Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4154: Another chaos swallowing beast

Finally, Po Meng and the Naihe Bridge all disappeared, leaving only a confused chaotic void.

"Master, where are we going now?"

The host of one of the underworlds asked Lin Fei.

"In fact, you don't have to call me Big Brother, just call me Lin Fei."

Lin Fei felt a little uncomfortable, and suddenly there were more juniors.

"Big brother, that is the order of our ancestors of the underworld, how dare we defy?

Hope that the big brother can understand. "

A Divine Palace Lord said.

"Well then, whatever you want."

Lin Fei felt a little big.

The age of the main gods of these eight underworlds was hundreds of thousands of years older than I didn't know, and they were actually called senior brothers.

It's just that these main gods of the underworld are descendants of the reincarnation line, so Lin Fei has no repelling psychology towards them.

"Let's go back to the underworld first."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

So Lin Fei and the eight main gods of the underworld left this desolate and remote chaotic void and headed back toward the underworld.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released to perceive the entire boundless chaotic sea, still without the breath of Dijiang, it seems that Dijiang has not returned to the boundless chaotic sea.

However, many creatures probed their brains, spying on Lin Fei and the main gods of the eight underworlds.

Lin Fei recognized that many of these creatures were Dijiang's confidants.

"You guys get me here."

Lin Fei's eyes locked on dozens of creatures and shouted.

"Lin Fei, you... what do you want to do?"

Those dozens of creatures were all a little frightened. They knew that they could not be Lin Fei's opponent.

Lin Fei was a ruthless person who could even wound Dijiang.

It is estimated that none of these creatures can stop Lin Fei's finger.

So when they found out that Lin Fei had locked himself in, all of them were so frightened that their hands and feet became weak and their faces pale.

"Lin Fei, don't mess around, or Lord Dijiang will ask for justice for us after he returns!"

"That's right, Lin Fei, I advise you and Lord Dijiang to keep the water in the river and not invade each other, otherwise Lord Dijiang will definitely not let you go."

...The dozens of creatures locked in by Lin Fei pretended to be calm, and moved out of their backstage one after another. Di Jiang hoped that Lin Fei would be scrupulous.

They thought that although Lin Fei was powerful, he was never Dijiang's opponent.

These dozens of creatures, usually relying on the awe and prestige of Dijiang, run wildly in the boundless chaotic sea, and they bully other creatures.

They are used to it, no matter what happens, they will move Dijiang out as a backer, and it is the same now in front of Lin Fei.

"You are still addicted to Dijiang as a doggie, right?

I told you to roll over. You dare to resist. I'm so courageous. Let's talk first! "

Lin Fei's face sank.

Originally, because of Lin Fei's strength, he didn't even bother to care about these weak creatures, but these guys actually dared to move out of Dijiang to challenge themselves.

Lin Fei didn't mind teaching them some lessons and killing them.

As soon as Lin Fei's words fell, a palm of lawful energy condensed immediately appeared in this void, and lashed towards the dozens of creatures.

Crackling...Every creature's face is constantly being beaten, and the crisp slap in the face is like a continuous firecracker.

All of them were beaten with fat heads and swollen faces, like pig heads, screaming again and again.

These creatures tried to avoid desperately, but they found that their bodies were firmly sealed in place by a terrible force of law, and they couldn't even move their fingers.

These dozens of creatures are all ordinary gods.

However, they found that they were like an infant in front of Lin Fei, with no ability to fight back at all.

"Lin Shaoxia, please stop, we know we were wrong, we will roll over now."

Finally, these dozens of creatures knew that they were afraid, and they finally realized that they were too weak and too weak in front of Lin Fei.

"Isn't it all right?

You are really looking for it yourself. "

Lin Fei shook his head and sighed.

"Lin Shaoxia, you are right, we are really fine on our own.

May I ask Lin Shaoxia, what's the matter if you let us roll over. "

Those dozens of creatures actually lay down in the starry sky, rolled over quickly, and came to Lin Fei's face, then stood up and asked respectfully.

"Did you use this attitude to face Dijiang over the years?

It seems that Dijiang has tortured you people really pitifully. "

Lin Fei looked at the dozens of humbling creatures in front of him, and couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

These dozens of creatures were taken aback when they heard Lin Fei's words.

Then, they all bowed their heads deeply, and in the depths of their eyes, there was endless humiliation and anger.

Lin Fei was right. Over the years, although they were Dijiang's confidantes, they were cautious every day in front of Dijiang. In front of Dijiang, they didn't even dare to take a breath.

Because Di Jiang's character is too cruel, only a little bit of dissatisfaction will immediately kill the creatures in the boundless chaotic sea, in Di Jiang's mind, pigs and dogs are inferior.

Therefore, although these dozens of creatures are Dijiang's confidantes, they can often use Dijiang's power to bully other creatures, but they themselves have been very hard.

Every day is frightened, for fear that if you are not careful, you will be killed if you don't know where to offend Dijiang.

"Well, I don't make it difficult for you. I called you over to ask you, this period of time, Dijiang is not in the boundless chaotic sea, where has he gone."

Lin Fei asked lightly.

"Back to Lin Shaoxia, in fact, we don't know where Lord Dijiang went.

It's just that he told us before he left.

When he comes back, his strength will definitely increase substantially.

He also said that when the time comes, it will be easy to kill Lin Shaoxia. "

One of the creatures said.

"By the way, Lin Shaoxia, I've heard Lord Dijiang talk to himself, he said, I don't know if another Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast has hatched."

Another creature suddenly said to Lin Fei.


In this way, is there another Chaos-Swallowing Beast?

No, there is also an egg of the Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast! Di Jiang, leaving this time, could it be that he just wanted to attack the chaos-swallowing beast's egg? "

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

Dijiang possessed the body of a Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, which was already so difficult to deal with.

If he were to have the bodies of two chaotic sky swallowing beasts, wouldn't it be more difficult to deal with?


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