Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4151: Rare fate

After a while, came under the leadership of these few land palace master gods.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, a very remote and desolate chaotic void.

Looking around, only one broken plane can be seen here.

There are many broken interfaces, Xingchen.

In short, at a glance, it was gray, without any vitality, only a lifeless environment.

Of course, based on Lin Fei's cultivation base, one could tell at a glance that there had been a shocking battle in this chaotic void.

"Lin Shaoxia, Naihe Bridge, is in this chaotic void. We have been here before and have seen it.

That time, a senior in the underworld brought us here. At that time, none of us were the main gods, and they were still very weak.

It was a mission of experience, and the seniors of the underworld brought us here to find opportunities.

Lin Shaoxia, you should also know that all the creatures in our underground mansion cultivate the law of death, death energy, and this chaotic void is full of the law of death, death energy.

Therefore, this place is often used as the best place for the living beings of our underworld to practice. "

One of the palace lord gods said to Lin Fei.

"Well, so I can understand it."

Lin Fei nodded and immediately released the power of divine consciousness to perceive into this void.

However, after carefully perceiving this chaotic void, Lin Fei did not find any traces of the bridge.

"Where is the Naiho bridge you are talking about?"

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Lin Shaoxia, you don't know, that Naihe Bridge is hidden in this chaotic void.

But it does not always appear.

If you want to see that Naihe Bridge, you have to pay attention to chance and use the law of death to be able to perceive it. "

The main **** of an underworld said to Lin Fei.

"The law of death?

But I haven't practiced the law of death. Doesn't it mean that I didn't have a chance to see the Naihe bridge? "

Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard what he said.

"I don't believe it! If that Naihe Bridge really has anything to do with our reincarnation line, then I will definitely be able to perceive it using the law of reincarnation.

On the other hand, if I use the law of reincarnation, I can’t perceive the Naihe Bridge, it means that the Naihe Bridge is in the same vein with our reincarnation, and has nothing to do with the reincarnation 1" Lin Fei thought to himself. Tao.

Thinking of this, Lin Fei immediately displayed his law of reincarnation, perceiving the dead, chaotic void in front of him.

"Lin Shaoxia, let's do it, several of us, at the same time, exert the law of death to perceive the void here.

If we find the Naihe Bridge, we will tell you its specific location, so that you may have a chance to see it. "

One of the main gods said to Lin Fei.

"Well, you can start now, I found its location, just tell me."

Lin Fei nodded.

Immediately, the main gods of those underworlds began to release the law of death, perceiving this chaotic void in detail.

In this way, Lin Fei and the main gods of these eight underworlds stood in this chaotic time and space.

Perceiving slowly.

Time passed slowly.

Before I knew it, half a year passed.



Lin Fei's heart moved.

I felt some strange fluctuations in a certain place.

"Could it be here?"

Lin Fei was a little excited.

Divine consciousness and the law of reincarnation are all concentrated in this place for perception.

"Lin Shaoxia, we seem to have found the trace of the Naihe Bridge, it may be in this place!"

After a long time, the main gods in the underworld all became excited, and one of them pointed to a certain place and said to Lin Fei.

The place he pointed to happened to be the place where Lin Fei found strange fluctuations.

The locations of these eight palace lord gods were exactly the same as those found by Lin Fei! "Well, don't say anything, I know."

Lin Fei nodded and said.

"Keep on sensing until you find it out."

Lin Fei said.

"Lin Shaoxia, we understand."

The main gods of the eight underworlds all nodded.

Then Lin Fei and the main gods of the eight underworlds began to perceive them again.

After another few months.

Finally on a certain day.

"I saw a bridge!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being very excited.

Under the perception of divine consciousness and the law of reincarnation, Lin Fei clearly saw a very ancient bridge, quietly suspended in that chaotic time and space.

"Lin Shaoxia, good news! We finally saw the Naihe Bridge, which is exactly the same as we had seen before! It really is in that position!"

Almost at the same time, the main gods of the eight underworlds all yelled in surprise.

"I saw it too, this time I really want to thank you."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

Now Lin Fei can be sure that the Naihe Bridge in front of him must have a huge relationship with the cycle of reincarnation and reincarnation! Because the Naihe Bridge in front of us, in addition to exuding a strong law of death, it also exudes a large number of brilliant laws of reincarnation! And this Naihe Bridge was exactly the same as the Naihe Bridge that Lin Fei had encountered before.

Lin Fei had encountered a Naihe Bridge before. At the head of the Naihe Bridge, there was an old woman who taught Lin Fei a reincarnation inheritance.

Now, in front of the Naihe Bridge, at the head of the bridge, there is also an old woman sitting.

In front of the old woman, there was a table with several bowls of muddy soup on the table and chairs.

On this dilapidated bridge, three words are engraved on the bridge body, what a bridge! When Lin Fei looked at the old woman, the old woman also looked at Lin Fei.

Originally, this old woman gave people a trembling, weak feeling.

But the moment she raised her head, a very terrifying aura erupted immediately, which made Lin Fei step back.

"Young man, you give me a familiar feeling.

In the cycle of time, I seem to have seen you. "

The old woman looked at Lin Fei and spoke slowly.

"Senior, you guessed it right, we did meet each other before."

Lin Fei nodded and replied respectfully.

Then Lin Fei waved his hand and simulated the situation of the old woman and the Naihe Bridge last time.

"That's it.

Unexpectedly, you turned out to be the descendant of our reincarnation line.

It is a rare fate that you and I can meet twice in these long years of time and space. "

The old woman smiled.

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