out, shocking blood.

Under this violent attack, Dijiang's breath also began to slowly descend.

Finally, the terrifying big mouth behind Lin Fei also started to slow down, and it could be seen that Di Jiang's injury was indeed serious.

"It's impossible for this weak guy to hurt me to this extent, so how can I believe it?

I am the invincible Emperor Jiang in the world! "

At this time, Di Jiang still couldn't believe it, and he let out a deafening roar, and his roar could be clearly heard throughout the boundless Chaos Sea.

"You know how great a beast is now! I said that one day I will kill you, and I, Lin Fei, will do it if I can!"

Lin Fei's laughter echoed throughout the boundless chaotic sea, and Lin Fei finally felt a little confidence.

It is indeed very rare to be able to hurt Dijiang to such an extent.

Then Lin Fei turned around and walked along the path desperately to escape. After a while, Lin Fei felt that he had finally escaped Dijiang's pursuit! Finally successfully escaped!

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