Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4210: Divide the treasure

At this time, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was absorbing a large amount of energy and laws in this sea of ​​absolute space.

He roared cheerfully from time to time, making him very happy.

Lin Fei found that as the absorbed energy and laws became more and more, the aura emanating from the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast became stronger and stronger.

"It really suits him well."

Lin Fei smiled.

After a while, the Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast suddenly took a big stride towards the distance.

"Where do you want to go?"

Lin Fei asked quickly.

"It's best not to walk around. It's hard to recognize the way in this kind of place. If we get lost by the time, we won't find the way back."

Lin Fei said to the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast.

Indeed, this sea of ​​absolute space is a bit strange to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei came here and found that time and space were very chaotic, constantly changing and moving, there were no rules or laws at all.

It is completely different from the boundless sea of ​​chaos and the laws of time and space in the supreme world.

The time and space here in the Absolute Space Sea seem to completely disobey the laws of space and time. It's a mess, and it's completely incomprehensible.

Even with Lin Fei's strength, he felt a little headache.

But at this time, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast expressed one thing to Lin Fei, that is, in this sea of ​​absolute space, he can easily recognize the way, and no matter how far he goes, he can easily return here.

After hearing the words of the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, Lin Fei suddenly remembered that the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was originally a divine beast suitable for survival in the sea of ​​absolute space.

For this race, the Absolute Space Sea may not be any different from other worlds. They can move freely here and come and go freely.

"Well, if you want to go, I'll walk around with you."

Lin Fei nodded, relieved.

Seeing Lin Fei's agreement, the Chaos Sky Swallowing Beast was very happy, and immediately strode towards the distance.

While walking, he was absorbing the energy and laws in the surrounding space, and his strength was constantly getting stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's a sacred beast! There is no need to practice at all, and it can naturally absorb the energy and laws of the surrounding heaven and earth to increase strength."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing, even a little envious.

"But my children seem to be the same, they don't need to practice at all, they will gradually become stronger."

Lin Fei suddenly thought of his child, Tian Jun. In this way, Tian Jun’s situation is a bit similar to this Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast. It does not require cultivation. As his body grows, his strength naturally increases. . "

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

In this way, Lin Fei and the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast went farther and farther in the sea of ​​absolute space, and the surrounding time and space were very strange to Lin Fei.

Sometimes, obviously walking forward, but when walking, it suddenly seems to be walking back.

Sometimes, obviously walking to the left, after walking for a while, it suddenly changes to walking to the right.

Relying on Lin Fei's time and space law cultivation base, there is actually no way to accurately judge the time and space position here.

It seems that the laws and laws of Absolute Space Sea are different from every world Ye Fei has come into contact with before.

Lin Fei couldn't help but smile.

But to the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, it seemed to be very familiar, and it kept moving forward in great strides.

All Lin Fei could do was to follow him closely.

Just like that, I don't know how much time has passed.

Suddenly, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stopped and looked in a certain direction for a long time, then he turned his head and conveyed a message to Lin Fei that there was something good in that direction.

This Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast had just been born, and he was not accustomed to communicating with Lin Fei using words. Under normal circumstances, he communicated with Lin Fei using his spiritual consciousness.

"Oh, what good stuff?"

Lin Fei was taken aback, the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast strode in that direction.

Lin Fei hurriedly followed, and after a while, a large piece of shining special spar suddenly appeared in front of him.

"These seem to be Chaos Void Crystals!"

Lin Fei looked at those special spars and suddenly cried out in surprise.

Chaos Void Crystal is a very precious spar, which contains rich laws of time and space.

This kind of spar is very rare, and in many worlds, there is no such spar.

Unexpectedly, there are so many Chaos Void Crystals here.

The chaos-swallowing beast stretched out a claw and swiped forward, and a bright beam of light rushed out, dividing the numerous chaotic void crystals in front of it in half.

"These things are half of them."

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast conveyed this to Lin Fei.

"If you need it, you can take it all."

Lin Fei replied.

This Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast has just been born and needs a lot of supplementary energy to grow quickly.

So Lin Fei didn't want to share these resources with him.

But the chaotic sky-swallowing beast wanted to convey one thing to Lin Fei, that is, in the sea of ​​absolute space, these chaotic void crystals, there are many, many, he can not use it alone, he insisted that Lin Fei also Take half.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded.

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast was very happy when Lin Fei agreed.

He opened his mouth abruptly and sucked forward, consuming half of the Chaos Void Crystal into his stomach on the spot.

Lin Fei waved his hand and put away the other half of the Chaos Void Crystal.

"After absorbing all these chaotic void crystals, my law of time and space will definitely be improved."

Lin Fei's heart was a little excited. When Lin Fei's current strength was reached, it would be more difficult to go further in any aspect.

This problem exists for all strong people.

That is, the stronger the strength, the more difficult it is to improve.

Then the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast led Lin Fei to continue walking forward and walked a long way, and then the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stopped suddenly.

"There are also good things over there."

The Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast pointed in one direction, and then led Lin Fei along.

After a while, a ruin appeared in front of him. In this ruin, many dilapidated planes floated.

Every plane was once a supreme world.

It seems that they have had a very glorious time, but they have now been abandoned, and no creatures exist here.

Looking around, it is endless desolation and ruin.

"It seems that this place used to be a sea of ​​space that distinguished prosperity and excitement."

Lin Fei thought in his heart.

The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast led Lin Fei into this abandoned space.

"World Eye!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei screamed.

A world eye appeared ahead! There are a lot of world powers in the eyes of that world. The Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast stretched its paws forward and split the world power in the eyes of that world into two halves. What he meant was that he and Lin Fei were one and half, Lin Fei Fei nodded.

It seems that this chaotic sky swallowing beast, no matter what it gets, wants to share it with himself.

Lin Fei smiled, a little moved.

Chaos Swallowing Sky Beast opened his terrifying big mouth, bit it forward, and directly ate half of the world's mighty power.

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