Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4162: Savior

After Lin Fei left the main square, he returned to the small world where Cangyan Holy Land was.

Stayed with my family for a while.

Tian Jun is still very naughty, running around the world all day long.

Qing Luo dealt with this naughty son every day, both happy and busy.

Lin Fei found that Tian Jun's body was very healthy.

Moreover, what shocked Lin Fei was that Tian Jun's strength had become much stronger than that in the future.

Over the years, Tian Jun has never practiced.

Every day I play everywhere, but my strength is slowly increasing! Really, you can become stronger automatically without practicing.

Lin Fei believes that in this world, it is estimated that only Tian Jun can do it.

If such a thing is said, it is estimated that the warriors in the world will be envied to death! Even Lin Fei, the old man, was a little jealous.

What made Lin Fei happy was his wife, family, teachers, and friends, and everyone's strength was increasing.

In the Valley of the Fallen God, the energy is very sufficient, and the various cultivation resources are simply inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

A few months later.

One day, Lin Fei's heart suddenly moved, as if she had sensed something.

Then Lin Fei looked towards the direction of the sword world and looked over.

"There seems to be something wrong with the sword world."

Lin Fei frowned slightly.

You know, Lin Fei has cultivated his mental strength, has reached a very sensitive level to various things in the world, and has the sixth sense supernatural powers.

In an instant just now, Lin Fei seemed to sense the sword world, as if something happened.

It seemed that this was just a feeling, but Lin Fei knew that this was the effect of his sixth sense supernatural powers and felt something.

"Okay, go in immediately and see what happened in the sword world."

Lin Fei walked out of the Valley of Fallen God and came into the void where the sword world portal was.

Then cast the Secret Art of Penetration and walked into the sword world.

Lin Fei has been in and out of the sword world many times, and he is simply familiar with the road.

"The army of the sword world has actually returned to the sword world again, what is going on?

Isn't that ancient cross-border teleportation array already in my hands?

So how did the people of the sword world re-enter the sword world? "

As soon as Lin Fei entered the sword world, he found that most of the sword world was filled with sword energy and dazzling light. Many swordsmen were rushing everywhere, attacking cities and plundering land everywhere.

In the knife world, a terrible war is taking place.

The Tianluo Sword Sect organized a large number of swordsmen and horses, and they are resisting the invasion of the swordsmen.

Lin Fei saw that the two people, Tiancun and Diqian, were very brave, rushing to the forefront, and fighting with the main gods of the knife world.

It's just that Lin Fei could tell at a glance that the overall strength of the sword world's army is very strong, and the sword world's troops are already at a disadvantage, gradually becoming difficult to resist, and constantly retreating.

"Haha, I advise you not to resist the **** in your sword world. Wherever our sword world army goes and conquer everything, you are no opponents at all!"

"All the **** in the sword world will kneel down for me. From now on, we will be our slaves. Maybe we can spare our lives and not kill! Otherwise, the whole sword world will kill the chickens and dogs!"

"Hahaha, all the men are killed, the women can stay if they look good, and we will take them back to enjoy."

...Those swordsmen and horses all looked very cruel, and laughed wildly while killing.

Although the people in the sword world resisted desperately, but their overall strength was not as good as others, they had to retreat steadily.

"Everyone hold on, I have already sent a message to the master, as soon as he receives the message, he will immediately return to the sword world to fight against the invading enemy with us!"

"Yes, as long as the master comes back, these swordsmen are definitely not the master's opponent!"

... The **** slaves under Lin Fei desperately killed the enemy while cheering up the swordsmen.

"When will Lin Shaoxia come back! Only Lin Shaoxia is the real savior of our sword world!"

"Lin Shaoxia, you come back quickly.

We in the sword world need you old man! "

"God, you bless Lin Shaoxia, hear our call, let Lin Shaoxia come back and save us!"

... Except for those **** slaves of Lin Fei, the other creatures in the sword world are all calling Lin Fei, praying, and constantly chanting Lin Fei's name, hoping that Lin Fei can come back.

In the entire sword world, all the creatures understood that only Lin Fei could lead the sword world's men and horses to defeat the sword world army.

Because it was the same situation before, in the eyes of all the creatures in the sword world, Lin Fei was the great savior and savior! "Hahaha, all of you **** have gone crazy. At this time, what master is still calling, what Lin Shaoxia, what great savior.

It's so funny.

Listen to all of you, our sword world army is your great savior. If you want to live, there is only one choice, and that is to kneel down immediately and swear to give us the sword world from now on as a bull.

Otherwise, all of them will be dead, not one left. "

The army of the knife world laughed one by one, sneering and mocking.

Seeing the big army of the knife world is pressing every step.

The swordsmen kept retreating.

"Don't worry, I'm Lin Fei back."

At this moment, a sound suddenly sounded. Although it didn't sound loud, the sound of rolling waves reverberated in every corner of the entire sword world.

At this moment, every creature in the sword world heard this voice clearly.

The entire sword world suddenly fell silent, without any sound! Every creature in the sword world was excited to the extreme, and their bodies trembled violently.

They know the meaning of this voice.

That's theirs, Lin Fei, the great savior called by all the hardships just now, is finally back! The sword world is saved! Suddenly, all eyes turned towards Lin Fei, focusing on Lin Fei's body.

At this moment, hundreds of millions of eyes were focused on Lin Fei alone.

Even the people in the sword world all looked at Lin Fei, they didn't think that there was actually a Lin Shaoxia! Then everyone in the sword world began to feel puzzled.

Because they found that Lin Shaoxia in front of them didn't seem to have a very good realm.

Not even the main god, not even the main god! But why do all creatures in the sword world regard this Lin Shaoxia as a great savior?

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