Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4143: The power of the sixth trick

After a few breaths.

Lin Fei regained consciousness and found himself back in the square just now.

Opposite, the woman stood still, looking at herself with a playful look.

"No way.

This is too powerful.

With his own strength, he was actually killed by a single move! The strength of this woman is the degree in the end! "

Lin Fei only felt thrilling.

"I..., I didn't even react, I was killed once?"

"This..., is this too strong?"

Lin Fei swallowed.

"Actually, you don't have to rush to fight me.

You can think about the move I just made. "

The woman said, her tone was very cold.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded awkwardly.

Lin Fei was embarrassed to be killed by a spike, and went up again to fight the woman.

Then, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, and began to remember the woman's move just now.

"She made the move like this, too mysterious, too clever, too wonderful..." Now, Lin Fei finally understands that starting from this sixth-story tower, I am afraid that the difficulty has increased dramatically! That mysterious woman is too tyrannical! Or in other words, it is the sixth move of the sword of reincarnation, too powerful! Lin Fei's heart was depressed, but also a little excited.

Such a powerful sword move, if you learn it yourself, wouldn't it be that the gods block and kill the gods, and the Buddha blocks and kill the Buddha! "This is how she moves..." In the sixth-story tower, Lin Fei sat cross-legged on the ground, closing his eyes and thinking.

Lin Fei understands that he must not be anxious to feel this kind of thing.

The more anxious, the slower! Therefore, Lin Fei condensed his mind, condensed into a ball, calmly realized that the woman's move just now.

After five days of comprehension.

"Hmm...I already know her moves.

This time, as soon as the battle started, I immediately attacked.

I don't know if the effect is.

However, the sixth move of the sword of reincarnation, I seem to have only its form, but cannot capture the charm.

Regardless, let's play one game first.

Anyway, in this space, there is no real death! "

Thinking of this, Lin Fei no longer hesitated, stood up directly, adjusted his breathing, stood up, and looked at the woman.

"Okay, let's start over."

Lin Fei said.


you sure? "

The woman looked elegant and looked at Lin Fei with a smile, with a slight disdain in her eyes, and she shrugged.

"I really don't understand how you came to the sixth-story pagoda with your strength.

With your combat power, I am afraid that even I will not be able to pass this level.

You know, in the reincarnation sword left by the master, what I have is only the first move.

You can't even pass my level. "

The woman's tone was markedly mocking.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, Haw is crooked..." Lin Fei pretended to be impatient and shook his hand, raising his eyelids, a faint murderous intent brewing in his eyes.

"By the way, senior, what is your name."

Lin Fei was suddenly curious.

The combat power of the woman in front of her was too strong.

It shouldn't be an unknown person who was willing to stay in this sixth-story tower. Being a reincarnation slave made Lin Fei very curious.


Faced with Lin Fei's question, the woman suffocated and smiled immediately.

"my name?

It's okay to tell you.

Since I turned to my master, my name is number six.

Because the sword of reincarnation that I control is the sixth move..." The voice has not fallen! "Death! "

Lin Fei violently shot! This is Lin Fei's strongest blow! "'s useless to play these little tricks in front of me.

Because I master the method of reincarnation, which can make time flow backward, and your sneak attack is useless. "

The woman burst out laughing.

Between the lightning and flint, her delicate body flashed slightly, avoiding Lin Fei's attack intolerably.

Then, she even pointed it together, a mysterious trajectory of kendo, flashed past! "boom!"

Lin Fei's body was bombarded to pieces by this sword again! "I want to rely on sneak attacks and relief to defeat me... That's wishful thinking..." This was the last sentence Lin Fei heard before losing consciousness.

In the square on the sixth floor.

Lin Fei quickly regained consciousness.


"How to do?

Even my strongest attack can't kill her! "

Lin Fei was completely speechless.

"This woman's combat power is too powerful!"

Lin Fei felt some weakness and frustration.

However, Lin Fei would never give up easily, he sat down cross-legged again, and concentrated on thinking.

"It seems that this is the second round of Chaos God, a test for me."

Lin Fei muttered to herself.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed into Lin Fei's mind.

"The second round of reincarnation, senior, is for me to sharpen, let me learn, and let me challenge this woman while controlling her sixth stroke of the reincarnation sword."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.


"That is to say! If I want to defeat this woman, I must learn the sixth trick of the Sword of Reincarnation of the Years! Then, use the other way to return to the other body, and use the sixth trick to defeat her!"

Lin Fei finally figured out the key points! Then, Lin Fei's spirit condensed and began to recall the trajectory of the sword that the woman had just performed...At the same time, Lin Fei recalled, pointing his right hand as a sword, and began to practice.

With Lin Fei's memories and rehearsal, a hint of supreme sword aura emerged in the air.

Moreover, it also diffuses out, a strong breath of reincarnation.

After hundreds of breaths, Lin Fei opened his eyes, and there was a flash of sword light in his pupils.

"I have roughly grasped the outline of this trick, but I still need to watch it a few more times..." Lin Fei nodded, and then continued the deduction.

That's it... Lin Fei was killed dozens of times in a row, and the sixth layer of space.

I saw Lin Fei's right hand with **** in the middle, and pointed it! This stroke resulted in a perfect Kendo trajectory! This is a trajectory that is almost integrated with the avenue, the sword energy is condensed, and the space is cut into pieces! "The woman's moves.

That's about it.

I also have complete control now.

To be able to do whatever I want, what I lack is nothing more than a little experience in fire and battle. "

So Lin Fei challenged the woman again! This time, Lin Fei fought fiercely with the woman.

At the same time, the sword moves were released. In the end, Lin Fei's attack was a bit slower than the woman, and was killed by the woman first.

... "Come again!"

Lin Fei digested the gains and losses of the previous battle again, and on the Sword of Reincarnation, his perception seemed to be deeper, the more he fought, the more braver he was! ……"boom!"

This time, even though Lin Fei was killed again, his sword move almost killed the woman.

With the confrontation time and time again, Lin Fei's sword moves became more and more adept, and more precise.

In the end, Lin Fei and the woman were inextricably capable of fighting.

The degree and trajectory of the two moves are almost identical.

The last time...Shoo...Shoo...Lin Fei and the woman made moves at the same time! And Lin Fei's kendo trajectory turned out to be blue, and in all aspects, he won the first life, and finally, he was the first to cut the woman's body! "Finally succeeded!"

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

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