Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4237: Mount Sumeru

This sacred mountain, majestic and majestic, too big, towering in the sky, majestic and vast.

Vaguely, it actually gives people the illusion that they can pierce the sky and fill the ocean. It seems to be immortal for all ages! Even the well-informed Lin Fei, looking at the sacred mountain in front of him, could not help but secretly startled.

"I really can't think of it, it turns out that there is such an extraordinary mountain hidden on the earth! If it weren't for Tianjun's sensitivity, I guess I would never find it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised.

You should know how terrifying Lin Fei's current strength is. In the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, the highest worlds connected to it are almost invincible.

However, standing in front of this sacred mountain, Lin Fei felt that he was a bit small! "Could it be that this sacred mountain was actually left by a chaos god?"

Lin Fei was born of this feeling suddenly.

Moreover, what surprised Lin Fei even more was that around this sacred mountain, there were still more other sacred mountains suspended, looming, seemingly true and false.


At the foot of the mountain, there is a puddle of water, like a sea? "

Lin Tianjun suddenly pointed at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Fei took a closer look, sure enough.

At the foot of the mountain, surrounded by water, the waters are very vast.

The water is crystal clear and bright, and it is peaceful and peaceful.

To go up the mountain, you must cross the sea first.

"Could it be that this sacred mountain is actually the legendary Mount Xumi?

This sea is the Seven Treasure Pond? "

Ye Fei's heart suddenly moved, thinking of a sacred mountain in Buddhism, the Sumi sacred mountain.

In the Qibao Pond, there is merit water.

Merit Water, also known as Bawei Water, has eight kinds of exquisiteness, namely, clarity, coldness, lusciousness, lightness and softness, moisturizing, peacefulness, eliminating hunger and thirst, and growing roots.

The water of merit is very precious. Buddhism disciples all over the world desire to drink the water of merit. There are many wonderful things.

Ye Fei waved his hand.

Wow! At the foot of the mountain, a large swath of crystal clear water rose into the air and rose in front of Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness perceives the past.

"Sure enough, these waters contain very rich Buddhism essence. If you drink it, it will be infinitely useful to the creatures who practice Buddhism."

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

You know, Rong'er and Wan'er both practiced Buddhism.

So Lin Fei immediately took out a jade bottle, pointed it at the water at the foot of the mountain, and sucked it lightly.

Boom... That patch of Haze radiated infinite Buddha light, and the sound of the Buddha was so loud that it immediately blocked Lin Fei's mana and did not absorb a drop of water.


Lin Fei let out a cold snort.

Boom... The massive amount of world power in the body was released magnanimously, and then blessed with a large amount of knife energy, the law of reincarnation, toward the sea and suppressed the past.

Then use the jade bottle to aim at that piece of Haize, and **** hard.

Wow...Finally, the mighty sea water rose into the air and was sucked into the jade bottle.

After a while.

The jade bottle is full.

At the foot of the sacred mountain, the number of Hai Ze is obviously less.

"Go, Tianjun, let's go up the mountain and have a look."

Lin Fei said to Lin Tianjun [Xinbi Quge].

Although this sacred mountain was extraordinary, Lin Fei believed that with his own strength, he could make a breakthrough.

Lin Fei took Lin Tianjun's hand, stepped up into the air, toward the sacred mountain.

Rumble... That sacred mountain is shining as a whole, with peaceful and pure thoughts lingering, and there is a large amount of light evaporating, a vast Buddha power is released vastly.

Looking around, I saw that layer after layer of silver brilliance was transpiring, and there was more light golden brilliance flowing. This is the purest power of faith, blessed on the mountain, it can't be melted.

This kind of power makes people tremble, and it can't be measured at all. The whole mountain has long been deified, and every tree and plant has Buddha nature, and it is thoroughly moistened by brilliance.

"What a terrible Buddha power! According to legend, Daxumi Mountain in Buddhism is blessed by the power of thought of the Buddhas in the world. It is so powerful that it really deserves its reputation."

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

Buddhism believers in the world worship and worship Buddha, and their beliefs will cross the void and will not be affected by the distance of time and space. In the end, some of them will flow to Mount Xumi.

Looking from a distance, I saw that the entire Xumi Mountain, with layers of faith, filled the entire sacred mountain, and it seemed solemn and sacred, shocking people's hearts.

Lin Fei took Lin Tianjun's hand, stepped in the air, crossed the Seven Treasure Pond, step by step towards the Mount Xumi, and climbed up.

During this process, there was endless Foli power, crushing them towards Lin Fei.

The terrifying Buddhism power, like the heavenly power, is very terrifying.


Lin Fei displayed the reincarnation body technique. A winding path appeared under his feet. Lin Fei took Lin Tianjun and walked on this reincarnation path, turning a blind eye to the crushed Buddhist powers.

Lin Fei was surprised to find that Lin Tianjun was even more transparent about those Buddhist powers.

Those mighty Buddhism faith powers, when they meet Lin Tianjun, will consciously separate and flow away from Tianjun.

In a moment, Lin Fei and Tian Jun had already climbed halfway up the mountain.

Dangdang... Suddenly, on the Mount Xumi, a loud bell rang. The big bell was long and long and rang to the sky. It came out from an ancient temple on the mountain, as if it contained an ancient scripture, which made people awake .

Every time the bell rang, there was a terrible energy that hit Lin Fei and Lin Tianjun, causing them to stop.

"Huh! Just by the sound of this o'clock, do you want to stop my footsteps! What kind of Buddhism is it, such a big air!"

Lin Fei sneered and said, striding forward even more, without flinching! Just now.


"Amitabha Buddha, two benefactors, why are you here, the pure land of Buddhism, you must not trespass, please go back."

An old monk appeared, standing on a mountain road, blocking the path of Lin Fei and Lin Tianjun, and chanted the Buddha's name.

This old monk, wearing a shabby robes, has a kind face.

"Are you going to block our way?"

Lin Fei stopped, looked at the old monk in front of him, and said.

"Two donors, Buddhists are important, please stay aside."

The old monk replied.

"As long as there is a Buddha in his heart, everyone is a Buddha. What is the pure land of Buddhism?

Buddhism, is it your Buddhism?

What's more, people who are predestined for Buddhism, since the two of me have come here, it means that when predestined with the Buddha, what right do you have to expel me. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

The old monk was silent.

"Two donors, please don't embarrass me."

After a moment of silence, the old monk spoke up.

"In this case, there is nothing to say."

Lin Fei sneered.

Rumble...Lin Fei displayed the law of reincarnation, rolling the energy of reincarnation, and crushed it towards the old monk.

Huh! Lin Fei raised his hand, using the sword of reincarnation to kill the past.

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