Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4196: Let you fight

"Haha, look, this kid seems to be very confident.

Such a half-step master god, I can easily crush to death with a finger.

He even dared to stand in front of us, the main gods, and change his expressions without changing his face. Um, courage, not small. "

"You knife world, are you crazy collectively?

So many main gods, who actually support a half-step main god, come to be the ruler, and still say what Lord Lin Fei is, don't you feel ashamed. "

"The knife world is dead.

Hmph, before, there was the ancestor of the sword tyrant, and it was your sword world who bullied our flame dragon world.

From now on, our Flame Dragon Realm will begin to invade your Sword Realm.

Revenge the **** and deep revenge of the past! "

...The main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm laughed even louder after hearing Lin Fei's words.

"Master Lin Fei, you immediately give an order, and everyone rushes up together to divide these fellows in the Flame Dragon Realm into corpses."

"Damn, I can't help it anymore, these guys in the Yanlong Realm are so rude, they dare to insult Master Lin Fei like this, this is putting our face in the knife world!"

"Master Lin Fei, do it!"

...The Lord Gods of the Blade Realm who stood behind Lin Fei were all violently violent, and they roared and demanded to fight.

"You don't think I am qualified to rule the knife world, so let me stand here and let you fight. If you can move a hair of me, even if you are right.

From now on, the army of our sword world will immediately withdraw from the flame dragon world. "

Lin Fei stepped forward, looking like a ghost, and in one step he came to the camp of the Flame Dragon Realm army, face to face with the main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm, very close.


! "

After hearing Lin Fei's words, everyone was shocked, completely stunned.

"Boy, what you said is true?

You stand still and let us fight? "

A main **** of Yanlong Realm asked angrily.

"Not bad.

I stand here, never fight back, nor dodge, let you attack.

If you can move me a vellus hair, even if I lose. "

Lin Fei nodded and replied.

"Boy, you are too arrogant! You are a half-step master god, and dare to say such big things to us!"

The Lord God of the Flame Dragon Realm was furious. He felt that Lin Fei was insulting the Flame Dragon Realm.

"It's okay, this kid wants to die, we will fulfill him!"

Another Flame Dragon Realm Lord God, with murderous intent in his eyes, stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"I'll kill him!"

The main **** of the Flame Dragon Realm locked Lin Fei's breath and said with a sneer.

"Boy, arrogance comes at a price.

In the next life, remember that arrogance without strength is no different from suicide. "

The main **** of the Flame Dragon Realm sneered.

"and many more.

If you can't move a single vellus hair on me, from now on, you absolutely surrender to me.

how about it. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"Boy, what are you talking about! You want us to submit to you!"

The Flame Dragon Realm Lord God who was ready to do it couldn't help being furious.

"Boy, how good are you, and you want us to submit to you!"

... the other Lord Gods of the Flame Dragon Realm also screamed in anger.


Don't you dare?

no confidence?

If you dare not, then forget it. "

Lin Fei said lightly, the voice fell off.


Lin Fei stepped back, straddling a long distance, directly, and returned to the front of the army of the sword world.

"Fast speed!"

The main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm were a little surprised one by one.

Lin Fei's free body speed made them unable to catch them at all, even if they wanted to stop Lin Fei, they were also powerless.

"Well, we agree with you! Boy, I'm afraid you dare not come over again, let us fight."

Those Yanlong world master gods, you look at me, I look at you, and then one of them said in a loud voice.

"Master Lin Fei, please think twice, there is no need to talk nonsense with them, just start a fight."

Several leading gods of the sword world spoke to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

These sword master gods were worried about Lin Fei's safety.

Although, they all knew that Lin Fei's combat power was very powerful, far surpassing the average Lord God.

However, if you stand still, don't fight back, don't dodge, let someone beat him.

This is too dangerous.

They felt that no matter how strong Lin Fei was, he could not be so strong.

"It's ok.

They can't touch half of my vellus hair. "

Lin Fei said lightly.


call out! After speaking, Lin Fei stepped out, like a ghost, and once again came to the front of the Yanlong Realm army, standing still with his hands on his back.

"Do it."

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Damn, this kid, underestimated us.

I'll kill him! "

A main **** of the Yanlong Realm stepped forward and shouted loudly.


Boom! Two silver halberds appeared in his hands, powerfully collapsing the sky, releasing terrifying divine power, condescendingly, and struck Lin Fei.

Rumble...His moves are very simple, but he used his full strength, and the energy contained on the two halberds was very terrifying, making this chaotic void sway.

In a moment.

The two halberds were about to fall on Lin Fei's body, and the terrifying impact energy made Lin Fei's body sway like a lone boat in the sea.

"Master Lin Fei, be careful!"

Amidst the army of the knife world, there were a series of exclamations.

"Haha, this kid, arrogant and arrogant, now I finally know how powerful it is."

...Here of the Yanlong Realm army, there was a burst of wild laughter.


next moment.

Something strange happened.

The two halberds actually fell from the side of Lin Fei's body. Although they almost wiped Lin Fei's body, they did not strike Lin Fei's body.

Lin Fei suffered no damage except for his clothes all over his body, which was blown hunting and dancing by the violent energy hurricane.

"Impossible! How could this happen!"

The Lord God of the Flame Dragon Realm who shot was stunned and couldn't believe it.

He was a master god, and he couldn't hit it at such a close distance.

This is something that has never happened before! "I do not believe!"

The Lord God of the Yanlong Realm, with a roar, raised the double halberds and slammed them at Lin Fei.

This time, his double halberds swept across the waist and turned out, with billions of halberds shadows, vast and mighty, blocking the void where Lin Fei was standing.

Boom... The double halberd swept past, splitting time and space.


The weird thing happened again.

His double halberds rubbed Lin Fei's side again and swept across. Although they were very close to Lin Fei's body, they didn't hit Lin Fei's body in the end.

"Hehe, the inheritance of the formation technique left by the ancestor of the sword tyrant is indeed very clever."

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that Lin Fei had arranged several clever space-time formations around his body.

These space-time formations have heavily protected Lin Fei's body, and it is difficult to accurately lock Lin Fei's body from outsiders' attacks.

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