Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4160: Back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos

"I'll leave this world quickly. If this continues, I am afraid that this world will be completely eaten by Dijiang.

The swallowing ability of the Chaos-Swallowing Beasts is really terrifying. "

Lin Fei couldn't help smiling wryly when he looked at the time and space that was constantly being swallowed up behind him.

So Lin Fei turned around and rushed towards the direction of entering this world just now, preparing to leave this world.

After a while, Lin Fei came to the edge of this world.

"Lin Fei, stop for me."

When Di Jiang saw Lin Fei wanted to leave this world, he couldn't help but rushed and roared behind him.

Because, as long as you leave this world, you will immediately enter an absolute void.

In that piece of absolute void space, there is no time and space at all, and the swallowing ability of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast will be greatly reduced.

He wanted to deal with Lin Fei, it was not so easy in this world.

At that time, he wanted to get back the egg of the Chaos Swallowing Beast, and it would become much more difficult.

But Lin Fei left the world without stopping, and entered the absolute void space.

Lin Fei already had the experience of walking in this absolutely void space, so it seemed a lot easier.

Before, I was embarrassed when I just entered this absolutely void space.

"Lin Fei, stop for me, and return the egg to me, otherwise, I won't let you go! I will hunt you down forever! You stop for me!"

Di Jiang followed, roaring again and again, in a state of rampage.

He has been in this world for many years. Over the years, he has been refining the chaos-swallowing beast's egg, spending a lot of time and energy.

Seeing to succeed soon.

In more than half a month, he will have the confidence to completely refine the chaos-swallowing beast's egg and integrate it into his body.

At that time, you're done.

However, he did not expect it at this critical time.

Lin Fei suddenly appeared and snatched the egg away, so that all of his efforts over the past few months were wasted.

One can imagine how angry and aggrieved Dijiang was.

I saw a roaring anger on his huge body, burning everything wherever he went.

His roar spread out, billions of miles away.

Soon, Di Jiang also chased in, in the absolute void space.

"Lin Fei, you actually have the ability to walk safely in this absolutely void space, this is impossible! There must be a master behind you! Otherwise, you are young, why would you know how to walk in the absolute void space? What?

Come on, who is behind you! "

At this time, Di Jiang suddenly thought of this question. It is reasonable to say that with Lin Fei's strength and experience, it is impossible to know how to navigate through the absolute void.

"Lin Fei, you are in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and you have the ability to lock my whereabouts and accurately find my whereabouts.

You can never do it with your strength.

Lin Fei, which master is hiding behind you? "

Di Jiang roared towards Lin Fei and asked.

"Are these difficult?

Dijiang, don't take yourself too seriously, I know what you know.

My name is self-taught without a teacher! What, can't it? "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"What kind of **** can be taught without a teacher, it is absolutely impossible for Lin Fei, I know there must be a master behind you."

Di Jiang roared.

In this way, a person, a huge behemoth, is constantly chasing in this absolutely empty space.

I don't know how much time has passed.

Finally at a certain moment, Lin Fei found that he was getting closer and closer to the Boundary Chaos Sea, and he could clearly feel the breath of the Boundary Chaos Sea.

"Lin Fei, stop for me and return the egg to me immediately."

Lijiang is still chasing after him.

"Hahaha...I want to return what I have in my hands! No way! Dijiang, if you have the ability, you can get it yourself!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly.

Then one end broke into the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

finally come back! Lin Fei's mood became a lot easier.

Back in the boundless chaotic sea, Lin Fei's speed also became much faster.

A winding path of reincarnation appeared under Lin Fei's feet, extending towards the chaotic void in the distance.

Lin Fei stepped on this path, the speed is almost to the extreme.

"Lin Fei, stop for me!"

At this time, Di Jiang also returned to the boundless chaotic sea, uttering violent roars and terrifying sounds, spreading out in all directions.

In an instant, the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos trembled violently and shook.

"Dijiang is back!"

At this moment, in the boundless chaotic sea, countless planes, all creatures, were scared to fear, crawling on the ground, afraid to make a sound.

During the time that Di Jiang was away, the creatures in the boundless sea of ​​chaos lived very comfortably, and didn't need to feel frightened all day.

Even during the time that Dijiang was away, in the boundless chaotic sea, all ethnic groups and religions began to flourish.

A prosperous and good situation has temporarily formed.

Now everyone knows that the good days are over.

Because Dijiang is back.

Soon Lin Fei returned to the Fallen God Valley and rushed into the Fallen God Valley.

Then Dijiang's huge beast body also came before Luoshen Valley.

"Lin Fei, I understand, the master behind you must be in the Valley of Fallen God! Okay, I'll go directly in now and take you away!"

Di Jiang was so angry that the huge beast body rushed into the Falling God Valley.

However, in the Valley of the Fallen God, immediately there was a layer of formation ripples, layered on top of each other, spreading out.

Dijiang's huge beast body slammed into the ripples, and immediately ejected out of the Valley of God.

"how is this possible!"

Di Jiang was frightened and angry.

You know, his current strength is a thousand times stronger than before.

Unexpectedly, it was still impossible to get into the Valley of God.

"I do not believe!"

Di Jiang refused, and the huge beast body rushed into the Valley of the Fallen God again.

boom! That layer of formation ripples, appeared again, knocking Dijiang out.

Rumble...Next, Di Jiang didn't know how many times he smashed into Luoshen Valley.

However, every time, I was rippled and ejected by the formation.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, I don't know how many creatures are watching this scene.

Can't help but sigh the strength of Luoshengu's defense.

Now, the entire boundless Chaos Sea, most of the place, has been conquered by Dijiang.

There are only two or three places that Dijiang cannot conquer.

Falling God Valley is one of them.

"Could it be..." Di Jiang finally gave up after trying dozens of times.

Moreover, he seemed to have thought of something, that terrifying gaze, looked into the Valley of Fallen God.

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