Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4133: Not enough to see


This is the power of spells.

Well, I have to say that spells are also a very mysterious secret technique in the world.

Some mysterious energy can be summoned through spells to help fight. "

Lin Fei was very irritating, and did not interrupt the curse of the nine palace lord gods.

Because Lin Fei has enough confidence that in this boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are no creatures, nothing, that can threaten him.

Of course, except for Dijiang! Boom boom boom... Just when Lin Fei was in high spirits, suddenly, loud noises rang out, and then one after another tombstones continued to appear, descending into this void.

Each tombstone is engraved with a name.

Behind these names, all the cultivation bases of the master of the tombstone are indicated, and all are the main gods! I saw a steady stream of tombstones of the Lord God appearing in this void.

Each tombstone is simple and mysterious, and the font on it is gleaming, with a horrible atmosphere spreading.

These breaths can directly affect the soul body of the creature.

Lin Fei felt on the spot that there was a mysterious power that was summoning and involving his soul body. It seemed that he wanted to involve his soul body abruptly out of the body.

"Junior Lin Fei, you forced us to take action.

Well, let you see, our netherworld is not a place where you can be bullied at will! "

A landlord **** said with a sneer.

He knew that Lin Fei's strength was terrifying.

However, they also have confidence in themselves.

Buzz...I saw that every tombstone was trembling, and faces appeared on them. They were very clear, and their voices and smiles, as if they still had life, were very strange.

Moreover, every tombstone released a chain of invisible laws, twisting around where Lin Fei was standing.

Lin Fei felt that his body seemed to be cursed, and his actions were a bit difficult.

Of course, this was the case when Lin Fei did not release any energy.

"Thousands of famous names, listen to my orders, punish this junior..." A curse was still ringing, echoing in the void, wind and thunder, lightning and thunder.

In the void, the densely packed tombstones began to tremble constantly, and the energy released by the coercion, like a piece of ocean slamming the shore, the mighty power, shattering for nine days! then.

All the tombstones were slaughtered forward together, rushing towards Lin Fei! "Let me try your tombstone array, how powerful is it!"

Lin Fei laughed, strode forward, and rushed forward.

In the past few hundred years, apart from working with Dijiang, Lin Fei never worked with other creatures.

Now, Lin Fei was a little excited when faced with this provocation, and could finally move his hands and feet.

Boom...Lin Fei burst into golden light all over his body, extremely brilliant, and the whole body turned into gold, as if it were made of gold.

This is the vision that Lin Fei showed when he carried the inheritance of the Tianjin people to the extreme.

Boom...A chain of golden laws continuously dropped from Lin Fei's golden body, strangling the dense tombstones.


A long sword rushed out of Lin Fei's body.

A strong sword light burst out and cut it forward.

In an instant, time and space collapsed and turned into powder.

Boom... At the same time, Lin Fei also released various other laws that he had practiced.

A chain of laws, one after another, sprayed out from above Lin Fei's body, rushing out in all directions.

The endless chaotic origin laws eventually woven into a large net of laws after another, blocking Lin Fei's body around, making those tombstones impossible to get close to Lin Fei at all.

Boom... That long sword, under Lin Fei's urging, kept beheading it.

The tombstones were cut one after another and exploded continuously, powder stones splashed and smoke billowed.

"This tombstone array seems to be a little bit inadequate."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei just blocked a few shots at will, and hasn't done much at all.

There are still many powerful secret techniques and methods that have not yet been displayed.

"Huh! Lin Fei, don't be rampant!"

The main **** of an underworld has a gloomy expression.

In fact, the faces of the main gods of the nine underworlds were not very attractive.

Probably, they didn't expect Lin Fei's combat power to be so powerful.

This tombstone formation is the most powerful formation in their underworld.

In the past few hundred years, their nine main gods have cultivated this great formation together, originally intended to deal with Dijiang in the most critical time.

Unexpectedly, it is now used to deal with Lin Fei first.

And, so far, it has not worked at all.

Because Lin Fei seemed too relaxed.

"Heroic spirits from all walks of life, wash their blood feuds with your blood!"

Nine palace lord gods, shouted at the same time.

Rumble... those tombstones that have not been smashed by Lin Fei suddenly began to bleed continuously.

Drop by drop, constantly dripping, a little crippled, exuding a powerful breath of death.

Boom... and then, every drop of blood, unexpectedly, turned into a sea of ​​blood, mighty and smelt, and for a moment, it drowned the vast void.

In every sea of ​​blood, there are endless bones floating and sinking, which is very frightening.

Rumbling...A sea of ​​blood roared to the sky, rolling and impacting in the direction of Lin Fei.

Finally, Lin Fei found out that all of him was surrounded by a vast ocean of blood, and where he stood, it was like an isolated island in the ocean, being shocked by terror.

Boom... The terrible **** ocean is surging, seeming to swallow Lin Fei in.

"Haha, it's kind of a doorway."

Lin Fei laughed.

However, Lin Fei is certainly not afraid.

Lin Fei held the long sword in his hand, and the surging kendo energy blessed on the long sword, bursting out billions of brilliant sword lights.

At the same time, there is also the mighty power of the world, also blessed on the sword.

The coercion that made the long sword exudes was beyond description.

Boom boom boom... Lin Fei continued to cut out with one sword after another.

The terrible sword light tears everything apart.

As soon as the surrounding **** ocean encounters a sharp sword light, it explodes and burns continuously, then turns into fly ash, annihilates and disappears.

The long sword in Lin Fei's hand, at this moment, has the power to do everything! "It's still far from enough."

After Lin Fei easily broke the attack of the nine main gods of the underworld, holding a long sword, standing still, let out a sneer.

The nine main gods of the underworld, one by one, their faces were extremely gloomy.

They didn't expect Lin Fei's combat power to be so terrifying.

They even regretted it a bit.

Perhaps, in the beginning, one should not choose to start with Lin Fei.

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