Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4207: The development of three thousand worlds

"Master, I will go back and see my family first."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said to the statue master.

Lin Fei missed his family very much after leaving the Valley of Fallen God for so long.

"Well, you go back and see your family first.

I'll let you know when this Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast's egg is about to hatch. "

Of course the master of the statue also understood Lin Fei's mood.

"Thank you, Master."

Lin Fei said quickly.

Then he turned and left the square. After a while, Lin Fei returned to the small world where Cangyan Holy Land was.

As soon as he returned to this small world, Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness was immediately released, looking for his son and wife.

Soon, Lin Fei saw a little boy about seven or eight years old, wandering around in this small world.

This is Lin Tianjun! Lin Fei was surprised to find that Tian Jun's law of time and space was much stronger than before. He walked out casually, and naturally, he would continue to travel through space.

Time and space seem to have no obstacles to him. Wherever he wants to reach, he just stepped out at random, completely ignoring time and space to reach it.

"I'm a little older than before, but Tian Jun is at least a few hundred years old now.

Still like a seven or eight-year-old child, it seems that what the statue master said before about Tianjun is really not bad at all.

Well, this situation is normal for Tianjun, let him grow naturally.

This kid's achievements may be far higher than mine. "

Lin Fei smiled bitterly.

When Lin Fei appeared in this small world, Lin Tianjun noticed it shortly afterwards, raised his head and looked at Lin Fei across the distant space.

Then his eyes locked on Lin Fei.

"Mom, Dad, he's back!"

After discovering Lin Fei, Lin Tianjun shouted immediately.

Under the blessing of energy, his voice spread throughout the entire small world in an instant, and everyone could hear it clearly.

"This little guy is really supernatural!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile at this scene.

With Tian Jun's shout, everyone in the entire small world knew that Lin Fei was back.

Then a group of figures appeared, greeted Lin Fei.

Especially several of Lin Fei's wives, first came to Lin Fei's side, all of them were very pleasantly surprised.

Lin Fei's other relatives, teachers and friends also appeared one after another.

For people in this small world, Lin Fei is definitely a core figure, even a spiritual pillar, or it can be said that Lin Fei is the hope of all people in this small world.

Therefore, every time Lin Fei came back would definitely cause a huge sensation.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released to perceive the entire small world as a whole, and found that the small world had developed very well, and the overall strength had increased a lot.

Moreover, there are many faces. Lin Fei knows that he often leaves. For hundreds of years, the creatures living in this small world have given birth to many descendants, so the whole small world looks very prosperous and lively.

"I don't know how the other planes in the world of three thousand sizes are now?"

Lin Fei felt a little, and asked the really old Dao who had just arrived in front of him.

"The situation on other planes is also very good. The spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth in the Valley of Fallen God is much better than the outside world, and the laws that exist are much better than those outside. The creatures of three thousand worlds are in such an environment. Both have made very good progress, and the overall strength is much stronger than before."

Really old said with a smile.

"Go, let's go and see together."

Lin Fei said to the old man.

Then Lin Fei took the real old way back and forth in the small world after another.

At that time, in order to house these creatures in three thousand worlds, the Chinese zodiac opened up many small worlds in the Valley of Fallen God.

Each small world houses a creature of a plane, and there are thousands of small worlds.

"It's really good."

Lin Fei stepped into the small worlds one after another, and found that, as the real old way said, the overall strength of the three thousand-sized worlds was indeed much stronger than before.

Finally, Lin Fei came to the Yanhuang plane, which was the plane where the earth was.

In order to cope with the upcoming crisis, Lin Fei cut off the entire time and space where the Yanhuang plane was located, brought it into the Valley of Fallen God, and then placed it in a small world.

Therefore, the plane of Yanhuang is very intact.

Lin Fei led the real old Tao into the small world where the Yanhuang plane was, and his divine consciousness released to perceive this small world in detail.

In this small world, it seemed so quiet, and bright stars were densely arranged in the void, blooming with dazzling star light.

The Yanhuang plane is a plane dominated by stars. Each star is equivalent to a continent. Looking around, there are densely packed stars arranged together, forming a dazzling galaxy after another, which looks very beautiful .

Standing in the dazzling starry sky, Lin Fei felt that he had returned to his hometown, and Lin Fei's divine consciousness quickly found the location of the earth.

Lin Fei was pleasantly surprised to find that the aura of heaven and earth on the earth had become very rich, and the law of heaven and earth was also very sound.

There are many creatures on the earth, who have already begun to cultivate immortals, and they are in a great era of spiritual energy recovery.

Not only humans, but many animals have begun to undergo tremendous changes. Many beasts have evolved into monsters and monsters, each occupying the mountain as the king.

Many immortal cultivators have also been born among human beings, one by one, rising into the air, walking in the sky.

It seems that the whole star is very lively, full of vigorous vitality.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness envelops the entire earth and perceives the creatures on the earth in detail.

"it's actually very good."

Lin Fei felt very satisfied and could not help but nodded and said in a loud voice.

"The foundation of the earth is very good. Before ancient times, it used to be one of the centers of three thousand worlds, but it was later isolated.

The earth is now in an era of great spiritual recovery, and I believe it will develop better and better. "

Really old Dao standing beside Lin Fei also said in a loud voice.


Lin Fei nodded.

At this time, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was still shrouding the earth for detailed perception, especially the Huaxia Kingdom on earth.

Lin Fei made a key perception.

It's just that Lin Fei found that his feelings about Huaxia Kingdom seemed to be getting more and more unfamiliar.

The former relatives, friends, classmates, and teachers have all been turned into dust and no longer exist.

In a handful of calculations, Lin Fei is already several hundred years old now, and those people who had known each other on earth must have died one by one.

Feeling all this, Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Fortunately, when Lin Fei returned to the earth, he took the family he cared about the most with him.

Up to now, the family is still with me.

This is what Lin Fei felt most gratified. After perceiving the Yanhuang plane and the earth, Lin Fei and the true old Dao returned to the small world where the Cangyan Holy Land was located.

In the next period of time, Lin Fei spent a very peaceful and happy time with his children's wife and parents.

One day, Lin Fei suddenly received a voice from the statue master.

The content of the sound transmission is very simple, the Chaos Swallowing Beast is about to hatch.

"I'm coming right away!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised and delighted.

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