Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4130: Attack the Demon's Gate

The legend handed down from the ancient times of the demons is indeed correct.

Really, there is a supreme world called Demon World! Before Lin Fei came to the entrance and exit portal of the Demon Realm, he felt the breath emanating from that portal.

"What a powerful world mighty force.

It seems that the overall strength of this supreme world is only strong but not weak compared to the sword world! "

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

Every supreme world has its own world power.

The more powerful the supreme world one possesses, the stronger the overall strength.

Lin Fei had already realized this.

Because Lin Fei has entered two Supreme Worlds consecutively, and Lin Fei's body now possesses a lot of world power! "Okay, let's try to see if this demon world's entry and exit portal is possible."

Lin Fei said to himself.

Lin Fei knew that for all the highest worlds in the world, for whatever reason, the entrances and exits were automatically closed, and you could not enter or leave.

Believe that the demon world in front of me is the same.

However, Lin Fei still wanted to give it a try, based on his own ability, could he force in.

In the past few hundred years, Dijiang has repeatedly attacked the portals of the highest worlds in the boundless chaotic sea, wanting to forcibly break into those highest worlds.

As an old monster that has survived for an extremely long time, Dijiang attacked the portals of these highest worlds. This shows that if the strength is strong enough, he can enter those highest worlds.

Therefore, Lin Fei also wanted to give it a try.

Boom... Without a word, Lin Fei hit the door of the demon world with a punch.

Rumbling... the entrance and exit door immediately shook violently, making a deafening roar.

"Too hard!"

Lin Fei couldn't help frowning, feeling a slight pain in his fist.

Boom...Next, Lin Fei punched and punched, and in an instant, he blasted dozens of punches, all of them hit the door.

The shock waves of energy from the impact, like stormy waves, spread out from the center of the impact, surging in all directions.

"No way."

Lin Fei found that it was impossible for his physical strength to blast open this hard door of entry and exit.

"Try other energies."

Lin Fei took out the long sword, displayed all the kendo energy, and cut it to the door.

Rumble...booming sword light, like a vast ocean, pouring out on the door.

However, it was useless.

Next, Lin Fei tried several other energies, including the law energy, but they were of no use.

"All the energy, put it together, attack together!"

Finally, Lin Fei displayed the most powerful attack, all the energy, all the martial arts secrets, and displayed them at the same time.

Even, he also displayed three identical Lin Fei. They stood in front of the gate of the demon world, and at the same time displayed various martial arts secrets, blasting towards the gate.

The door shook more strongly.

However, there is no use.

That door cannot be blasted open at all! "Ok."

Lin Fei had to give up.

"Even Dijiang can't open a door to the highest world, of course I can't."

Lin Fei comforted herself and said with a wry smile.


Lin Fei used time and space magical powers to record this entrance and exit of the supreme world.

Then, Lin Fei turned around, left the void, walked into the depths of the magic capital, and re-entered the small world where the demons lived in seclusion.

"Lin Shaoxia, you are back! How is it!"

The seven main gods of the demon clan, when Lin Fei came back, were overjoyed and immediately surrounded them.

The legendary demon world, but the origin of their demon clan, of course they are very concerned.

"found it.

Indeed, there is a supreme world called Demon World.

Moreover, it is hidden in the magic capital. "

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Really! It's great. I can't think of it. The legend left by the ancestors is really true! So, besides our demons, there are more demons in the world! And , Demon Realm, is the birthplace of our Demon Race! It's too sacred!"

The seven main gods of the Mozu were extremely pleasantly surprised.

"See it for yourself."

Lin Fei waved.

Time and space rippled.

In the front, there appeared a door of entry and exit, and on that door, the two characters of Demon Realm were engraved.

It is the gateway to the devil world.

This is a supernatural power of time and space, which can project the image of another time and space in real time.

Moreover, the spatial coordinates of the demon world are also clearly projected.

The main gods of these seven demons knew clearly and accurately where the entrances and exits of the demons were.

"The Demon World! It really is the Demon World!"

The seven main demon gods, staring at the entrance and exit door with extremely surprised eyes, trembled all over, and their tone of voice was not fluent.

Bang Bang Bang... Suddenly, the seven demon clan master gods all knelt down and knocked their heads toward the entrance and exit door of the demon world.

"What are you doing?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being stunned.

It's just a supreme world, what's so great.

If it was before, Lin Fei would be shocked when he encountered the Supreme World.

However, for Lin Fei, there is nothing mysterious and noble in the Supreme World.

"This is where our demons originated. For us demons, it is the most sacred place in the world! We are worshipping the place of origin!"

A demon chief **** burst into tears, choked and said.


Just be happy. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Inform the whole family immediately, come and worship the place of origin!"

A demon clan master god, passed the order on.

Suddenly, a moment later, in this small world, all the demons came, densely knelt into the void, and together they bowed to the entrance and exit of the demon world.

After a long time of activity, the demons slowly dispersed.

"Lin Shaoxia, thank you very much.

If it weren't for you, we might, never have the chance, to discover the location of the place of origin! "

The main gods of the seven demons were all grateful to Lin Fei and said kind words.

"All right.

You are Welcome.

I am ready to go.

You demons, just continue to hide here.

This little world is well hidden.

If anything happens, I will send you a voice transmission directly. "

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Shaoxia, if we need to do anything in the future, just speak up.

Our demons are up and down, on call! "

The seven demon gods are all very respectful.

"that's OK."

Lin Fei nodded and turned to leave this small world.

After a while, he left the magic capital.

"Okay, next, go and see the situation in the underworld."

Lin Fei strode in the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Now, the body of Dijiang is missing, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, temporarily with Lin Fei's strength the most powerful, Lin Fei is naturally rampant!

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