Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4145: The last level left

Among the seventh-story pagoda.

Lin Fei opened the door and walked in.

It is another closed square.

Of course, Lin Fei knew that this square was a simulated battlefield.

The real space of the seventh-story pagoda is definitely not like this.

"Passenger, here you are."

A man appeared, staring at Lin Fei with indifferent eyes, and said in a loud voice.

This man, holding a long sword, looks a little bookish, and his eyes sometimes burst into sharp sword light.

Unlike the woman in the sixth space, this man has no tail.

However, Lin Fei could feel that this man was not human.

With Lin Fei's insight and vision, he couldn't actually tell what race this man belonged to.


Such a young human?

You can actually go through the barriers all the way to the seventh floor. do you do it?

strange? "

The bookish angry man looked at Lin Fei in surprise.

"However, in this pagoda, it is impossible to cheat, so this shows that you must have real skills.

Well, I'm really looking forward to it, and see what you really are. "

The man said, looking at Lin Fei with a strange look.

"Hehe, don't worry, I won't let you down."

Lin Fei smiled with great interest.


Well. "

The man raised the sword in his hand.

"All right.

Start the trial.

By the way, young human beings, the rules for entering the seventh floor of the tower are the same as the sixth floor.

In this space, whether it is you or me, being killed is not real death.

Can be resurrected countless times.

So, you don't have to have any scruples, let it go.

it is good! let's start! "

The man confessed to Lin Fei, then raised the long sword in his hand and swiped it lightly! A trace of kendo like an antelope hanging with horns, containing a very clever law of reincarnation, came to Lin Fei to kill! This move is like a falling star, like a demon **** coming to the world! boom! Lin Fei didn't even react, his body was directly torn apart! "No way, unexpectedly, another move was killed by a second.

It seems that the Reincarnation Sword, the next few tricks, are really more powerful than one.

Even me was killed in seconds.

If it were in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, other main gods would come, wouldn't it be that a large group would be killed in a flash? "

When Lin Fei thought about it, she felt her scalp numb.

next moment.

Lin Fei came back to life in the square.

"I need to deduce the sword skill well."

Lin Fei said to the man.

"Yes, take your time.

It can take as long as you want, I'll wait for you.

Anyway, I have endless time. "

The man smiled faintly.

With the experience of the sixth level, Lin Fei was no longer nervous and confused at this moment, but sat down very calmly and began to perform sword moves.

The seventh trick of the sword of reincarnation! Time passed slowly.

Until five days later.

Lin Fei had some experience.

Stood up.

"Come again."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

Thus, the battle between the two sides began again.

call out! This time, Lin Fei was not killed by a spike, but was forced to step back several steps before being hit by the sword light that the man had killed, and was directly blown to pieces.

Not being killed by a spike, but insisting on three seconds! "No way.

It seems that I have a superficial understanding of this trick. "

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh.


Next, every time Lin Fei deduced, he got up and had a fight with that man.

Time after time, over and over again.

Lin Fei was very miserably killed by that man more than a hundred times! After every time he was killed, Lin Fei carefully recollected the man's method, trajectory, and route, and carefully studied it.

at last.

At the time of the hundredth death, Lin Fei was barely able to counterattack, cutting out a few swords.

Although he was still killed, it was much better than the previous spike.

For the 120th time, Lin Fei could cut against the man.

Although he was still killed, he could hurt the man's limbs.

For the 130th time, Lin Fei and the man were both wounded. Although they were eventually killed, they were only slightly weaker.

For the 140th time, finally, Lin Fei successfully killed the man with the seventh sword of the Reincarnation Sword! then.

The square in front of me disappeared.

Boom boom boom boom! Four walls appeared around Lin Fei's body.

Shoo...On the wall, there are a lot of mysterious runes, all of which are related to the law of reincarnation and the inheritance of reincarnation martial arts.

"Well, the seventh-story pagoda, successfully passed the level! Start to comprehend!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed and sat down cross-legged.

Not far away, the man restructured.

"Not bad.

This human young man, before I underestimated him! "

The man looked at Lin Fei with admiration.

Then, Lin Fei began to immerse himself in comprehension and cultivation.

I don't know how much time has passed.

at last.

Lin Fei's enlightenment is over.

"See the master!"

The man stepped forward and paid homage to Lin Fei.

"See the master!"

At the same time, there was a large group of black reincarnation slaves, holding a long spear in their hands, came to Lin Fei and respectfully saluted Lin Fei.


Although, you are only my slaves temporarily.

But rest assured, soon, I will let you truly become my slaves. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"Then I wish the master a smooth journey in the future."

The man said to Lin Fei.

Then, Lin Fei left the seventh floor.

Came outside the entrance and exit of the eighth tower.

Lin Fei didn't hesitate, and straight up stepped towards the entrance.

Appeared in front of Lin Fei.

It is still a square.

A middle-aged man stood there, looking at Lin Fei who walked in with a plain gaze.

The middle-aged man seemed very silent, and he didn't say much to Lin Fei.

"let's start."

He only said a word to Lin Fei.


The battle between the two sides began.

At the beginning, Lin Fei was still beheaded.

However, every time after being beheaded, Lin Fei sat down and performed serious deductions, comprehension, and practice.

This is the eighth move of the sword of reincarnation.

The power is naturally greater than the previous moves! In this eighth-story tower, Lin Fei was killed 300 times! Then, finally, the eighth trick of the Reincarnation Sword was barely successful! At last.

The three hundredth move.

Lin Fei and the middle-aged man stood face to face.

"You finally learned the eighth trick."

The middle-aged man looked at Lin Fei's gaze and said with a touch of appreciation.

"Yes, thank you senior for your advice."

Then, the battle began.

In the end, Lin Fei successfully beheaded the middle-aged man with the eighth trick he just learned.

"The eighth trick, this level is successful.

The last level is left! "

Lin Fei was a little excited.

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